
Current state"Under Discussion"

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The recommended practice to create a StateStoreSupplier is as in the following example:

StateStoreSupplier countStore = Stores.create("Counts")

However, StateStoreSupplier is a generic interface that take the store type as a parameter:

public interface StateStoreSupplier<T extends StateStore>

In the above example that type parameter is lost as the build() method returns a raw type.

As StateStoreSupplier is passed to count/reduce/aggregate etc. methods on KGroupedStream or KGroupedTable, the compiler cannot detect that a supplier for the wrong kind of store is provided.

The other parameters to those methods, such as Serdes, Reducers, etc are type-parameterised by the key and value types allowing compile-time type checks.

The StateStoreSupplier argument stands out as a raw type. Making it type-parameterised will help detect prior to runtime errors such as when someone refactors their app to use a different typo of aggregations (e.g. TimeWindowed vs SessionWindowed) and forgets to change the StateStoreSupplier passed in.

Public Interfaces


Proposed Changes

Describe the new thing you want to do in appropriate detail. This may be fairly extensive and have large subsections of its own. Or it may be a few sentences. Use judgement based on the scope of the change.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

To be evaluated

Test Plan

Describe in few sentences how the KIP will be tested. We are mostly interested in system tests (since unit-tests are specific to implementation details). How will we know that the implementation works as expected? How will we know nothing broke?

Rejected Alternatives

If there are alternative ways of accomplishing the same thing, what were they? The purpose of this section is to motivate why the design is the way it is and not some other way.