
Current state: Under Discussion

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Currently, there is no possibility in Kafka Streams to increase or decrease the number of stream threads after the Kafka Streams client has been started. There are at least two situations where such functionality would be useful:

  1. Reacting on an error that killed a stream thread.
  2. Adapt the number of stream threads to the current workload without the need to stop and start the Kafka Streams client.

Uncaught exceptions thrown in a stream thread kill the stream thread leaving the Kafka Streams client with less stream threads for processing than when the client was started. The only way to replace the killed stream thread is to restart the whole Kafka Streams client. For transient errors, it might make sense to replace a killed stream thread with a new one while users try to find the root cause of the error. That could be accomplished by starting a new stream thread in the uncaught exception handler of the killed stream thread.

When the workload of a Kafka Streams client increases, it might be beneficial to scale up the Kafka Streams client by increasing the number of stream threads that the client is currently running. On the other hand, too many stream threads might also negatively impact performance, so that decreasing the number of running stream threads could also be beneficial to a Kafka Streams application. Having the possibility to increase and decrease the number of stream threads without restarting a Kafka Streams client would allow to adapt a client to its environment on the fly.  

In this KIP, we propose to extend the API of the Kafka Streams client to start and shutdown stream threads. 

Public Interfaces

package org.apache.kafka.streams;

public class KafkaStreams implements AutoCloseable {

	 * Adds and starts a stream thread in addition to the stream threads that are already running in this 
     * Kafka Streams client.
     * Since the number of stream threads increases, the sizes of the caches in the new stream thread 
     * and the existing stream threads are adapted so that the sum of the cache sizes over all stream 
     * threads does not exceed the total cache size specified in configuration 
     * {@code cache.max.bytes.buffering}.
     * Stream threads can only be added if this Kafka Streams client is in state RUNNING or REBALANCING.
     * @return name of the added stream thread or empty if a new stream thread could not be added 
	public Optional<String> addStreamThread();

	 * Removes one stream thread out of the running stream threads from this Kafka Streams client.
     * The removed stream thread is gracefully shut down. This method does not specify which stream 
     * thread is shut down.
     * Since the number of stream threads decreases, the sizes of the caches in the remaining stream 
     * threads are adapted so that the sum of the cache sizes over all stream threads equals the total 
     * cache size specified in configuration {@code cache.max.bytes.buffering}. 
     * @return name of the removed stream thread or empty if a stream thread could not be removed because 
     *         no stream threads are alive
	public Optional<String> removeStreamThread();

     * Returns the current number of stream thread that are alive, i.e., stream threads that are not in state DEAD.
     * @return current number of stream thread that are alive 
	public int numberOfAliveStreamThreads();

Proposed Changes

We propose to add the above methods to the KafkaStreams class. The behavior of those methods is described in this section alongside other behavioral changes we propose.

Currently, when a Kafka Streams client is started via KafkaStreams#start(), it starts as many stream threads as specified in configuration

When KafkaStreams#addStreamThread() is called, a new full-fledged stream thread will be started in addition to the stream threads started by KafkaStreams#start(). The new stream thread will use the same configuration as the existing stream threads. The sum of the cache sizes over the stream thread of a Kafka Streams client specified in configuration cache.max.bytes.buffering will be redistributed over the new stream thread and the existing ones, i.e., the cache of each stream thread will be resized after the next rebalance. Starting a new stream thread will trigger a rebalance. Once the new stream thread has been assigned tasks, it will start to execute them as any other pre-existing stream thread. A new stream thread can only added if the Kafka Streams client is in state RUNNING or REBALANCING. Method KafkaStreams#addStreamThread() will return the name of the added stream thread or an empty optional if no stream thread could be started due to the state of the Kafka Streams client. 

The name of the new stream thread will follow the same structure of the names of the existing stream threads, i.e., [clientId] + "-StreamThread-" + [thread index]. The thread index is either the next index or the thread index of a stream thread that previously died or that was previously removed with KafkaStreams#removeStreamThread() from the client. For example, if a client has three stream threads named clientA-StreamThread-1, clientA-StreamThread-2, and clientA-StreamThread-3, a new stream thread added with KafkaStreams#addStreamThread()will be named clientA-StreamThread-4. If stream thread clientA-StreamThread-2 dies or is removed with KafkaStreams#removeStreamThread() from the client, the next stream thread that is added with KafkaStreams#addStreamThread() will be called clientA-StreamThread-2. If a stream thread calls KafkaStreams#addStreamThread() in its uncaught exception handler, the new stream thread cannot have the name of the dying stream thread since the dying stream thread has not been dead yet when KafkaStreams#addStreamThread() is called.

When KafkaStreams#removeStreamThread() is called, a running stream thread in the Kafka Streams client is shut down. It is not specified which stream thread is shut down. The chosen stream thread will stop executing tasks and close all its resources. The sum of the cache sizes over the stream thread of a Kafka Streams client specified in configuration cache.max.bytes.buffering will be redistributed over the remaining stream threads, i.e., the cache of each remaining stream thread will be resized after the next rebalance. Shutting down a stream thread will trigger a rebalance (also if static membership is configured). If the last running stream thread is shut down with KafkaStreams#removeStreamThread(), the Kafka Streams client will stay in state RUNNING. If a new stream thread is added via KafkaStreams#addStreamThread(), the client will transit to state REBALANCING and then RUNNING when it will restart processing input records. Method KafkaStreams#removeStreamThread() will return the name of the removed stream thread or an empty optional if no stream thread could be removed because no alive stream threads exist for the Kafka Streams client.

Stream threads that are in state DEAD will be removed from the stream threads of a Kafka Streams client. This is true for all stream threads, for the ones started when the Kafka Streams client is started as well as for the ones that are started through a call to KafkaStreams#addStreamThread(). This implies that a call to KafkaStreams#localThreadsMetadata() that currently returns the stream threads in state DEAD might not return them anymore depending on the relative timing of the removal of the stream thread and the call to KafkaStreams#localThreadsMetadata(). To monitor the number of stream threads that died exceptionally, i.e., failed, in the course of time, we propose to add the following client-level metric:

type: stream-metrics
client-id: [client-id]
name: failed-stream-threads

Metric failed-stream-threads records the total number of stream threads that failed so far for a given Kafka Streams client.

The number of stream threads is not persisted across restarts. That means that a client will always start as many stream threads as specified in configuration during start-up. Even though KafkaStreams#addStreamThread() and KafkaStreams#removeStreamThread() have been called since the last start of the client.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

The proposal is backward-compatible because it only adds new methods and does not change any existing methods. The only proposed change that slightly changes the current behavior is removal of stream threads in state DEAD from the Kafka Streams client, hence those stream threads might not be contained in the results of KafkaStreams#localThreadsMetadata(). We regard this change as minor and not relevant to operational continuity.

No methods need to be deprecated and no migration plan is required.

Rejected Alternatives