
Current state: Discarded

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JIRA: here

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Today's connect predicates enables checks on the record metadata. However, this can be limiting considering many inbuilt and custom transformations that we have are more key/value-centric.

Some use-cases this can solve:

Public Interfaces


Proposed Changes


This KIP proposes to have a new HasField predicate class that works for records with or without schema.

Configuration changes

Predicate Settings in Kafka Connect Config:


"transforms": "modifyDate",
"transforms.modifyDate.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.TimestampConverter$Value",
"": "yyyy-MM-dd",
"": "string",
"transforms.modifyDate.field": "created_at",
"transforms.modifyDate.predicate": "hasCreatedAt",
"predicates": "hasCreatedAt",
"predicates.hasCreatedAt.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.predicates.HasField$Value",
"predicates.hasCreatedAt.field.path": "created_at"
"transforms": "insertTestField",
"transforms.insertTestField.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.InsertField$Value",
"transforms.insertTestField.static.field": "testField",
"transforms.insertTestField.static.value": "test val",
"transforms.insertTestField.predicate": "hasTestField",
"transforms.insertTestField.negate": "true",
"predicates": "hasTestField",
"predicates.hasTestField.type": "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.predicates.HasField$Value",
"predicates.hasTestField.field.path": "testField"

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

Fully respects the current predicate interfaces and there is no need for deprecation/migration.

Test Plan / Cases

  1. field.path setting is mandatory when the predicate is enabled
  2. The predicate will return false for records with null keys/values.
  3. The predicate returns true if the field exists in the record, even if the field is set to null.

Rejected Alternatives