
Current state: Under discussion

Discussion thread: here


Please keep the discussion on the mailing list rather than commenting on the wiki (wiki discussions get unwieldy fast).


Quota management via Admin Client has gone through a couple drafts of proposals (KIP-248, KIP-422). While improvements have been made to the Admin interface for configuration handling, fitting quotas into the API is awkward as they don't fit the natural key-value pairing, nor is the configuration output expressive enough to return all useful information. Therefore, it'd be beneficial to have a quota-native API for managing quotas, which would offer an intuitive and less error-prone interface, convey additional information beyond what the configuration APIs provide, and enable for future extensibility as quotas types are added or evolved.


By default, quotas are defined in terms of a user and client ID, where the user acts as an opaque principal name, and the client ID as a generic group identifier. When setting quotas, an administrator has flexibility in how it specifies the user and client ID for which the quota applies, where the user and client ID may be specifically named, indicated as a default, or omitted entirely. Since quotas have flexible configurations, there is a method for resolving the quotas that apply to a request: a hierarchy structure is used, where the most specific defined quota will be matched to a request's user and client ID.

As represented by the current ZK node structure, the order in which quotas are matched are as follows, from highest priority to lowest (note <user> is a specified user principal, <client-id> is a specified client ID, and <default> is a special default user/client ID that matches to all users or clients IDs):


As such, reasoning around quotas can be complex, as it's not immediately obvious which quotas may apply to a given user and/or client ID. Providing descriptive information about how quotas are matched is the first goal of this KIP. Likewise, retrieving and modifying quota values can be done in a more expressive and robust way, which is the second goal of the KIP.


In order to clearly specify the APIs, let's first disambiguate some terminology: Every client request that is processed is associated with a quota entity, which is a map of entity types to their corresponding entity names for the request. Using the current entity types, an entity is of the form {user=test-user, client-id=test-client}, where user and client-id are the types, and test-user and test-client are the names. However, when specifying a quota configuration entry, only a subset of the entity types need to be provided, which is referred to as an entity match, for example, {user=<default>}.

For describing quotas, there's two modes of operation that are necessary for administration: config-centric, and entity-centric.

  1. The config-centric mode describes what is exactly specified for the configuration for the given entity match. However, it would also be useful to also be able to determine which matches have configuration values defined, so the presence of a filter is used for gathering information about the entity matches that the administrator is interested in. This is DescribeClientQuotas.
  2. The entity-centric mode describes what quotas apply to an entity. Note that an entity may match to various configuration entries depending on how the quotas are specified, e.g. the producer byte rate may be specified for the user, but the consumer byte rate for the client ID. Since it may not be clear how quotas were matched for an entity from the configuration, additional information should be returned to provide more context. This is DescribeEffectiveClientQuotas.

Altering quotas only works on a config-centric manner, and therefore doesn't need distinguishing. For a given entity match, the administrator should be able to specify which quotas apply, or alternatively remove existing quotas so they no longer match. This is AlterClientQuotas.


This KIP introduces the concept of a quota unit to be applied to a quota value. Currently, only a single unit is used for quotas: bytes-per-second, however this has limitations to effective quota management. For example, since it's a global throughput value, it doesn't scale well as brokers are added or removed, and so a broker-bytes-per-second unit could be added to better manage this behavior. As units are added, the possible quota configuration entries becomes the cross product of the quota types by the quota units, which means that it'd be possible to specify bytes-per-second both on a global and per-broker basis, and quota enforcement would occur at whichever limit was hit first. Additional considerations could be made for a fair-share system, where units of shares could be configured for quotas, and when bandwidth is contested, the share count of the active entities could be used to determine their restricted throughput.

It's beyond the scope of this KIP to add new units and implement their corresponding functionality in the broker, however it must be noted for future extensibility of the APIs.

