
Current state: "Under Discussion"

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Kafka brokers are configured using properties (typically provided in a file named that cannot be updated without restarting the broker. Broker configuration options can be described using the new AdminClient, but the configuration cannot currently be altered.

There are several use cases where dynamic updates of broker configs will help to avoid time-consuming restart of brokers. For example:

  1. Update short-lived SSL keystores on the broker
  2. Performance tuning based on metrics (e.g. increase network/IO threads)
  3. Add, remove or reconfigure metrics reporters
  4. Update configuration of all topics consistently across the whole cluster (e.g. unclean.leader.election.enable)
  5. Update log cleaner configuration for tuning
  6. Update listener/security configuration


  1. Use existing dynamic configuration mechanism to make commonly updated broker configs dynamic so that they can be updated without restarting the broker.
  2. Support dynamic default configs that are picked up by all brokers in the cluster, to enable consistent configuration across all brokers (e.g. unclean.leader.election.enable)
  3. Support individual broker config overrides for all dynamic configs to enable testing on one broker before the changes are picked up by all brokers.
  4. Enable broker configs to be described and altered using AdminClient.
  5. Continue to support simple property file based configuration so that brokers can be easily started up without any additional configuration steps.

In the first phase of the implementation, commonly updated broker properties will be made dynamic based on known use cases. The goal will be to make more configs dynamic later if required.

Public Interfaces

Dynamic configuration

Dynamic configs for the entity type brokers will be added for a limited set of configuration options by extending the existing dynamic replication quota config for brokers. The corresponding static config in will be continue to be supported to enable quick start of Kafka brokers with a properties file. Where applicable, default cluster-wide configs can be configured to allow consistent values to be used across all brokers (stored in ZK at /config/brokers/<default>). For per-broker configs, broker-specific config overrides can be configured (stored in ZK at /config/brokers/id).

The precedence used for configs will be:

  1. Dynamic broker-specific config from /config/brokers/id
  2. Dynamic cluster-wide default config from /config/brokers/<default>
  3. Static config from

Individual broker config overrides will be provided for all the dynamic configs to enable testing. AdminClient will return all configured configs and defaults in the order of precedence in DescribeConfigsResponse if synonyms are requested. For configs that we want to keep consistent across all brokers, and AdminClient will allow updates of cluster-wide defaults, but it will still be possible to configure per-broker overrides for testing. Brokers will handle all configs consistently with the precedence specified above.

Dynamic broker configs will be stored in ZooKeeper in JSON format along with the existing replication quota config for entity type brokers. With the current dynamic configuration implementation, brokers watch configuration update node in ZooKeeper and invoke config handlers when update notifications are received. The config handler for brokers will be updated to handle KafkaConfig changes as well.

The existing ACL for AlterConfigs operation on Cluster resource will be applied for broker config updates. As with topic configuration updates, can be configured to specify a custom  AlterConfigsPolicy.

New Broker Configuration Option

sasl.jaas.config will be supported for brokers to enable dynamic SASL configuration of brokers. The property will use the same format as clients and may specify one or more login context entries (one for each supported SASL mechanism). The property may be preceded by listener name if multiple listeners are configured to use SASL.

Format: One or more login context entries using the same format JAAS configuration:

<LoginModuleClass> <ControlFlag> *(<OptionName>=<OptionValue>);

ControlFlag = required|requisite|sufficient|optional

Example: required user_alice=”alice-secret”; \ required;

Securing passwords in ZooKeeper

A new broker configuration will be added to specify a secret key that is used to encrypt passwords stored in ZooKeeper. The SecretKeyFactory and Cipher algorithms as well as the iteration count used will be also be made configurable. The actual algorithms, salt and iteration count will be stored along with the encrypted password to ensure that the password can be decrypted even if the encryption parameters are altered (though these configs are not being made dynamic at the moment).

The secret will not be dynamically configurable and hence will never be stored in ZooKeeper. All the dynamic password configs are per-broker configs and hence there is no requirement to maintain the same secret across all brokers. To change password.encoder.secret, each broker must be restarted with an updated that contains the new secret in the config password.encoder.secret as well as the old secret in the config password.encoder.old.secret. The broker will decode all passwords in ZooKeeper using password.encoder.old.secret and update the values in ZooKeeper after re-encoding using password.encoder.secret. The config password.encoder.old.secret will be used only if the passwords in ZooKeeper are encoded using the old value and will be ignored otherwise.

Broker configuration in ZooKeeper will be protected using ACLs and will no longer be world-readable by default. It is expected that secure deployments of Kafka will also use network segmentation to limit ZooKeeper access.

Protocol Changes

A new option include_synonyms will be added to DescribeConfigsRequest to return all the configs which may be used as the value of the specified config if the config was removed. For example, config for a topic will return the broker config as a synonym if include_synonyms=true. DescribeConfigsResponse will be return all synonyms in the order of precedence. This is particularly useful to obtain the default value that the config will revert to if a config override is removed. As dynamic broker configs are being added at per-broker and cluster-default levels, include_synonyms can be useful to list all the configured values and the precedence used to obtain the currently configured value.

DescribeConfigsRequest version will be bumped up to 1.

