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  • post /experimental/gateways/receivers

  • get /experimental/gateways/receivers/{id}

  • get /experimental/gateways/receivers

  • get /experimental/members/{id}

  • get /experimental/members

  • post /experimental/configurations/pdx

  • get /experimental/ping

  • get /experimental/operations/rebalances/{id}

  • get /experimental/operations/rebalances

  • post /experimental/operations/rebalances

  • post /experimental/regions

  • delete /experimental/regions/{id}

  • get /experimental/regions/{regionName}/indexes/{id}

  • get /experimental/regions/{id}

  • get /experimental/indexes

  • get /experimental/regions/{regionName}/indexes

  • get /experimental/regions

  • application/json

  • {
    "links" : { },
    "statusMessage" : "statusMessage",
    "statusCode" : "OK"

  • */*

  • {
    "result" : {
    "configuration" : {
    "startPort" : 5,
    "gatewayTransportFilters" : [ {
    "initProperties" : {
    "key" : { }
    "className" : "className"
    }, {
    "initProperties" : {
    "key" : { }
    "className" : "className"
    } ],
    "manualStart" : true,
    "maximumTimeBetweenPings" : 6,
    "endPort" : 0,
    "socketBufferSize" : 1,
    "group" : "group"
    "runtimeInfo" : [ {
    "connectedSenders" : [ "connectedSenders", "connectedSenders" ],
    "running" : true,
    "port" : 5,
    "hostnameForSenders" : "hostnameForSenders",
    "memberName" : "memberName",
    "bindAddress" : "bindAddress",
    "senderCount" : 2
    }, {
    "connectedSenders" : [ "connectedSenders", "connectedSenders" ],
    "running" : true,
    "port" : 5,
    "hostnameForSenders" : "hostnameForSenders",
    "memberName" : "memberName",
    "bindAddress" : "bindAddress",
    "senderCount" : 2
    } ]
    "links" : { },
    "statusMessage" : "statusMessage",
    "statusCode" : "OK"

  • */*

  • {
    "result" : [ {
    "configuration" : {
    "startPort" : 5,
    "gatewayTransportFilters" : [ {
    "initProperties" : {
    "key" : { }
    "className" : "className"
    }, {
    "initProperties" : {
    "key" : { }
    "className" : "className"
    } ],
    "manualStart" : true,
    "maximumTimeBetweenPings" : 6,
    "endPort" : 0,
    "socketBufferSize" : 1,
    "group" : "group"
    "runtimeInfo" : [ {
    "connectedSenders" : [ "connectedSenders", "connectedSenders" ],
    "running" : true,
    "port" : 5,
    "hostnameForSenders" : "hostnameForSenders",
    "memberName" : "memberName",
    "bindAddress" : "bindAddress",
    "senderCount" : 2
    }, {
    "connectedSenders" : [ "connectedSenders", "connectedSenders" ],
    "running" : true,
    "port" : 5,
    "hostnameForSenders" : "hostnameForSenders",
    "memberName" : "memberName",
    "bindAddress" : "bindAddress",
    "senderCount" : 2
    } ]
    }, {
    "configuration" : {
    "startPort" : 5,
    "gatewayTransportFilters" : [ {
    "initProperties" : {
    "key" : { }
    "className" : "className"
    }, {
    "initProperties" : {
    "key" : { }
    "className" : "className"
    } ],
    "manualStart" : true,
    "maximumTimeBetweenPings" : 6,
    "endPort" : 0,
    "socketBufferSize" : 1,
    "group" : "group"
    "runtimeInfo" : [ {
    "connectedSenders" : [ "connectedSenders", "connectedSenders" ],
    "running" : true,
    "port" : 5,
    "hostnameForSenders" : "hostnameForSenders",
    "memberName" : "memberName",
    "bindAddress" : "bindAddress",
    "senderCount" : 2
    }, {
    "connectedSenders" : [ "connectedSenders", "connectedSenders" ],
    "running" : true,
    "port" : 5,
    "hostnameForSenders" : "hostnameForSenders",
    "memberName" : "memberName",
    "bindAddress" : "bindAddress",
    "senderCount" : 2
    } ]
    } ],
    "links" : { },
    "statusMessage" : "statusMessage",
    "statusCode" : "OK"