Types Rationale

While there's two defined entity types in AK, a server-side plugin mechanism allows for further expansion. Likewise, as use cases evolve, finer-grained quota control may be necessary. Therefore, entity types should not be statically bound to publicly defined constants, and instead the API should support flexible entity types by interpreting them as a String identifier. Any entity types that the broker doesn't understand should throw an IllegalArgumentException back to the client.

The quota types (producer byte rate, consumer byte rate, etc.) and units should also be given the same consideration. The possible quota applications may expand in the future, and the API shouldn't lock in which quota types are accessible. Modification of quota types/units that are unknown should also fail with error.

Since a fixed set of entity types aren't defined, an entity should be represented by a Map<String, String>, which maps an entity type to the entity name.

Public Interfaces

Admin client calls will be added to correspond to DescribeClientQuotas, DescribeEffectiveClientQuotas, and AlterClientQuotas, with supporting types defined in the common.quotas package.

Common types in package org.apache.kafka.common.quota:

 * Describes a fully-qualified entity.
public class QuotaEntity {
     * Type of an entity entry.
    public static final String USER = "user";
    public static final String CLIENT_ID = "client-id";

     * Represents the default name for an entity, i.e. the entity that's matched
     * when an exact match isn't found.
    public static final String QUOTA_ENTITY_NAME_DEFAULT = // implementation defined

     * `entries` describes the fully-qualified entity. The key is a {@code Type} string, however
     * there may also exist keys that are not enumerated by {@code Type} that still apply, e.g.
     * the server may internally associate another type. When querying entities, it's necessary
     * to return all quota types because quota values for these types may influence the effective
     * quota value. However, when altering a quota, any types that aren't specified must be able
     * to be inferred by the server, otherwise an error is returned.
     * For example, {("CLIENT_ID" -> "test-client"),
     *               ("USER" -> "test-user"),
     *               ("GROUP" -> "internal-group")}.
    public QuotaEntity(Map<String, String> entries);

 * Describes a quota key.
public class QuotaKey {
     * The quota types.
    public static final String CONSUMER_BYTE_RATE = "consumer_byte_rate";
    public static final String PRODUCER_BYTE_RATE = "producer_byte_rate";
    public static final String REQUEST_PERCENTAGE = "request_percentage";

     * The units for a quota value. Note there may be multiple units for a given quota type
     * that influences quota behavior.
    public static final String RATE_BPS = // implementation defined

     * @param type the quota type
     * @param units the units for the quota type
    public QuotaKey(String type, String units);

 * Describes a quota entity filter.
public class QuotaFilter {
     * A filter to be applied.
     * @param entityType the entity type the filter applies to
     * @param match the non-null string that's matched exactly
    public QuotaFilter(String entityType, String match);


public class DescribeClientQuotasOptions extends AbstractOptions<DescribeClientQuotasOptions> {
    // Empty.

 * The result of the {@link Admin#DescribeClientQuotas(Collection<QuotaFilter>, DescribeClientQuotasOptions)} call.
public class DescribeClientQuotasResult {

     * Maps an entity to its configured quota value(s). Note if no value is defined for a quota
     * type for that entity's config, then it is not included in the resulting value map.
     * @param entities the collection of entities that matched the filter
    public DescribeClientQuotasResult(KafkaFuture<Map<QuotaEntity, Map<QuotaKey, Long>>> entities);

     * Returns a map from quota entity to a future which can be used to check the status of the operation.
    public KafkaFuture<Map<QuotaEntity, Map<QuotaKey, Long>>> entities();

public interface Admin extends AutoCloseable {

     * Describes all entities matching all provided filters (logical AND) that have at least one
     * quota value defined.
     * @param filters filters to apply to matching entities
     * @param options the options to use
     * @return result containing all matching entities
    DescribeClientQuotasResult describeClientQuotas(Collection<QuotaFilter> filters, DescribeClientQuotasOptions options);


public class DescribeEffectiveClientQuotasOptions extends AbstractOptions<DescribeEffectiveClientQuotasOptions> {

     * Whether to exclude the list of overridden values for every quota type in the result.
    public DescribeEffectiveClientQuotasOptions setOmitOverriddenValues(boolean omitOverriddenValues);

