
Current state[One of "Under Discussion", "Accepted", "Rejected"]

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Most large enterprises with sizable Kafka deployments support a large number of polyglot clients. Today, enforcing platform-wide conventions and best practices in these decentralized environments - e.g. schema validation, serialization, privacy enforcement, etc. -, either force platform teams to distribute custom logic in client library extensions and/or maintain special-purpose applications that enforce standards across the platform. Neither of these approaches are without their challenges. I will illustrate this with some examples below.

Library extension

Managing a set of library extensions in multiple languages is a non-trivial task that poses a variety of challenges:

  1. Having to reimplement the same feature across multiple languages can create substantial development overhead for platform teams. 
  2. Duplicate implementations can also increase the risks of faulty releases, inconsistencies in implementation and regressions. 
  3. Moreover, any change in platform standards or best practices is very likely to impose migration costs on client teams, who will need to bump their apps to new library versions.
  4. Having to rely on clients to migrate can significantly delay the rollout of important new features. This is particularly true in the case of changes that break existing producer-consumer contracts.
  5. Even if a platform team succeeds in building robust library extensions, it is very hard to ensure that clients only ever use Kafka through these libs.

Special-purpose platform apps

Another popular pattern for enforcing platform standards and distributing features to all clients is through the deployment of what I refer to as (special-purpose) platform apps. Think of the stream processing application that performs some sort of stateless transformation on every topic, and writes the result back to Kafka. In many instances, this architecture might be warranted (if the computations are expensive for instance). But in a lot of cases, these systems emerged in response to the library extension pattern’s limitations since it allows platform owners to save everyone the headache of library upgrades. Unfortunately, using platform apps to enforce standards is an expensive strategy with rather poor scalability features. For instance, if a company decides to solve privacy enforcement through a platform app that redacts every Kafka message in-flight, the system will double disk space, the number of partitions and require a large amount of additional compute.

A third way: broker interceptors

This KIP wants to provide a third way for platform owners: the ability to extend Kafka’s server-side behavior through broker interceptors. At their core, broker interceptors can be thought of as very lightweight, stateless stream processors that can intercept and mutate messages either at produce or consume time.

The interceptor (or module) pattern is very common in the OSS community. Nginx offers modules for extending the proxy functionality with custom logic. Kubernetes uses custom resources. In the streaming world, Redpanda supports server-side processing through WASM.

To date, Kafka hasn't released a comparable feature to OSS users (though Confluent server does support server-side schema validation). This KIP is proposing to change that through the addition of broker interceptors to the stack.

Broker interceptors would allow platform owners to either fully move the enforcement of certain messaging standards to the brokers, or to perform two-stage rollouts where new features are first deployed server-side, until the corresponding library extensions are ready and rolled out.

Of course, this design isn’t without its challenges and pitfalls (primarily concerning performance). These challenges will be discussed in more detail in the next section.

Prior art

Public Interfaces

 * ProduceRequestInterceptors can be defined to perform custom, light-weight processing on every record received by a
 * broker.
 * Broker-side interceptors should be used with caution:
 *  1. Processing messages that were sent in compressed format by the producer will need to be decompressed and then
 *    re-compressed to perform broker-side processing
 *  2. Performing unduly long or complex computations can negatively impact overall cluster health and performance
 * Potential use cases:
 *   - Schema validation
 *   - Privacy enforcement
 *   - Decoupling server-side and client-side serialization
public abstract class ProduceRequestInterceptor {
    // Custom function for mutating the original message. If the method returns a ProduceRequestInterceptorSkipRecordException,
    // the record will be removed from the batch and won't be persisted in the target log. All other exceptions are
    // considered "fatal" and will result in a request error
    public abstract ProduceRequestInterceptorResult processRecord(byte[] key, byte[] value, String topic, int partition, Header[] headers);

    // Method that gets called during the interceptor's initialization to configure itself
    public abstract void configure();

The main new interface required for produce-time interceptors is the abstract ProduceRequestInterceptor class. User-defined implementation of this class would serve as the container for the lightweight server-side logic that would get executed for every record received by a broker. The class' processRecord method enables three basic types of operations:

  1. Map: Mutate the original payload, and return the updated key and value in a ProduceRequestInterceptorResult object
  2. Filter: Remove a record from the batch by throwing a ProduceRequestInterceptorSkipRecordException from processRecord 
  3. Side-effect: Call an external system and keep the original record batch intact

Once a user-defined implementation of ProduceRequestInterceptor is compiled and added to the classpath of the Kafka host, it could be registered as an interceptor with the help of three new broker-side config options:

New errors

I'm proposing the definition of a new error response that is returned by the server if the produce request interceptor encounters an unexpected error.

PRODUCE_REQUEST_INTERCEPTOR_FAILED(110, "The registered produce request interceptors were unable to successfully process the request", ProduceRequestInterceptorUnhandledException::new)

Proposed Changes

See this draft PR for a good overview.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

As a completely new opt-in feature, adding support for broker interceptors should be fully backward compatible with previous versions.

Test Plan

This PR already contains a good number of integration tests, though a few important ones are still missing (e.g. a produce request that contains data for multiple partitions). More tests could also be added to cover the behavior of ProduceRequestInterceptorManager 's methods.

Rejected Alternatives