
Current state: Accepted

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JIRA: here

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When dynamically reconfiguring TLS truststores and keystores of Kafka listeners, Kafka performs the following validations:

While these validations do not seem to be explicitly mentioned in the KIP-226 / KAFKA-6241, the follow-up issues (KAFKA-10279, KAFKA-14770) seem to suggest that these checks are there to protect the user from unintentionally breaking the TLS communication. While this might indeed protect the users in some situations, it also prevents them from changing the certificates when desired without restarting the brokers. For example:

These changes today require a restart of the brokers. And in some cases - such as changing the CA - even multiple restarts:

In situations like this, being able to update the keystores dynamically could be a big advantage. It would cause less disruptions and make the operation faster. It would also make it easier to use short-lived certificates even if their DN or SANs change and update them dynamically without the need for restart and thus making the Kafka cluster more secure.

Kafka brokers currently don’t terminate any existing connections when the certificates are updated. The new certificates will be used only for new connections. So when the users need to update the CA and the server certificates for some critical security reasons such as compromised CA, they would either need to perform a rolling update of the Kafka cluster to terminate any existing connections or handle it on some different layer outside of Kafka. For example by terminating the existing connections on the network layer. Termination of the existing connections by Kafka itself is not part of this KIP.

Public Interfaces

This change introduces two new broker configuration options named ssl.allow.dn.changes and ssl.allow.san.changes. They are described in the next section.

Proposed Changes

This KIP proposes adding two new configuration options ssl.allow.dn.changes and ssl.allow.san.changes:

Using two separate options provides more flexibility if some users would want to disable only one of the checks. The default value of both options will be false. That way, the default behavior would not change and any users will still have the certificates validated unless they explicitly disable it. The new options will not have any impact on the TLS handshake check done for inter-broker listeners. It will be still executed to make sure the keystore and truststore match even if the DN and SAN check is disabled.

The ssl.allow.dn.changes and ssl.allow.san.changes options will not be dynamically configurable.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

The default behavior for any existing and new users will not change. Only users who explicitly set the new options to true would be affected by this proposal.

Rejected Alternatives

Disabling the checks completely

Another option would be to remove the existing DN and SAN check completely. While it might protect the users in some situations, it would still allow them to break the TLS setup in some situations. However, that would mean a change for any user who relies on this check. So I rejected this alternative and proposed the new configuration option instead.

Using one option for both checks

Another considered variant was using a single option ssl.allow.dn.and.san.changes to disable both DN and SAN checks at once. This would provide less flexibility if users want to disable only one of the checks.