 * The result of the {@link Admin#DescribeEffectiveClientQuotas(Collection<QuotaEntity>, DescribeEffectiveClientQuotasOptions)} call.
public class DescribeEffectiveClientQuotasResult {
     * Information about a specific quota configuration entry.
    public class Entry {
         * @param source the entity source for the value
         * @param value the non-null value
        public Entry(QuotaEntity source, Long value);

     * Information about the value for a quota type.
    public class Value {
         * @param entry the quota entry
         * @param overriddenEntries all values that are overridden due to being lower in
         *                          specificity, or null if not requested
        public Value(Entry entry, List<Entry> overriddenEntries);

     * Maps a collection of entities to their effective quota values.
     * @param config the quota configuration for the requested entities
    public DescribeEffectiveClientQuotasResult(Map<QuotaEntity, KafkaFuture<Map<QuotaKey, Value>>> config);

     * Returns a map from quota entity to a future which can be used to check the status of the operation.
    public Map<QuotaEntity, KafkaFuture<Map<QuotaKey, Value>>> config();

     * Returns a future which succeeds only if all quota descriptions succeed.
    public KafkaFuture<Void> all();

public interface Admin extends AutoCloseable {

     * Describes the effective quotas for the provided entities.
     * @param entities the entities to describe the effective quotas for
     * @param options the options to use
     * @return the effective quotas for the entities
    DescribeEffectiveClientQuotasResult describeEffectiveClientQuotas(Collection<QuotaEntity> entities, DescribeEffectiveClientQuotasOptions options);


public class AlterClientQuotasEntry {
    public class Op {
         * @param key the quota type and units to alter
         * @param value if set then the existing value is updated,
         *              otherwise if null, the existing value is cleared
        public Op(QuotaKey key, Long value);

     * @param entity the entity whose config will be modified
     * @param ops the alteration to perform - if value is set, then the existing value is updated,
     *            otherwise if null, the existing value is cleared
    public AlterClientQuotasEntry(QuotaEntity entity, Collection<Op> ops);

public class AlterClientQuotasOptions extends AbstractOptions<AlterClientQuotasOptions> {
     * Sets whether the request should be validated without altering the configs.
    public AlterClientQuotasOptions validateOnly(boolean validateOnly);

 * The result of the {@link Admin#AlterClientQuotas(Collection<AlterClientQuotasEntry>, AlterClientQuotasOptions)} call.
 * The API of this class is evolving, see {@link Admin} for details.
public class AlterClientQuotasResult {
    public AlterClientQuotasResult(Map<QuotaEntity, KafkaFuture<Void>> futures);

     * Returns a map from quota entity to a future which can be used to check the status of the operation.
    public Map<QuotaEntity, KafkaFuture<Void>> values();

     * Returns a future which succeeds only if all quota alterations succeed.
    public KafkaFuture<Void> all();

public interface Admin extends AutoCloseable {

     * Alters the quotas as specified for the entries.
     * @param alterations the alterations to perform
     * @return the result of the alterations
    AlterClientQuotasResult alterClientQuotas(Collection<AlterClientQuotasEntry> entries, AlterClientQuotasOptions options);

A ClientQuotasCommand would be constructed with an associated bin/ script for managing quotas via command line, and would have three modes of operation, roughly correlating to each of the API calls:

  1. List: Lists the quota entities for the given entity specification and their corresponding quota values, as explicitly specified in the configuration. The user may provide explicit entity types+names, or a pattern to apply to an entity type find matching entity names. If an entity type is omitted from the input, it is treated as a wildcard.
  2. Describe: Describes the effective quotas for an entity, including contextual information about how those quotas were derived. This includes what configuration entries matched to the entity and, if requested, the overridden, less-specific matches for the entity.
  3. Alter: Modifies a quota configuration entry in an incremental manner, i.e. specify which entries to add, update, and/or remove.

Various flags will be used to accomplish these operations.

