
Current state: Under Discussion

Discussion thread: here


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REST extensions for Kafka Connect were introduced via KIP-285: Connect Rest Extension Plugin. Part of the motivation for this KIP was to allow "complex extensions" to "provide filters that rewrite/validate the connector requests to enforce additional constraints on the connector configurations", and the KIP did include the addition of a ConnectClusterState interface which would be used to provide information about the Connect cluster to these REST extensions. However, the information provided by the ConnectClusterState interface is somewhat limited at the moment and only includes a list of connectors and the ability to query for the health of a specific connector, which includes the state of the connector as well as the states of its tasks. Expanding the ConnectClusterState interface to include information such as the configurations of connectors and their tasks, and the ID of the current Kafka cluster, would make writing these complex extensions easier.

Public Interfaces

As the title of this KIP suggests, the changes will affect the ConnectClusterState interface and its only current implementation, the ConnectClusterStateImpl class.

Each new method will come with a default implementation that throws an UnsupportedOperationException; this will enable users who have written their own implementation of the interface to rely on future versions of AK with the new interface methods without having to implement this method themselves. The ConnectClusterStateImpl class will be updated with working versions of each method that do not throw UnsupportedOperationExceptions.

Additional methods to add to the ConnectClusterState interface:

 * Lookup the current configuration of a connector. This provides the current snapshot of configuration by querying the underlying
 * herder. A connector returned by previous invocation of {@link #connectors()} may no longer be available and could result in {@link
 * org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.NotFoundException}.
 * @param connName name of the connector
 * @return the configuration of the connector for the connector name
 * @throws org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.NotFoundException if the requested connector can't be found
 * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if the default implementation has not been overridden
default Map<String, String> connectorConfig(String connName) {
  throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

 * Get details about the setup of the Connect cluster.
 * @return a {@link ConnectClusterDetails} object containing information about the cluster
 * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if the default implementation has not been overridden
default ConnectClusterDetails clusterDetails() {
  throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

A new ConnectClusterDetails class will be added as well, that contains immutable information about the Connect cluster:


public class ConnectClusterDetails {

  private final String kafkaClusterId;

  public ConnectClusterDetails(String kafkaClusterId) {
    this.kafkaClusterId = kafkaClusterId;

   * Get the cluster ID of the Kafka cluster backing this Connect cluster.
   * @return the cluster ID of the Kafka cluster backing this connect cluster
  public String kafkaClusterId() {
    return kafkaClusterId;

This class will only provide the ID of the backing Kafka cluster for now, but may be expanded in the future to include the mode of the Connect worker (standalone, distributed, perhaps embedded(?)), the group ID of a distributed cluster, or other information.

Proposed Changes

The basic idea here was to add as much information to the ConnectClusterState interface as is available via the Connect REST API; this includes all currently-available read-only methods of the Herder interface. However, due to lack of a convincing use case, information on task configurations will be left out for now.

For some of these methods, such as connectorConfig(...), communication with the underlying Herder will be necessary. The return values will reflect the most up-to-date information that the worker has available locally; the herder will not forward requests to the leader of the worker group. An exception will be thrown if the herder is expecting an impending rebalance. This aligns with the behavior of the current ConnectClusterStateImpl class.

Right now, it is possible for request filters added via a REST extension to "intercept" new connector configurations that are submitted via the REST API (through a PUT request to /connectors/<name>/config, or a POST request to /connectors, for example) and validate and/or modify them.

However, some validation logic, like ensuring that certain connector configuration properties are never modified by unauthorized users, is difficult without knowledge of the current configuration of the connector.

Additionally, the Kafka cluster ID may be useful for the purpose of uniquely identifying a Connect cluster from within a REST extension, since users may be running multiple Kafka clusters and the for a distributed Connect cluster may not be sufficient to identify a cluster.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

Not applicable; all proposed changes are backwards compatible.

Users who have written their own ConnectClusterState implementations will still be able to develop against releases of AK that contain the changes here, and will not need to implement the new methods. However, they must not call these new methods without overriding them with a functioning version themselves, or an exception will be thrown.

Since this is a feature addition and not a bug fix, the targeted version is the upcoming 2.3 release.

Rejected Alternatives

Adding non-default methods

Adding non-default methods to the interface would be a backwards incompatible change for anyone developing their own ConnectClusterState implementation. Adding defaults for these methods, even if they immediately throw exceptions, solves this problem.

Exposing task configurations

Although information on task configurations is readily available from Herder instances, there has yet to be a convincing use case for exposing information on task configurations to REST extensions. This functionality can always be added later in a separate KIP; for now, we'll err on the side of caution and not add support for a feature that may not be used by anyone.

Query the Connect REST API from within the extension itself

For example, to compare a new configuration for a connector to its current configuration, make a GET request to /connectors/<connName>/ and read the current connector configuration from the response. Rejected because the Connect worker's REST interface may be restricted for security purposes, and requiring users to provide extra security configuration information to a REST extension would be painful and may not be possible in all circumstances. Implementation would also be more difficult for writers of the REST extension than necessary. Additionally, if this were a recommended means of collecting information about a Connect cluster from within a REST extension, the ConnectClusterState interface in its current form would be entirely redundant.

Create an AdminClient

To deduce the Kafka cluster ID, create an AdminClient based on the worker configuration properties provided to the extension in its configure(...) method, then get the cluster ID using that client. Rejected because, like above, implementation would be more difficult for writers of the REST extension than necessary.

Consume from the Connect configuration topic

To deduce the configurations of connectors and tasks, read directly from the Rejected because, like above, implementation would be more difficult for writers of the REST extension than necessary. Also, as with the rejected alternative of querying the Connect REST API from within the extension itself, if this were a recommended means of collecting information about a Connect cluster from within a REST extension, the status information of connectors could be read from the, and the ConnectClusterState.connectorHealth(...) method would be partially if not entirely redundant.