Welcome to the Apache Commons Wiki




This is the Apache Wiki for the Apache Commons project and is maintained by the Commons community. To edit pages, visit login near the top right corner of any page to create a user profile or to login. Notifications of all changes you make will be sent to the dev@commons mailing list, so we will be aware of your changes and we will happily correct any small mistakes that you might make.

We're a Commons community, dedicated to creating reusable library components in Java. Apache Commons is now using Subversion as the version control system.

Welcome: CommonsEtiquette | CommonsResources | ArticlesAndTutorials

Developers: GettingInvolved | UsingSVN

Committers: CommonsPeople | ComponentPlans | CommonsCommitters | CommonsOsgi | UsingNexus | CommonsGroupids | Maven3Plan

Bug Reports: Jira


On this wiki:

On the commons site:


TheSandbox is an open workspace for jakarta committers. This is also divided into components.

On this wiki:


Sandbox components that are currently inactive. On this wiki:

'Special' Wiki pages

See SpecialWikiPages for a basic guide to using this wiki, a full-text search of this wiki, a title index, orphaned and random pages, stats, and information about this wiki installation and available extensions.