The ASF Code of Conduct applies to all areas of involvement with the Catalyst program.


All Catalysts are expected to engage with the program and other Catalysts via the provided channels - Slack and email. Communication about events, guides and other resources will be sent out via these channels so it is vital that Catalysts remain active on them.


Responding to questions

Platforms where questions about Cassandra are asked include:

Individuals who respond to questions here with valid and helpful answers can apply for Catalyst status. When responding to people, always remain respectful and collaborative - everyone is learning and your responses will help everyone grow together.

Welcoming new members

New members are any individuals who are interacting with the Cassandra community for the first time. This can include:

Welcoming a new member doesn’t necessarily mean answering their question - it is about ensuring they feel welcome in the community. Some ways you can do this:

  • Provide helpful answers to their questions
  • Send them a friendly welcoming message in a public channel
  • Connect them with someone in the community who can help them
  • Link them to one or more resources that could help them

No matter what you do, it must be done in a kind and friendly manner. Here are some sample messages you can send that would need to be edited depending on the platform on which it is happening - you can use these as a starting off point for any welcoming messages you send:

Welcome to the Apache Cassandra community! We're excited to have you join this group of Cassandra enthusiasts. It would be great if you introduced yourself in the central channel and ask any questions you may have about Cassandra or this platform. I hope you find this community to be a valuable resource and a fun place to connect with other Cassandra users.

A warm welcome to the Apache Cassandra community! We're thrilled to have you as a new member here. As a Cassandra user, you're in the right place to share knowledge, learn from others, and participate in discussions. I encourage you to introduce yourself in the central channel, ask questions, and contribute to the conversations. If you need any help or have any suggestions, don't hesitate to reach out.

Welcome to the Apache Cassandra community! That’s a great question - I’m not able to provide a helpful answer, but this is something that {USER} is very familiar with and I’m sure they can help you out.

Welcome to the Apache Cassandra community! You’ve asked a great question and I’m sure someone here can provide you with a direct answer, but in the meantime here are some resources that you might find helpful: {LINKS TO RELEVANT RESOURCES}

Engaging in JIRA tickets

An overview of how to report bugs on JIRA is here:

Contributing to Cassandra

An overview of how to get involved in contributing to Cassandra is available here:

Detailed documentation on contributing code is available here:

Detailed documentation on contributing documentation is available here:


Publishing content

Creating content about Cassandra is a great way to contribute to the ongoing growth of the community and project. This can include any kind of text, video, or audio content. Use cases and case studies, for people who have built an application or solution using Cassandra, are published on the Apache Cassandra website as well as Planet Cassandra.

Speaking at events

Anyone can speak about Cassandra at meetups, conferences, or other events. These can be events organized through the Cassandra meetup organizer program, or they can be events in external groups.

Organizing events

You can read the Apache Cassandra meetup organizer’s handbook here: When organizing events for Cassandra, please take note of the ASF event branding guidelines.

Communicating Catalyst Status

ASF is a vendor-neutral organization. Catalyst status is NOT a license for an individual to promote vendor content or vendor affiliations using their Catalyst status. If the Catalyst Committee observes any Catalyst promoting vendor content when they have their Catalyst “hat” on, they will be given an initial warning. If the behavior persists, the Committee reserves the right to revoke the individual’s Catalyst status.

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