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The motivations here are similar to KIP-854 Separate configuration for producer ID expiry.  Idempotent producers became the default in Kafka since KIP-679: Producer will enable the strongest delivery guarantee by default as a result of this all producer instances will be assigned PID. The increase of number of PIDs stored in Kafka brokers by ProducerStateManager exposes the broker to OOM errors if it has a high number of producers, rogue or misconfigured client(s). Here are few of use-cases that might cause increase of PIDs: 

As a result of this the broker will hit OOM and become offline. The only way to recover from this is to increase the heap.  

KIP-854 added separated config to expire PID from transaction IDs however the broker is still exposed to OOM if it has high number of PID before  is exceeded. And decreasing the value of  will impact all clients which not desired all the time. It would be more better to target only inefficient users and stopping them from crowding the map of PIDs to their ProducerState  by ProducerStateManager.

This KIP proposes to throttle the number PIDs at the leader of the partition by adding a new rating quota that will be applied during handling the PRODUCE request. This way the broker can reject only misbehaving users early on in the process and protect itself without impacting good behaving users.

Proposed Changes

We propose adding the new QuotaManager called ProducerIdQuotaManager on the PRODUCE request level in the Kafka API that limits the number of active PIDs per user (KafkaPrincipal). The number of active PIDs will be defined as a rate within a period of time (similar to ControllerMutation quota).

The new quota will be applied based on 


Caching layer to track active PIDs per KafkaPrincipal

The cache will be represented as a map of KafkaPrincipal to timed controlled bloom filter (TimedBloomFilter). User's PIDs in the bloom filter in the caching layer will go through the filling steps in its lifecycle:

This way each user within a window will have 2 bloom filters (both are available for read while only one of them active for write) and when we need to check if we came across PID before or not for a given user we will check if any of the bloom filters contains the PID. 

Note: User entry in the cached map will be entirely removed from the caching layer if it doesn't have any active bloom filters attached to it anymore. Performing a cleanup for inactive users.

Public Interfaces

New Broker Configurations

We propose to introduce the following new configuration to the Kafka broker: 

NameTypeDefaultDescription Int11

The number of samples to retain in memory for alter producer id quotas Int3600

The time span of each sample for producer id quotas. Default is 1hr. 


The frequency in ms that the producer id quota manager will check for disposed cached window.

quota.window.num  and quota.window.size.seconds  are similar to the rest of Kafka Quota Configs.

New Quota Types

We propose the introduce the following new quota types in the Kafka Broker:

producer_ids_rateDoubleLong.MaxValueThe rate at which produce request are accepted with new producer id. 

The config will be supported for <user>  only as we are trying to avoid the growth of the caching layer and <user> are known number for the operator of the cluster and could be controlled more than the client-id. 

public class QuotaConfigs {
    public static final String PRODUCER_ID_RATE_OVERRIDE_CONFIG = "producer_ids_rate";
 	public static final String PRODUCER_ID_RATE_DOC = "A rate representing the upper bound of active producer ids."
 	public static ConfigDef buildProducerIdsConfig(ConfigDef configDef ) {
		configDef.define(PRODUCER_ID_RATE_OVERRIDE_CONFIG, ConfigDef.Type.DOUBLE, Integer.MAX_VALUE,
            Integer.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE).doubleValue(), ConfigDef.Importance.MEDIUM, PRODUCER_ID_RATE_DOC);
        return configDef;

New Broker Metrics

The new metrics will be exposed by the broker:

ProducerIdsrateuserThe current rate
ProducerIdstokensuserThe remaining tokens in the bucket. < 0 indicates that throttling is applied. 
ProducerIdsthrottle-timeuserTracking average throttle-time per user. 

Client Errors

The new quota type will use QuotaViolationException similar to ClientQuotaManager. And the client will receive ProduceResponse with throttleTimeMs similar to throttling of bandwidth or request.

