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  • transaction sums per customer session (simple using session-windowed aggregation)
  • global transaction sums for all currently active customer sessions
  .stream(/*key serde*/, /*transaction serde*/, "transaciton-topic")

  .groupByKey(/*key serde*/, /*transaction serde*/)

    () -> /*empty aggregate*/, 
    /* aggregate serde */, 
    txPerCustomerSumStore() // this store can be queried for per customer session data  )


  .filter(((key, value) -> value != null)) // tombstones only come when a session is merged into a bigger session, so ignore them

 // the below map/groupByKey/reduce operations are to only propagate updates to the latest session per customer to downstream

  .map((windowedCustomerId, agg) -> // this moves timestamp from the windowed key into the value
                                    // so that we can group by customerId only and reduce to the later value
    new KeyValue<>(
      windowedCustomerId.key(), // just customerId
      new WindowedAggsImpl( // this is just like a tuple2 but with nicely named accessors: timestamp() and aggs()
  .groupByKey( /*key serde*/, /*windowed aggs serde*/ ) // key is just customerId
  .reduce( // take later session value and ignore any older - downstream only cares about current sessions
    (val, agg) -> val.timestamp() > agg.timestamp() ? val : agg,

  .groupBy((windowedCustomerId, timeAndAggs) -> // calculate totals with maximum granularity, which is per-partition
    new KeyValue<>(
      new Windowed<>(
        windowedCustomerId.key().hashCode() % PARTITION_COUNT_FOR_TOTALS,  // KIP-159 would come in handy here, to access partition number instead
        windowedCustomerId.window() // will use this in the interactive queries to pick the oldest not-yet-expired window
    new SessionKeySerde<>(Serdes.Integer()),
    /* aggregate serde */

    (val, agg) -> agg.add(val),
    (val, agg) -> agg.subtract(val),
    txTotalsStore() // this store can be queried to get totals per partition for all active sessions

  new SessionKeySerde<>(Serdes.Integer()),
  /* aggregate serde */, 
  changelogTopicForStore(TRANSACTION_TOTALS), "totals");
// this global table puts per partition totals on every node, so that they can be easily summed for global totals, picking the oldest not-yet-expired window


TODO: put in StreamParitioners (with KTable.through variants added in KAFKA-5045) to avoid re-partitioning where I know it's unnecessary.

The idea behind the % PARTITION_COUNT_FOR_TOTALS bit is that I want to first do summation with max parallelism and minimize the work needed downstream. So I calculate a per-partition sum first to limit the updates that the totals topic will receive and the summing work done by the interactive queries on the global store. 


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