(tick) These are the notes for the Struts 2.0.8 distribution.

(tick) For prior notes in this release series, see Release Notes 2.0.7

    <name>ASF Maven 2 Snapshot</name>

New Features

Significant Fixes

Known Bugs and Problems

Documentation Changes and Additions

Internal Changes

Migration from previous Releases

If a custom validators.xml configuration file is used as a global validator
configuration, the file needs to be adjusted.
The validation configuration is now validated against the following DTD:

<!DOCTYPE validators PUBLIC
         "-//OpenSymphony Group//XWork Validator Config 1.0//EN"

Furthermore it is no longer required, that all default validators need to be copied
over into a customized validators.xml configuration.
Just override existing (those from default) with a custom implementation or extend
it with custom configurations.

Experimental Features and Plugins

(tick) Please help us test these brave new features. Feedback appreciated!

Issue Detail

Issue List

Other resources

Release Plan