
Current state: Under Discussion

Discussion thread: here



When changes are made to a Topology that modifies its structure, users must use the Application Reset tool to reset the local state of their application prior to deploying the change. Consequently, these changes require rebuilding all local state stores from their changelog topics in Kafka.

The time and cost of rebuilding state stores is determined by the size of the state stores, and their recent write history, as rebuilding a store entails replaying all recent writes to the store. For applications that have very large stores, or stores with extremely high write-rates, the time and cost of rebuilding all state in the application can be prohibitively expensive. This is a significant barrier to building highly scalable applications with good availability.

Changes to the Topology that do not directly affect a state store should not require the local state of that store to be reset/deleted. This would allow applications to scale to very large data sets, whilst permitting the application behaviour to evolve over time.


Tasks in a Kafka Streams Topology are logically grouped by “Topic Group'' (aka. Subtopology). Topic Groups are assigned an ordinal (number), based on their position in the Topology. This Topic Group ordinal is used as the prefix for all Task IDs: <topic-group-ordinal>_<partition-number>, e.g. 2_14

If new Topic Groups are added, old Topic Groups are removed, or existing Topic Groups are re-arranged, this can cause the assignment of ordinals to change even for Topic Groups that have not been modified.

When the assignment of ordinals to Topic Groups changes, existing Tasks are invalidated, as they no longer correspond to the correct Topic Groups. Local state is located in directories that include the Task ID (e.g. /state/dir/2_14/mystore/rocksdb/…), and since the Tasks have all been invalidated, all existing local state directories are also invalid.

Attempting to start an application that has undergone these ordinal changes, without first clearing the local state, will cause Kafka Streams to attempt to use the existing local state for the wrong Tasks. Kafka Streams detects this discrepancy and prevents the application from starting.


It is not a goal to permit different versions of a Kafka Streams Topology to co-exist in the same Consumer Group.

We only intend to allow Kafka Streams to maximise use of existing local state when deploying a new version of a Topology. When deploying such upgrades, the entire cluster will still need to be brought down and brought back up together, instead of a rolling restart.

Proposed Changes

There are several different strategies that can be used to resolve or mitigate this problem. We outline 3 proposals with a view to discussing and choosing the most suitable solution.

Note: unless otherwise stated, these proposals are mutually exclusive.

A. De-couple local state directories from Task ID

Local state will be stored under a revised directory structure that no longer includes Task ID in the path.

The current directory structure is: /state/dir/<task id>/rocksdb/<store name>

The new directory structure will be: /state/dir/<store name>/<partition number>/rocksdb

All local state, including .checkpoint files will be moved under this new path.

Existing Task ID directories will still be used for Task-specific state; notably .lock files.

When a Kafka Streams cluster assigns Tasks to members, any existing local state is used as a factor to determine which member is assigned each Task. The mapping of StateStore to Task is already known during assignment, and will be used in an updated assignment algorithm that uses the new StateStore paths to inform Task assignment.


A migration tool will enable users to automatically move existing local state from the old locations to the new locations. This tool must be used between shutting down the old version of the application and starting up the new version, during an upgrade of Kafka Streams.

Users that choose not to use this tool to migrate their local state will need to reset their application’s state, to ensure that stale local state does not remain under old paths.

B. Automatically migrate existing local state to new Tasks

The core problem only occurs when a Topology is changed, therefore, this issue only ever manifests during application startup, after an application instance has been modified. Further, this issue is isolated to each instance of the application - issues with local state locations don’t affect the cluster, only the local instance.

If we were to persist a description of the Topology that enables us to automatically detect these breaking changes on start-up, Kafka Streams could automatically migrate local task state from their old TaskIDs to the new ones.

We will store a new file at the root of the state.dir, .store-groups, that stores a mapping of the name of each store changelog topic to an object containing both the name of the StateStore and the Topic Group ordinal it’s assigned to.

When the application starts, after the Topology has been constructed but before joining the ConsumerGroup, the application will load this file if it already exists and compare it to the current Topology.

The application will then continue startup as normal, using the previous local state in their new locations to correctly inform Task assignment.

C. Change Task ID prefix from an ordinal to a stable hash

The instability of the Task Group ordinal is the reason that existing local state becomes invalidated when the Topology changes. Using a more stable identifier will solve this problem under most circumstances.

The TaskID’s topicGroupId will be changed from an int to a 64-bit murmur2 hash of all the topics within the topic group, lexically ordered.  This will be an API breaking change, as it will change the types in the API of SubscriptionInfoData.

This will ensure that local state will only be invalidated if the set of topics in an existing Subtopology is modified; and only the local state for that Subtopology will be invalidated.

When this invalidation of state does occur, it will not cause conflicts*, because the local state path for the new Task ID will be guaranteed* not to exist.

* There is a small risk of hash collision that will need to be addressed.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

TBD: This plan will depend on the chosen solution from the Proposed Solution section.

Rejected Alternatives