New TimeControlledBloomFilter

class TimeControlledBloomFilter[T](numberOfItems: Int, falsePositiveRate: Double, disposalSchedulerIntervalMs: Long, quotaWindowSizeSeconds: Long, scheduler: Scheduler) {
  val bloomFilters: ConcurrentHashMap[Long, SimpleBloomFilter[T]] = new ConcurrentHashMap() // This keep a map of create time to bloom filter

 def create(): Unit = {
 	// Will create new SimpleBloomFilter with numberOfBits and numberOfHashes driven from falsePositiveRate
 def put(value: T): Unit = {
	// Will choose the right bloom filter to use 
  def mightContain(value: T): Boolean = {
	// Will check all available bloom filters

  scheduler.schedule("dispose-old_bloom-filter", ()=> {
		// dispose the bloom filter that older the 1.5 x quotaWindowSizeSeconds.
	}, 0L, disposalSchedulerIntervalMs)

class SimpleBloomFilter[T](numberOfBits: Int, numberOfHashes: Int) {
 val bits = mutable.BitSet.empty

 def put(value: T): Unit {
	// Will use MurmurHash3 to has the value
 def mightContain(value: T): Boolean {
	// will check if any of the available bloom filters contains the value

New ProducerIdQuotaManagerCache

class ProducerIdQuotaManager[K, V](disposalSchedulerIntervalMs: Long, cleanupScheduler: Scheduler) {
	protected val concurrentMap: ConcurrentHashMap[KafkaPrincipal, TimedBloomFilter[V]] = new ConcurrentHashMap()    

	protect val schedulerIntervalMs = new AtomicLong(disposalSchedulerIntervalMs)

    cleanupScheduler.schedule("cleanup-keys", () => {
			// Cleanup Keys that have empty TimedBloomFilter
    }, 0L, schedulerIntervalMs)

 	def disposalSchedulerIntervalMs(intervalMs: Long): Unit = {      
	def add(key: K, value: V): ControlledCachedMap[K, V] = {
		// Add value to the key bloom filter

    def containsKeyValuePair(key: K, value: V): Boolean = {
		// Check if key, value exist in the cache

Tools will be extended to support the new quota.  A new quota property will be added, which can be applied to <user>:

For example:

bin/kafka-configs --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --alter --add-config 'producer_ids_rate=50' --entity-name user1 --entity-type users

Default quotas for <user> can be configured by omitting entity name. For example:

bin/kafka-configs --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --alter --add-config 'producer_ids_rate=200' --entity-type users

Known Limitations

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

Compatibility with Old Clients

Rejected Alternatives

1. Limit the total active producer ID allocation number

This solution is the simplest however as stated in the motivation the OOM is always caused by rough or misconfigured client this solution will punish good client along side the rough one. 

2. Having a limit to the number of active producer IDs

The idea here is if we had a misconfigured client, we will expire the older entries This solution will risk the idempotency guarantees. Also there is risk that we may end up expiring the PIDs for good clients as the there is no way to link back PID to specific client at this point. 

3. Allow clients to "close" the producer ID usage

Part of the root cause of the OOM problem is that we keep PIDs metadata in the broker even if the producer is "closed". This solution would provide a closed API (for example END_PRODUCER_ID) and the broker will remove the PID metadata from its side. In the client side, we can send it when the producer closing. This solution is better however

We may need to consider improving the Producer Client anyway to include this at some point but it is not as part of the scope of this KIP.

4. Throttle INIT_PRODUCER_ID requests

This solution might look simple however throttling the INIT_PRODUCER_ID doesn't guarantee the OOM wouldn't happened as

    1. INIT_PRODUCER_ID for idempotent producer request PIDs from random controller every time so if a client got throttled on one controller doesn't guarantee it will not go through on next controller causing OOM at the leader later.
    2. The problem happened on the activation of the PID when it produce and not at the initialisation. Which means Kafka wouldn't have OOM problem if the producer got assigned PID but crashed before producing anything.
    3. Throttling producers that crash between initialisation and producing could slow them down when they recover/fix the problem that caused them to crash right after initialising PID. 

5. Throttle PIDs based on IPs

Similar solution#1 we will end up punishing good users specially if the misbehaving producer is deployed on K8S cluster that has other usecase.

6. Use HashSet to track PIDs in the caching layer instead of BloomFilter

HashSet provide 100% correctness however the growth of the caching layer with HashSet will create a risk of OOM. While it is not as bad as the original OOM as the broker wouldn't rebuild this cache on the start time none the less. To control the memory of cache using HashSet will be bit tricky and will need more configuration to keep it under control.
On the other hand BloomFilter is more efficient when it come to memory cost while providing a reasonable correctness that will be good enough for this usecase.  And if we want to improve the correctness we can always improve the false positive rates in the bloom filter.