Current state: "Under Discussion"
Discussion thread:
To allow implementing Spring managed interceptors for producers and consumers, both, the KafkaProducer and the KafkaConsumer should expose constructors taking a config instance (ProducerConfig and ConsumerConfig) instead of a configuration given as a Properties or as a Map.
Having an access to the configuration object would give a way to override the existing method used to get interceptors from given class names.
This would also open the door for other uses cases currently using a class to get a concrete instance (partitioner, metrics report, etc).
A possible alternative would be to create more constructors with an additional parameter to specify the interceptors but this would increase the number of constructors without having a way to build instances for other types.
See the following portion of code for a concrete example
public class SpringAwareProducerConfig extends ProducerConfig { private final List<ProducerInterceptor<?, ?>> producerInterceptors; public SpringAwareProducerConfig(Map<?, ?> props, boolean doLog, List<ProducerInterceptor<?, ?>> producerInterceptors) { super(props, doLog); this.producerInterceptors = producerInterceptors; } @Override public <T> List<T> getConfiguredInstances(List<String> classNames, Class<T> t, Map<String, Object> configOverrides) { final var configuredInstances = super.getConfiguredInstances(classNames, t, configOverrides); if (ProducerInterceptor.class.equals(t)) { configuredInstances.addAll((Collection<? extends T>) producerInterceptors); } return configuredInstances; } }
public class SpringAwareConsumerConfig extends ConsumerConfig { private final List<ConsumerInterceptor<?, ?>> consumerInterceptors; public SpringAwareConsumerConfig(Map<?, ?> props, boolean doLog, List<ConsumerInterceptor<?, ?>> consumerInterceptors) { super(props, doLog); this.consumerInterceptors = consumerInterceptors; } @Override public <T> List<T> getConfiguredInstances(List<String> classNames, Class<T> t, Map<String, Object> configOverrides) { final var configuredInstances = super.getConfiguredInstances(classNames, t, configOverrides); if (ConsumerInterceptor.class.equals(t)) { configuredInstances.addAll((Collection<? extends T>) consumerInterceptors); } return configuredInstances; } }
Also see the Spring Kafka issue for the real motivation behind this KIP
Kafka streams is not concerned by this issue as the KafkaStreams object is already exposing a constructor receiving a StreamsConfig object.
Concrete working example for Streams
public class SpringAwareStreamsConfig extends StreamsConfig { private final List<ProducerInterceptor<?, ?>> producerInterceptors; private final List<ConsumerInterceptor<?, ?>> consumerInterceptors; public SpringAwareStreamsConfig(Map<?, ?> props, boolean doLog, List<ProducerInterceptor<?, ?>> producerInterceptors, List<ConsumerInterceptor<?, ?>> consumerInterceptors) { super(props, doLog); this.producerInterceptors = producerInterceptors; this.consumerInterceptors = consumerInterceptors; } @Override public <T> List<T> getConfiguredInstances(List<String> classNames, Class<T> t, Map<String, Object> configOverrides) { final var configuredInstances = super.getConfiguredInstances(classNames, t, configOverrides); if (ProducerInterceptor.class.equals(t)) { configuredInstances.addAll((Collection<? extends T>) producerInterceptors); } if (ConsumerInterceptor.class.equals(t)) { configuredInstances.addAll((Collection<? extends T>) consumerInterceptors); } return configuredInstances; } }
Streams may also use another approach based on a custom KafkaClientSupplier and reusing this KIP
public class CustomKafkaClientSupplier extends DefaultKafkaClientSupplier { // additional dependencies given by constructor injection. @Override public Producer<byte[], byte[]> getProducer(final Map<String, Object> config) { return new KafkaProducer<>(<CUSTOM_CONFIG>, new ByteArraySerializer(), new ByteArraySerializer()); } @Override public Consumer<byte[], byte[]> getConsumer(final Map<String, Object> config) { return new KafkaConsumer<>(<CUSTOM_CONFIG>, new ByteArrayDeserializer(), new ByteArrayDeserializer()); } @Override public Consumer<byte[], byte[]> getRestoreConsumer(final Map<String, Object> config) { return new KafkaConsumer<>(<CUSTOM_CONFIG>, new ByteArrayDeserializer(), new ByteArrayDeserializer()); } @Override public Consumer<byte[], byte[]> getGlobalConsumer(final Map<String, Object> config) { return new KafkaConsumer<>(<CUSTOM_CONFIG>, new ByteArrayDeserializer(), new ByteArrayDeserializer()); } } ... new KafkaStreams(<TOPOLOGY>, <PROPERTIES>, <CUSTOM_KAFKA_CLIENT_SUPPLIER>); ...
See another similar KIP for additional information related to the current KIP but for streams.
KIP-378: Enable Dependency Injection for Kafka Streams handlers
Having a new constructor and increasing the visibility of an existing constructor is quite straight and does not impact the existing. It gives an additional way to build a producer and a consumer. This approach is also align with Streams already having such kind of constructor.
Important note: this request is not related to Spring and would give a way to use constructed instances instead of using reflection to build these instances from a given class.
Public Interfaces
Proposed Changes
Create 2 new constructors in KafkaProducer
public KafkaProducer(ProducerConfig config) public KafkaProducer(ProducerConfig config, Serializer<K> keySerializer, Serializer<V> valueSerializer)
and create a new constructor + increase the visibility of an existing constructor in KafkaConsumer
public KafkaConsumer(ConsumerConfig config) public KafkaConsumer(ConsumerConfig config, Deserializer<K> keyDeserializer, Deserializer<V> valueDeserializer)
Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan
No compatibility issue and no migration plan needed because this KIP only creates a constructor and increase the visibility of an existing one.
Rejected Alternatives