Apache Kafka version 3.7.0 is shipped with an early access of the new generation of the consumer rebalance protocol (KIP-848). The next generation of the consumer rebalance protocol has three major changes: (1) the new consumer rebalance protocol; (2) a brand new group coordinator; and (3) a brand new threading model for the consumer. It is not recommended for production environments. Instead, we advice users to test it in clusters created for testing the feature.


How to test it?

The simplest way is to create a new KRaft cluster following the instruction here but with the additional configurations added to config/kraft/server.properties:


Then, it is possible to configure the kafka-console-consumer.sh command line tool to use it as follow:

bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --topic <TOPIC> --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --consumer-property group.protocol=consumer

It is also possible to configure the KafkaConsumer by setting the group.protocol property to consumer.

final Map<String, Object> configs = new HashMap<>();
configs.put(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_PROTOCOL_CONFIG, "consumer");
final ConsumerConfig consumerConfig = new ConsumerConfig(configs);

How to report issues?

Feel free to file a bug in the Apache Kafka project for any discovered issue. We appreciate your help to test it. Happy testing!