  • */*

  • {
    "result" : {
    "configuration" : {
    "id" : "id",
    "group" : "group"
    "runtimeInfo" : [ {
    "cpuUsage" : 5.637376656633329,
    "server" : true,
    "httpServiceBindAddress" : "httpServiceBindAddress",
    "memberName" : "memberName",
    "locators" : "locators",
    "processId" : 4,
    "webSSL" : true,
    "hostedRegions" : [ "hostedRegions", "hostedRegions" ],
    "host" : "host",
    "maxHeapSize" : 2,
    "workingDirPath" : "workingDirPath",
    "id" : "id",
    "clientCount" : 5,
    "httpServicePort" : 7,
    "cacheServerInfo" : [ {
    "running" : true,
    "port" : 1,
    "maxThreads" : 6,
    "bindAddress" : "bindAddress",
    "maxConnections" : 0
    }, {
    "running" : true,
    "port" : 1,
    "maxThreads" : 6,
    "bindAddress" : "bindAddress",
    "maxConnections" : 0
    } ],
    "coordinator" : true,
    "groups" : "groups",
    "serverBindAddress" : "serverBindAddress",
    "cacheXmlFilePath" : "cacheXmlFilePath",
    "locatorPort" : 3,
    "heapUsage" : 2,
    "initHeapSize" : 9,
    "logFilePath" : "logFilePath",
    "offHeapMemorySize" : "offHeapMemorySize",
    "secured" : true,
    "statArchiveFilePath" : "statArchiveFilePath",
    "status" : "status"
    }, {
    "cpuUsage" : 5.637376656633329,
    "server" : true,
    "httpServiceBindAddress" : "httpServiceBindAddress",
    "memberName" : "memberName",
    "locators" : "locators",
    "processId" : 4,
    "webSSL" : true,
    "hostedRegions" : [ "hostedRegions", "hostedRegions" ],
    "host" : "host",
    "maxHeapSize" : 2,
    "workingDirPath" : "workingDirPath",
    "id" : "id",
    "clientCount" : 5,
    "httpServicePort" : 7,
    "cacheServerInfo" : [ {
    "running" : true,
    "port" : 1,
    "maxThreads" : 6,
    "bindAddress" : "bindAddress",
    "maxConnections" : 0
    }, {
    "running" : true,
    "port" : 1,
    "maxThreads" : 6,
    "bindAddress" : "bindAddress",
    "maxConnections" : 0
    } ],
    "coordinator" : true,
    "groups" : "groups",
    "serverBindAddress" : "serverBindAddress",
    "cacheXmlFilePath" : "cacheXmlFilePath",
    "locatorPort" : 3,
    "heapUsage" : 2,
    "initHeapSize" : 9,
    "logFilePath" : "logFilePath",
    "offHeapMemorySize" : "offHeapMemorySize",
    "secured" : true,
    "statArchiveFilePath" : "statArchiveFilePath",
    "status" : "status"
    } ]
    "links" : { },
    "statusMessage" : "statusMessage",
    "statusCode" : "OK"

