
Update Struts dependencies to 2.5.

Remove the following plugin dependencies because they were dropped and aren't supported anymore.


The was moved to org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.filter.StrutsPrepareAndExecuteFilter.

In web.xml replace this:


with that:



Struts DTD was updated to 2.5 version.

In struts.xml replace 2.3 DTD version:

        "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.3//EN"

with 2.5:

        "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.5//EN"

Tags attributes

The id attribute was replaced with var attribute in the following tags.

If you have something like that in your code: 

<s:url id="url" action="login">

change it to:

<s:url var="url" action="login">

The <s:set> tag name attribute is replaced with var attribute.


<s:set id="str1" value="'string1 value'" />
<s:set name="str2" value="'string2 value'" />


<s:set var="str1" value="'string1 value'" />
<s:set var="str2" value="'string2 value'" />


Div tag

The <s:div> tag was dropped.

Replace <s:div> with plain HTML <div> tag.

Field names

If you have field names which starts with single lower case letter, for example:

private String sTrng;
public String getSTrng() {...}
public void setSTrng(String str) {...}

change accessors to getsTrng and setsTrng.

Or better yet, change field names to not contain single lower case letter:

private String strng;
public String getStrng() {...}
public void setStrng(String str) {...}

For additional info see WW-3909.