
Current stateUnder Discussion

Discussion thread: TODO


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Kafka has a feature that allows for the auto-creation of topics. Upon a produce or consume request, when fetching metadata for a topic that does not yet exist, the topic may be created if the broker enables topic auto creation. In the early days of Kafka, this was one of only a few ways to create topics. However, with the addition of AdminClient, this functionality is no longer the recommended way to create topics. 

There are a few reasons the current implementation is not optimal. Metadata requests should not modify the metadata, or perform any other tasks besides obtaining the metadata. In addition, a consume request should not necessarily create a topic, since a consumer can retry until the topic is created and can actually consume. 

However, many cloud users rely on the auto-create functionality. They often use software that they did not write and can not easily change that relies on auto-creation. Thus, moving the auto-create functionality to the producer will still support topic auto-creation, but will do away with some of the negative aspects of the current implementation. Auto-creation can then be configured on a client-by-client basis.

Public Interfaces

The producer will have a few new configurations added. Default values of -1 will use broker defaults or raise an exception.

NameDescriptionTypeDefaultValid ValuesImportance
auto.create.topics.enableEnable auto-creation of topics on the producer.booleanfalse
auto.create.num.partitionsThe default number of log partitions per topic for auto-created

default replication factors for automatically created topics.


The goal is to deprecate automatic topic creation on the broker. At some point in the future, it may be useful to set the broker's auto.create.topics.enable default to false. However, for compatibility reasons, doing so is not possible at this time.

Proposed Changes

The idea is to move the configuration and ability to automatically create topics to the producer.  Broker auto-topic creation will be deprecated. In the producer, auto-creation of a topic will occur through a specific request rather than through a side effect of requesting metadata. 

Auto creation will try to use client-side configurations if set. However, if none exist, as represented by -1, broker-side defaults can be used if the broker supports KIP 464. Auto-creation is not supported for older brokers if no client configurations are given.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

This KIP argues for deprecation of the broker config auto.create.topics.enable. However, the default will remain true, so there will be no compatibility issues with current usage of the config and its functionality.

In order to automatically create topics with the producer, the producer's auto.create.topics.enable config must be set to true. If the broker does not support KIP 464, auto.create.num.partitions and auto.create.replication.factor must be specified. 

This KIP does not plan on changing the broker default. However, it is useful to understand compatibility issues if this were to happen. 

Rejected Alternatives