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A Pre-Kraft broker will currently register 0 for every controller metric if it is not the active controller. Pre-Kraft brokers do this because in the case of a controller failover, the controller metrics of the newly elected node will no longer be 0 since it has become the active controller. KRaft brokers do not need to register 0 for every controller metric because processes with just the "broker" role are not eligible to become controllers. There is some performance overhead associated with registering metrics, so moving forward it would be best if KRaft processes with just the "broker" role do not expose controller metrics.

Public Interfaces

The behavior of which nodes expose controller metrics will be different in KRaft clusters than the behavior when using Kafka with Zookeeper. KRaft nodes will only expose the controller metrics if the process has the "controller" role. If a KRaft node has the "controller" role but is not the active controller, it will also expose the metric. This can help the user see if one of the standby controllers is misbehaving. A misbehaving node's metric could be lagging behind relative to the other controllers in the quorum since controller metrics are calculated as metadata records are replayed.

All metrics with the following MBean prefix will be exposed on all controllers kafka.controller:type=KafkaController.

Proposed Changes

Pre-Kraft brokers expose 0 for controller metrics unless they are the active controller. KRaft nodes with only the "broker" role should not since they are not controller eligible.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

Rejected Alternatives