
Current stateAccepted

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Today when a ProduceRequest containing multiple partition data is received, the following validation logic will be executed before appending the data to corresponding partition logs:

And the above exceptions would cause the whole batch (and therefore the whole partition data) to be rejected with the corresponding error code – note that the only exception is InvalidRecordException, which inherits from CorruptRecordException and hence would result in CORRUPT_MESSAGE (2) which is a retriable error, but many of those InvalidRecordException cases above are actually not-retriable at all. All other error codes correspond to an APIException and hence thrown to user's callbacks / Future object directly.

However, a lot of those errors above are actually triggered by a single record, not at the record-batch level; but nevertheless when the whole batch was rejected, and all record's Future callback will throw the same exception which is very confusing (think: a send() call of record B failed because another record A is corrupted, but the same exception would throw for record B's callback indicating corrupted error). So we'd like to 1) introduce more information in the returned error message of the ProduceResponse to improve such cases; also 2) introduce a separate error code from the retriable CORRUPT_MESSAGE which indicate fatal errors from invalid record.

Public Interfaces

We propose to add the following new fields into the produce response:

Produce Response (Version: 8) => [responses] throttle_time_ms 
  responses => topic [partition_responses] 
    topic => STRING
    partition_responses => partition error_code base_offset log_append_time log_start_offset 
      partition => INT32
      error_code => INT16
      base_offset => INT64
      log_append_time => INT64
      log_start_offset => INT64
      error_records => [INT32]         // new field, encodes the relative offset of the records that caused error
      error_message => STRING          // new field, encodes the error message that client can use to log itself
    throttle_time_ms => INT32

Also a new error code:

INVALID_RECORD(85, "Some record has failed the validation on broker and hence be rejected.", InvalidRecordException::new);

Proposed Changes

  1. Let InvalidRecordException to not inherit from CorruptedException anymore, instead inherit from ApiException directly (which is non-retriable). And also moved it to "org.apache.kafka.common" to become a public class.
  2. On the broker side:
    1. For the above cases which throws InvalidRecordException that indicates fatal errors (i.e. except the case of CRC checksum failures which we would change the error code to CORRUPT_MESSAGE), return the new error code INVALID_RECORD.
    2. When setting the error code, if there are multiple types of errors within a single batch, since for most cases we will throw the exception right away, we would only indicate one error code which would be the first error encountered while validating the batch.
      1. For that error code to set, we will try to encode the list of error_records as relative offsets of the records that are causing the whole batch to be rejected (again, in most cases this would be empty since we throw immediately after the first error).
      2. For that error code to set, optionally try to encode the customized error message (in most cases it would be empty).
  3. On the client side, augment the error handling so that:
    1. If the error_code's corresponding exception is re-triable, follow the current behavior to retry the whole batch as-is (so far the only case would be CorruptedException);
    2. If the error_code's corresponding exception is not re-triable, check if error_records is empty or not:
      1. If it is empty, reject the whole batch and set the exception for all the records' future (e.g. UnsupportedForMessageFormatException or ProducerFencedException).
      2. If it is not empty, only remove those records in the field, and then retry by creating a new batch with those error records removed (for idempotent producers, also reset the sequence number as well as offset). In this way, records in the same batch would not be rejected as a whole, but some records may still succeed while those culprits be rejected (since this KIP cases would include InvalidRecordException and InvalidTimestampException).

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

Rejected Alternatives
