
Current state: Accepted

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Machines in data center are sometimes grouped in racks. Racks provide isolation as each rack may be in a different physical location and has its own power source. When resources are properly replicated across racks, it provides fault tolerance in that if a rack goes down,  the remaining racks can continue to serve traffic.

In Kafka, if there are more than one replica for a partition, it would be nice to have replicas placed in as many different racks as possible so that the partition can continue to function if a rack goes down. In addition, it makes maintenance of  Kafka cluster easier as you can take down the whole rack at a time.

In AWS, racks are usually mapped to the concept of availability zones

Public Interfaces

Changes to Broker property

An optional broker property will be added 

case class Broker(id: Int, endPoints: Map[SecurityProtocol, EndPoint], rack: Option[String])

rack will be an optional field of version 3 JSON schema for a broker. The API ZkUtils.registerBrokerInZk will be updated to increment the JSON version.

For example:


  "endpoints": ["PLAINTEXT://host1:9092",
  "rack": "dc1"

If no rack information is specified, the field will not be included in JSON.

Rack can be specified in the broker property file as

broker.rack=<rack ID as string>

For example, 



Consequently, Broker.writeTo will append rack at the end of ByteBuffer and Broker.readFrom will read it:

Broker => ID NumberOfEndPoints [EndPoint] Rack
ID => int32
NumberOfEndPoints => int32
EndPoint => Port Host ProtocolID
Port => int32
Host => string
ProtocolID => int16
Rack => string

Same kind of string serialization (as how host is serialized) will be applied to rack, which means it will first write the size of the string as a short, followed by the actual string content. If rack is not available, it will write size -1 only without any actual string content. When reading from ByteBuffer, -1 will be interpreted as "null".

Changes to UpdateMetadataRequest

The version will be incremented to 2 from 1 and rack will be included. For version 0, only broker ID, host and port will be serialized. For version 1 and 2, the complete Broker object will be serialized. This is done by calling Broker.writeTo and Broker.readFrom. Therefore, for version 2 the rack information will be automatically handled and the the serialization format is the same as the above.

The complete new format of UpdateMetadataRequest is the following:

VersionID CorrelationID ClientID Controller_ID Controller_Epoch Partition_States Brokers
Brokers => NumberOfBroker [Broker]
NumberOfBroker => Int32
Broker => ID NumberOfEndPoints [EndPoint] Rack // Rack is added in version 2
ID => int32
NumberOfEndPoints => int32
EndPoint => Port Host ProtocolID
Port => int32
Host => string
ProtocolID => int16
Rack => string

Changes to TopicMetadataRequest and TopicMetadataResponse

TopicMetadataRequest will increment its version from 0 to 1. If Kafka receives TopicMetadataRequest with version 1, it will create TopicMetadataResponse with rack as part of BrokerEndPoint. Here is the new format for TopicMetadataResponse:

CorrelationID BrokerEndPoints TopicsMetaData
BrokerEndPoints => NumberOfBrokers [BrokerEndPoint]
BrokerEndPoint => BrokerID Host Port Rack // Rack is added
BrokerID => int32
Host => string
Port => int32
Rack => string


Proposed Changes

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan