
Current state"Accepted"

Discussion thread: here


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In large scale Kafka cluster which handles requests from massive clients, preferred leader election (e.g. upon restarting broker) could cause many clients to open connection to a broker in a short period.

Sometimes this causes Acceptor socket's SYN backlog to be filled up. In case this happens, further incoming connections will be handled differently depending on `tcp_syncookies` kernel parameter in Linux.

  1. Drop further SYN packets (`tcp_syncookies = 0`)
  2. SYN packets are handled with "SYN cookies" (`tcp_syncookies = 1`)

Both are undesirable, and can be mitigated by increasing backlog size passed to `ServerSocket#bind()` as necessary.

Public Interfaces

We propose a new KafkaConfig

Proposed Changes



Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

Rejected Alternatives

  1. Increase static backlog size without introducing new config