
Current state: "Under Discussion"

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Many times, Kafka brokers in production crash with "Too many open files" error or "Out of memory" errors because some Kafka topics have a lot of segment files as a result of small or segment.bytes. These two configuration can be set by any user who is authorized to create topic or modify topic configuration.

To prevent these two configuration from causing Kafka broker crash, there should be a minimum value for these configuration.

Public Interfaces

This KIP proposes to add these two broker configuration:

And also, this KIP proposes changes to the validation logic of the following topic configuration:

Proposed Changes

This KIP proposes to add the following dynamic broker configuration:

ConfigurationTypeDefault valueDocumentation
min.topic.segment.mslong3600000The minimum value for topic configuration
min.topic.segment.bytesint1048576The minimum value for topic configuration segment.bytes.

When provided via CreateTopics or AlterConfigs API, the validation of the following topic configuration changes as follow:

Topic configurationValidation
segment.msIf the value of is less than the value of, Kafka broker will reject it by responding with InvalidConfigurationException
segment.bytesIf the value of segment.bytes is less than the value of min.topic.segment.bytes, Kafka broker will reject it by responding with InvalidConfigurationException

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

Rejected Alternatives