  • */*

  • {
    "result" : [ {
    "configuration" : {
    "id" : "id",
    "group" : "group"
    "runtimeInfo" : [ {
    "cpuUsage" : 5.637376656633329,
    "server" : true,
    "httpServiceBindAddress" : "httpServiceBindAddress",
    "memberName" : "memberName",
    "locators" : "locators",
    "processId" : 4,
    "webSSL" : true,
    "hostedRegions" : [ "hostedRegions", "hostedRegions" ],
    "host" : "host",
    "maxHeapSize" : 2,
    "workingDirPath" : "workingDirPath",
    "id" : "id",
    "clientCount" : 5,
    "httpServicePort" : 7,
    "cacheServerInfo" : [ {
    "running" : true,
    "port" : 1,
    "maxThreads" : 6,
    "bindAddress" : "bindAddress",
    "maxConnections" : 0
    }, {
    "running" : true,
    "port" : 1,
    "maxThreads" : 6,
    "bindAddress" : "bindAddress",
    "maxConnections" : 0
    } ],
    "coordinator" : true,
    "groups" : "groups",
    "serverBindAddress" : "serverBindAddress",
    "cacheXmlFilePath" : "cacheXmlFilePath",
    "locatorPort" : 3,
    "heapUsage" : 2,
    "initHeapSize" : 9,
    "logFilePath" : "logFilePath",
    "offHeapMemorySize" : "offHeapMemorySize",
    "secured" : true,
    "statArchiveFilePath" : "statArchiveFilePath",
    "status" : "status"
    }, {
    "cpuUsage" : 5.637376656633329,
    "server" : true,
    "httpServiceBindAddress" : "httpServiceBindAddress",
    "memberName" : "memberName",
    "locators" : "locators",
    "processId" : 4,
    "webSSL" : true,
    "hostedRegions" : [ "hostedRegions", "hostedRegions" ],
    "host" : "host",
    "maxHeapSize" : 2,
    "workingDirPath" : "workingDirPath",
    "id" : "id",
    "clientCount" : 5,
    "httpServicePort" : 7,
    "cacheServerInfo" : [ {
    "running" : true,
    "port" : 1,
    "maxThreads" : 6,
    "bindAddress" : "bindAddress",
    "maxConnections" : 0
    }, {
    "running" : true,
    "port" : 1,
    "maxThreads" : 6,
    "bindAddress" : "bindAddress",
    "maxConnections" : 0
    } ],
    "coordinator" : true,
    "groups" : "groups",
    "serverBindAddress" : "serverBindAddress",
    "cacheXmlFilePath" : "cacheXmlFilePath",
    "locatorPort" : 3,
    "heapUsage" : 2,
    "initHeapSize" : 9,
    "logFilePath" : "logFilePath",
    "offHeapMemorySize" : "offHeapMemorySize",
    "secured" : true,
    "statArchiveFilePath" : "statArchiveFilePath",
    "status" : "status"
    } ]
    }, {
    "configuration" : {
    "id" : "id",
    "group" : "group"
    "runtimeInfo" : [ {
    "cpuUsage" : 5.637376656633329,
    "server" : true,
    "httpServiceBindAddress" : "httpServiceBindAddress",
    "memberName" : "memberName",
    "locators" : "locators",
    "processId" : 4,
    "webSSL" : true,
    "hostedRegions" : [ "hostedRegions", "hostedRegions" ],
    "host" : "host",
    "maxHeapSize" : 2,
    "workingDirPath" : "workingDirPath",
    "id" : "id",
    "clientCount" : 5,
    "httpServicePort" : 7,
    "cacheServerInfo" : [ {
    "running" : true,
    "port" : 1,
    "maxThreads" : 6,
    "bindAddress" : "bindAddress",
    "maxConnections" : 0
    }, {
    "running" : true,
    "port" : 1,
    "maxThreads" : 6,
    "bindAddress" : "bindAddress",
    "maxConnections" : 0
    } ],
    "coordinator" : true,
    "groups" : "groups",
    "serverBindAddress" : "serverBindAddress",
    "cacheXmlFilePath" : "cacheXmlFilePath",
    "locatorPort" : 3,
    "heapUsage" : 2,
    "initHeapSize" : 9,
    "logFilePath" : "logFilePath",
    "offHeapMemorySize" : "offHeapMemorySize",
    "secured" : true,
    "statArchiveFilePath" : "statArchiveFilePath",
    "status" : "status"
    }, {
    "cpuUsage" : 5.637376656633329,
    "server" : true,
    "httpServiceBindAddress" : "httpServiceBindAddress",
    "memberName" : "memberName",
    "locators" : "locators",
    "processId" : 4,
    "webSSL" : true,
    "hostedRegions" : [ "hostedRegions", "hostedRegions" ],
    "host" : "host",
    "maxHeapSize" : 2,
    "workingDirPath" : "workingDirPath",
    "id" : "id",
    "clientCount" : 5,
    "httpServicePort" : 7,
    "cacheServerInfo" : [ {
    "running" : true,
    "port" : 1,
    "maxThreads" : 6,
    "bindAddress" : "bindAddress",
    "maxConnections" : 0
    }, {
    "running" : true,
    "port" : 1,
    "maxThreads" : 6,
    "bindAddress" : "bindAddress",
    "maxConnections" : 0
    } ],
    "coordinator" : true,
    "groups" : "groups",
    "serverBindAddress" : "serverBindAddress",
    "cacheXmlFilePath" : "cacheXmlFilePath",
    "locatorPort" : 3,
    "heapUsage" : 2,
    "initHeapSize" : 9,
    "logFilePath" : "logFilePath",
    "offHeapMemorySize" : "offHeapMemorySize",
    "secured" : true,
    "statArchiveFilePath" : "statArchiveFilePath",
    "status" : "status"
    } ]
    } ],
    "links" : { },
    "statusMessage" : "statusMessage",
    "statusCode" : "OK"

  • */*

  • application/json

  • {
    "links" : { },
    "statusMessage" : "statusMessage",
    "statusCode" : "OK"

  • */*

  • ""