Common flags:
--bootstrap-server: The standard bootstrap server.
--command-config: Property file for the Admin client.

Operations (mutually exclusive):
--list: Lists the entities that match the given specification, and prints out their configuration values.
--describe: Describes the effective quota values for an entity.
--alter: Alters the configuration for the given specification.

Entity specification flags (common to all):
--names: Comma-separated list of type=name pairs, e.g. "user=some-user,client-id=some-client-id"
--defaults: Comma-separated list of entity types with the default name, e.g. "defaults=user,client-id" (Note a separate flag is necessary since names are opaque.)

Exclusive to --list:
--prefix: Comma-separated prefix=name pairs, e.g. "user=test-".

Exclusive to --describe: None.

Exclusive to --alter:
--add: Comma-separated list of entries to add or update to the configuration, in format "name:unit=value".
--delete: Comma-separated list of entries to remove from the configuration, in format "name:unit".
--validate-only: If set, validates the alteration but doesn't perform it.


When specifying configuration entries, the form: quota-name:quota-unit[=quota-value] is used.


In general, the output of the entities will be of the form: {entity-type=entity-name, ...}, where entity-name is sanitized for output since it is an opaque string. When displaying configuration values, the form: quota-name:quota-unit=quota-value.

When describing overridden entries in the DescribeEffectiveClientQuotas, the entry is prefixed by a * to denote it's not effective. 


$./bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list \

{user=user-two, client-id=my-client}

{user=user-one, client-id=my-client}

{user=<default>, client-id=my-client}

$./bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list \

{user=user-two, client-id=my-client}

{user=user-one, client-id=my-client}


$./bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe \

consumer_byte_rate:shares=200 {user=user-one, client-id=my-client}
producer_byte_rate:bps=10000000 {user=user-one, client-id=my-client}
producer_byte_rate:broker_bps=500000 {user=<default>, client-id=my-client}


$./bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe \
                              --names=client-id=my-client --defaults=user  \
                              --add=producer_byte_rate:shares=100          \

<no output on success>

$./bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list     \
                              --names=client-id=my-client --defaults=user

{user=<default>, client-id=my-client}

Proposed Changes

In addition to the API changes above, the following write protocol would be implemented:


  "apiKey": 48,
  "type": "request",
  "name": "DescribeClientQuotasRequest",
  "validVersions": "0",
  "flexibleVersions": "none",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "Filter", "type": "[]QuotaFilterData", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "Filters to apply to quota entities.", "fields": [
      { "name": "EntityType", "type": "string", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The entity type that the filter applies to." },
      { "name": "Match", "type": "string", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The string to match against." }

  "apiKey": 48,
  "type": "response",
  "name": "DescribeClientQuotasResponse",
  "validVersions": "0",
  "flexibleVersions": "none",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "ThrottleTimeMs", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota." },
    { "name": "Entry", "type": "[]EntryData", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "A result entry.", "fields": [
      { "name": "ErrorCode", "type": "int16", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The error code, or `0` if the quota description succeeded." },
      { "name": "ErrorMessage", "type": "string", "versions": "0+", "nullableVersions": "0+",
        "about": "The error message, or `null` if the quota description succeeded." },
      { "name": "Entity", "type": "[]QuotaEntityData", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The quota entity description.", "fields": [
        { "name": "EntityType", "type": "string", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The entity type." },
        { "name": "EntityName", "type": "string", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The entity name." }
      { "name": "Type", "type": "string", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The quota type." },
      { "name": "Units", "type": "string", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The units for the value." },
      { "name": "Value", "type": "int64", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The quota value." }


  "apiKey": 49,
  "type": "request",
  "name": "DescribeEffectiveClientQuotasRequest",
  "validVersions": "0",
  "flexibleVersions": "none",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "Entity", "type": "[]QuotaEntityData", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "The quota entity description.", "fields": [
      { "name": "EntityType", "type": "string", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The entity type." },
      { "name": "EntityName", "type": "string", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The entity name." }
    { "name": "OmitOverriddenValues", "type": "bool", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "Whether to exclude the list of overridden values for every quota type." }

