
Current stateUnder Discussion

Discussion thread



I believe there are many use cases where List Serde could be used. Ex.

For instance, aggregate grouped (by key) values together in a list to do other subsequent operations on the collection.

Public Interfaces

P.S. Static method corresponding to ListSerde under org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serdes class cannot be added because type needs to be defined beforehand i.e. the following is not allowed:

Proposed Changes

This KIP proposes adding new ListSerializer and ListDeserializer classes as well as support for the new classes into the Serdes class. This will allow using List<T> Serde directly from Consumers, Producers and Streams.

List<T> serialization and deserialization will be done through repeatedly calling a serializer/deserializer for each entry provided by passed generic T's Serde. For example, if you want to create List of Strings serde, you will have to declare new ListSerde<>(Serdes.String()), in this case serializer/deserializer of String Serde will be used to serialize/deserialize each entry in `List<String>`.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

Does not apply

Rejected Alternatives

Not known