  • */*

  • {
    "result" : {
    "rebalanceRegionResults" : [ {
    "bucketCreateTimeInMilliseconds" : 6,
    "primaryTransferTimeInMilliseconds" : 7,
    "bucketCreatesCompleted" : 1,
    "bucketTransfersCompleted" : 2,
    "bucketCreateBytes" : 0,
    "regionName" : "regionName",
    "bucketTransferTimeInMilliseconds" : 5,
    "timeInMilliseconds" : 3,
    "primaryTransfersCompleted" : 9,
    "bucketTransferBytes" : 5
    }, {
    "bucketCreateTimeInMilliseconds" : 6,
    "primaryTransferTimeInMilliseconds" : 7,
    "bucketCreatesCompleted" : 1,
    "bucketTransfersCompleted" : 2,
    "bucketCreateBytes" : 0,
    "regionName" : "regionName",
    "bucketTransferTimeInMilliseconds" : 5,
    "timeInMilliseconds" : 3,
    "primaryTransfersCompleted" : 9,
    "bucketTransferBytes" : 5
    } ],
    "statusMessage" : "statusMessage"
    "operationEnded" : "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX",
    "operationStart" : "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX",
    "links" : { },
    "operator" : "operator",
    "statusMessage" : "statusMessage",
    "statusCode" : "OK"

  • */*

  • {
    "result" : [ {
    "operationEnded" : "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX",
    "operationStart" : "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX",
    "operationId" : "operationId",
    "operator" : "operator",
    "statusMessage" : "statusMessage",
    "statusCode" : "OK"
    }, {
    "operationEnded" : "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX",
    "operationStart" : "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX",
    "operationId" : "operationId",
    "operator" : "operator",
    "statusMessage" : "statusMessage",
    "statusCode" : "OK"
    } ],
    "links" : { },
    "statusMessage" : "statusMessage",
    "statusCode" : "OK"

  • */*

  • application/json

  • {
    "operationEnded" : "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX",
    "operationStart" : "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX",
    "operationId" : "operationId",
    "operator" : "operator",
    "statusMessage" : "statusMessage",
    "statusCode" : "OK"

  • */*

  • application/json

  • {
    "links" : { },
    "statusMessage" : "statusMessage",
    "statusCode" : "OK"

  • */*

  • {
    "links" : { },
    "statusMessage" : "statusMessage",
    "statusCode" : "OK"

  • */*

  • {
    "result" : {
    "configuration" : {
    "regionPath" : "regionPath",
    "expression" : "expression",
    "keyIndex" : true,
    "name" : "name",
    "group" : "group"
    "runtimeInfo" : [ {
    "memberName" : "memberName"
    }, {
    "memberName" : "memberName"
    } ]
    "links" : { },
    "statusMessage" : "statusMessage",
    "statusCode" : "OK"

  • */*

  • {
    "result" : {
    "configuration" : {
    "expirations" : [ {
    "action" : "DESTROY",
    "type" : "ENTRY_TIME_TO_LIVE",
    "timeInSeconds" : 0
    }, {
    "action" : "DESTROY",
    "type" : "ENTRY_TIME_TO_LIVE",
    "timeInSeconds" : 0
    } ],
    "redundantCopies" : 6,
    "keyConstraint" : "keyConstraint",
    "name" : "name",
    "valueConstraint" : "valueConstraint",
    "type" : "PARTITION",
    "diskStoreName" : "diskStoreName",
    "group" : "group"
    "runtimeInfo" : [ {
    "entryCount" : 1,
    "memberName" : "memberName"
    }, {
    "entryCount" : 1,
    "memberName" : "memberName"
    } ]
    "links" : { },
    "statusMessage" : "statusMessage",
    "statusCode" : "OK"

  • */*

  • {
    "result" : [ {
    "configuration" : {
    "regionPath" : "regionPath",
    "expression" : "expression",
    "keyIndex" : true,
    "name" : "name",
    "group" : "group"
    "runtimeInfo" : [ {
    "memberName" : "memberName"
    }, {
    "memberName" : "memberName"
    } ]
    }, {
    "configuration" : {
    "regionPath" : "regionPath",
    "expression" : "expression",
    "keyIndex" : true,
    "name" : "name",
    "group" : "group"
    "runtimeInfo" : [ {
    "memberName" : "memberName"
    }, {
    "memberName" : "memberName"
    } ]
    } ],
    "links" : { },
    "statusMessage" : "statusMessage",
    "statusCode" : "OK"

