1) Your Key needs to be signed into the KEYS file http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/kafka/KEYS
2) clone the repository to kafka-X.Y.Z-src
3) checkout the branch to release if releasing not off trunk
4) java -jar ../../apache-rat-0.8/apache-rat-0.8.jar (forgot to-do this in rc1,2,3 will do before running 4)
5) tag the branch and append (git tag -a releaseVersion) the "release notes" from JIRA
6) git push --tags
7) now get rid of git, rm -fr .git/*
8) cd ..
9) tar -czvf kafka-X.Y.Z-src.tgz kafka-X.Y.Z-src/*
10) sign the src

11) scp kafka_X.Y.Z-src* to a folder on a web server
12) ssh in a virtual machine, been using http://vagrantup.com
13) wget the file
14) tar -xvf kafka-X.Y.Z-src.tgz
15) verify signings and hashes
17) create file RELEASE_NOTES.html

  1. add the html version of release notes
    vi RELEASE-NOTES.html
    Go to Apache JIRA and click on the version 0.7.
    Click Release Notes
    Configure it to output html
    copy paste that to RELEASE-NOTES.html
    If the release includes new Features, include the following in the
    Release Notes -