
Current stateUnder Discussion.

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Kafka Connect does not provide an out-of-the-box facility to change log levels. When debugging connectors or the Connect framework, users have to update the file and restart the worker to see new logs. This is cumbersome in most cases, and restarting the worker sometimes hides bugs by resetting the internal state.

Proposed Changes

This change will introduce an /admin/loggers endpoint to the Connect worker. In addition, a new configuration property admin.listeners will be provided to specify which listener to use for the /admin endpoint. The /admin/loggers endpoint will support the following operations:

Get a list of all loggers

$ curl -Ss http://localhost:8083/admin/loggers | jq

Get the log level of a specific logger

$ curl -Ss http://localhost:8083/admin/loggers/org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.WorkerSinkTask | jq
   "level": "INFO"

Set the log level of a specific logger

$ curl -Ss -X PUT '{"level": "TRACE"}' http://localhost:8083/admin/loggers/org.apache.kafka.connect.runtime.WorkerSinkTask
// no output

Configuration Changes

An additional configuration property will be used to control how the admin endpoint is made available.

Configuration NameDescriptionDefault BehaviorDomain
admin.listenersControl where the admin endpoint will be made available.the endpoint will be added to the rest of Connect's existing endpoints 

List of comma-separated URIs the REST API will listen on.
An empty or blank string will disable this feature.
Default behavior is to use the normal listener (default port 8083).

admin.listeners.https.Prefix for SSL settings when using HTTPS Look at Connect REST docs for a list of supported configs that  with this prefix.Look at Connect REST docs for a list of supported configs that can go with this prefix.

Example Usage

Example 1: Disable the admin endpoints

Set a blank string to the admin.listeners property to disable the entire /admin endpoint.


Example 2: Use a separate listener for /admin 

Bring up the admin endpoint on a separate listener:


Example 3: Use a separate listener for /admin (https)

Set up SSL properties in a separate https listener:


Public Interfaces

Log level changes are not persisted across worker restarts. These changes also only apply to the worker that receives the PUT request described above. 

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

This is a new feature. Existing features will not be changed.

It must be noted that the changes proposed only work when log4j 1.x is used to log messages and is available on classpath. This is the current default in the AK distribution as well. Other loggers (logback, log4j2 etc) will not be supported and this feature (and others mentioned below in related work) will have to be reworked to support these frameworks.

Rejected Alternatives

Related Work