DescribeConfigs Request (Version: 1) => [resource [config_name]] include_synonyms
  resource => resource_type resource_name
    resource_type => INT8
    resource_name => STRING
  config_name => STRING
  include_synonyms => BOOLEAN

DescribeConfigs Response (Version: 1) => throttle_time_ms [entities]
  throttle_time_ms => INT32
  entities => error_code error_message resource [configs]
    error_code => INT16
    error_message => STRING
    resource => resource_type resource_name
      resource_type => INT8
      resource_name => STRING
    configs => [config_entry [synonym]]    <= Added [synonym]
    config_entry =>
      config_name => STRING
      config_value => NULLABLE_STRING
      read_only => BOOLEAN
      config_source => INT8                <= Replaced boolean is_default with more generic config_source (see below for values)
      is_sensitive => BOOLEAN
    synonym =>                             <= NEW
      config_name => STRING
      config_value => NULLABLE_STRING
      config_source => INT8                <= may be one of (TOPIC|DYNAMIC_BROKER|DYNAMIC_DEFAULT_BROKER|STATIC_BROKER|DEFAULT)

Public Interface Changes

A new interface Reconfigurable will be added to notify reconfigurable objects of configuration changes. For example, metrics reporters that support reconfiguration can implement the interface Reconfigurable to enable reconfiguration without broker restart. The interface will also be implemented by all internal classes which support reconfiguration (e.g. ChannelBuilder)

package org.apache.kafka.common;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

 * Interface for reconfigurable classes that support dynamic configuration.
public interface Reconfigurable extends Configurable {

     * Returns the names of configs that may be reconfigured.
    Set<String> reconfigurableConfigs();

     * Validates the provided configuration. The provided map contains
     * all configs including any reconfigurable configs that may be different
     * from the initial configuration.
    boolean validateReconfiguration(Map<String, ?> configs);

     * Reconfigures this instance with the given key-value pairs. The provided
     * map contains all configs including any reconfigurable configs that
     * may have changed since the object was initially configured using
     * {@link Configurable#configure(Map)}.
    void reconfigure(Map<String, ?> configs);


The classes DescribeConfigsOptions and DescribeConfigsResult used by AdminClient will be updated to include config synonyms in the result.


 * Return true if synonym configs should be returned in the response.
public boolean includeSynonyms() {
    return includeSynonyms;

 * Set to true if synonym configs should be returned in the response.
public DescribeConfigsOptions includeSynonyms(boolean includeSynonyms) {
    this.includeSynonyms = includeSynonyms;
    return this;

 * Returns all config values that may be used as the value of this config along with their source,
 * in the order of precedence. The list starts with the value returned in this ConfigEntry.
 * The list is empty if synonyms were not requested using {@link DescribeConfigsOptions#includeSynonyms(boolean)}. 
public List<ConfigSynonym> synonyms() {
    return  synonyms;


public static class ConfigSynonym {

     * Returns the name of this configuration.
    public String name() {
        return name;

     * Returns the value of this configuration, which may be null if the configuration is sensitive.
    public String value() {
        return value;

     * Returns the source of this configuration.
    public ConfigSource source() {
        return source;
public enum ConfigSource {
    DYNAMIC_TOPIC_CONFIG,           // dynamic topic config that is configured for a specific topic
    DYNAMIC_BROKER_CONFIG,          // dynamic broker config that is configured for a specific broker
    DYNAMIC_DEFAULT_BROKER_CONFIG,  // dynamic broker config that is configured as default for all brokers in the cluster
    STATIC_BROKER_CONFIG,           // static broker config provided as broker properties at start up (e.g. file)
    DEFAULT_CONFIG                  // built-in default configuration for configs that have a default value




Tools will be updated to configure defaults and overrides for dynamic configuration options for the entity type brokers.


Add/update broker-specific config for broker with broker id 0:

bin/kafka-configs  --zookeeper localhost:2181 --alter --add-config 'ssl.keystore.location=keystore1.jks,ssl.keystore.password=password1' --entity-name 0 --entity-type brokers

Add/update cluster-wide default config:

bin/kafka-configs  --zookeeper localhost:2181 --alter --add-config 'unclean.leader.election.enable=false' --entity-default --entity-type brokers

Delete broker-specific config (the actual config will revert to its default value, see precedence of configs):

bin/ --zookeeper localhost --alter --delete-config unclean.leader.election.enable --entity-type brokers --entity-name 0

Proposed Changes

SSL keystore

Use case: Support short-lived SSL certificates for increased security

Config scope: Broker (/config/brokers/id)

Config options:

Dynamic update changes:


Usecase:: Increase or decrease threads based on traffic pattern. This is useful for performance tuning based on metrics at runtime.

Config scope: Default for whole cluster (/configs/brokers/<default>)

Config options:

Dynamic update changes:

Metrics reporters and their custom configs

Use case: Add new metrics reporter or reconfigure existing metrics reporter

Config scope: Default for whole cluster (/configs/brokers/<default>)

Config options:

Dynamic update changes:

Log Cleaner configs

Use case: Add more log cleaner threads or increase buffer size for tuning

Config scope: Default for whole cluster (/configs/brokers/<default>)

Config options:

Dynamic update changes:

Default Topic configs

Use case: Even though topic configs can be set per-topic dynamically, it is convenient to configure properties like unclean.leader.election.enable consistently across the whole cluster.

Config scope: Default for whole cluster (/configs/brokers/<default>)

Config options (and the equivalent topic configs):

Dynamic update changes:

Listeners and Security configs

Use cases:

Config options:

Listener Configs

Common security config

SSL Configs

SASL Configs

 Dynamic update changes:


Future Work

Message Format and Inter Broker Protocol

Use case: Avoid additional rolling restarts during upgrade

Config scope: Default for whole cluster (/configs/brokers/<default>)

Config options:

Dynamic update changes:

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

Rejected Alternatives

Deprecate static config in when a config is made dynamic

It is useful to support static configs in to enable quick start of Kafka without setting up new config options in ZooKeeper. To retain the simple user experience, we will continue to enable starting up Kafka with a properties file.