  "apiKey": 49,
  "type": "response",
  "name": "DescribeEffectiveClientQuotasResponse",
  "validVersions": "0",
  "flexibleVersions": "none",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "ThrottleTimeMs", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota." },
    { "name": "Entry", "type": "[]QuotaEntryData", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "Effective quota entries.", "fields": [
      { "name": "ErrorCode", "type": "int16", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The error code, or `0` if the effective quota description succeeded." },
      { "name": "ErrorMessage", "type": "string", "versions": "0+", "nullableVersions": "0+",
        "about": "The error message, or `null` if the effective quota description succeeded." },
      { "name": "QuotaEntity", "type": "[]QuotaEntity", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "Effective quota entries.", "fields": [
        { "name": "EntityType", "type": "string", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The entity type." },
        { "name": "EntityName", "type": "string", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The entity name." }
      { "name": "QuotaValues", "type": "[]QuotaValueData", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "Quota configuration values.", "fields": [
        { "name": "Type", "type": "string", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The quota type." },
        { "name": "Units", "type": "string", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The units for the quota type." },
        { "name": "Entry", "type": "[]ValueEntryData", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "Quota value entries.", "fields": [
          { "name": "QuotaEntity", "type": "[]ValueQuotaEntity", "versions": "0+",
            "about": "Effective quota entries.", "fields": [
            { "name": "EntityType", "type": "string", "versions": "0+",
              "about": "The entity type." },
            { "name": "EntityName", "type": "string", "versions": "0+",
              "about": "The entity name." }
          { "name": "Value", "type": "int64", "versions": "0+",
            "about": "The quota configuration value." }


  "apiKey": 50,
  "type": "request",
  "name": "AlterClientQuotasRequest",
  "validVersions": "0",
  "flexibleVersions": "none",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "Entry", "type": "[]EntryData", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "The quota configuration entries to alter.", "fields": [
      { "name": "QuotaEntity", "type": "[]QuotaEntity", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The quota entity to alter.", "fields": [
        { "name": "EntityType", "type": "string", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The entity type." },
        { "name": "EntityName", "type": "string", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The name of the entity." }
      { "name": "Op", "type": "[]OpData", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "An individual quota configuration entry to alter.", "fields": [
        { "name": "Type", "type": "string", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The quota type." },
        { "name": "Units", "type": "string", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The units for the quota type." },
        { "name": "Value", "type": "int64", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The value to set, otherwise ignored if the value is to be removed." },
        { "name": "Remove", "type": "bool", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "Whether the quota configuration value should be removed, otherwise set." }
    { "name": "ValidateOnly", "type": "bool", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "Whether the alteration should be validated, but not performed." }

  "apiKey": 50,
  "type": "response",
  "name": "AlterClientQuotasResponse",
  "validVersions": "0",
  "flexibleVersions": "none",
  "fields": [
    { "name": "ThrottleTimeMs", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "The duration in milliseconds for which the request was throttled due to a quota violation, or zero if the request did not violate any quota." },
    { "name": "Entry", "type": "[]EntryData", "versions": "0+",
      "about": "The quota configuration entries to alter.", "fields": [
      { "name": "ErrorCode", "type": "int16", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The error code, or `0` if the quota alteration succeeded." },
      { "name": "ErrorMessage", "type": "string", "versions": "0+", "nullableVersions": "0+",
        "about": "The error message, or `null` if the quota alteration succeeded." },
      { "name": "QuotaEntity", "type": "[]QuotaEntity", "versions": "0+",
        "about": "The quota entity to alter.", "fields": [
        { "name": "EntityType", "type": "string", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The entity type." },
        { "name": "EntityName", "type": "string", "versions": "0+",
          "about": "The name of the entity." }

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

All changes would be forward-compatible, and no migration plan is necessary. It's outside the scope of this KIP to deprecate any functionality.

Rejected Alternatives