  • */*

  • {
    "result" : [ {
    "configuration" : {
    "regionPath" : "regionPath",
    "expression" : "expression",
    "keyIndex" : true,
    "name" : "name",
    "group" : "group"
    "runtimeInfo" : [ {
    "memberName" : "memberName"
    }, {
    "memberName" : "memberName"
    } ]
    }, {
    "configuration" : {
    "regionPath" : "regionPath",
    "expression" : "expression",
    "keyIndex" : true,
    "name" : "name",
    "group" : "group"
    "runtimeInfo" : [ {
    "memberName" : "memberName"
    }, {
    "memberName" : "memberName"
    } ]
    } ],
    "links" : { },
    "statusMessage" : "statusMessage",
    "statusCode" : "OK"

  • */*

  • {
    "result" : [ {
    "configuration" : {
    "expirations" : [ {
    "action" : "DESTROY",
    "type" : "ENTRY_TIME_TO_LIVE",
    "timeInSeconds" : 0
    }, {
    "action" : "DESTROY",
    "type" : "ENTRY_TIME_TO_LIVE",
    "timeInSeconds" : 0
    } ],
    "redundantCopies" : 6,
    "keyConstraint" : "keyConstraint",
    "name" : "name",
    "valueConstraint" : "valueConstraint",
    "type" : "PARTITION",
    "diskStoreName" : "diskStoreName",
    "group" : "group"
    "runtimeInfo" : [ {
    "entryCount" : 1,
    "memberName" : "memberName"
    }, {
    "entryCount" : 1,
    "memberName" : "memberName"
    } ]
    }, {
    "configuration" : {
    "expirations" : [ {
    "action" : "DESTROY",
    "type" : "ENTRY_TIME_TO_LIVE",
    "timeInSeconds" : 0
    }, {
    "action" : "DESTROY",
    "type" : "ENTRY_TIME_TO_LIVE",
    "timeInSeconds" : 0
    } ],
    "redundantCopies" : 6,
    "keyConstraint" : "keyConstraint",
    "name" : "name",
    "valueConstraint" : "valueConstraint",
    "type" : "PARTITION",
    "diskStoreName" : "diskStoreName",
    "group" : "group"
    "runtimeInfo" : [ {
    "entryCount" : 1,
    "memberName" : "memberName"
    }, {
    "entryCount" : 1,
    "memberName" : "memberName"
    } ]
    } ],
    "links" : { },
    "statusMessage" : "statusMessage",
    "statusCode" : "OK"

  • */*

  • CacheServerInfo - CacheServerInfo

  • ClassName - ClassName

  • ClusterManagementGetResult«GatewayReceiver,GatewayReceiverInfo» - ClusterManagementGetResult«GatewayReceiver,GatewayReceiverInfo»

  • ClusterManagementGetResult«Index,RuntimeInfo» - ClusterManagementGetResult«Index,RuntimeInfo»

  • ClusterManagementGetResult«Member,MemberInformation» - ClusterManagementGetResult«Member,MemberInformation»

  • ClusterManagementGetResult«Region,RuntimeRegionInfo» - ClusterManagementGetResult«Region,RuntimeRegionInfo»

  • ClusterManagementListOperationsResult«RebalanceResult» - ClusterManagementListOperationsResult«RebalanceResult»

  • ClusterManagementListResult«GatewayReceiver,GatewayReceiverInfo» - ClusterManagementListResult«GatewayReceiver,GatewayReceiverInfo»

  • ClusterManagementListResult«Index,RuntimeInfo» - ClusterManagementListResult«Index,RuntimeInfo»

  • ClusterManagementListResult«Member,MemberInformation» - ClusterManagementListResult«Member,MemberInformation»

  • ClusterManagementListResult«Region,RuntimeRegionInfo» - ClusterManagementListResult«Region,RuntimeRegionInfo»

  • ClusterManagementOperationResult«RebalanceResult» - ClusterManagementOperationResult«RebalanceResult»

  • ClusterManagementOperationStatusResult«RebalanceResult» - ClusterManagementOperationStatusResult«RebalanceResult»

  • ClusterManagementResult - ClusterManagementResult

  • ConfigurationResult«GatewayReceiver,GatewayReceiverInfo» - ConfigurationResult«GatewayReceiver,GatewayReceiverInfo»

  • ConfigurationResult«Index,RuntimeInfo» - ConfigurationResult«Index,RuntimeInfo»

  • ConfigurationResult«Member,MemberInformation» - ConfigurationResult«Member,MemberInformation»

  • ConfigurationResult«Region,RuntimeRegionInfo» - ConfigurationResult«Region,RuntimeRegionInfo»

  • Expiration - Expiration

  • GatewayReceiver - GatewayReceiver

  • GatewayReceiverInfo - GatewayReceiverInfo

  • Index - Index

  • Links - Links

  • Member - Member

  • MemberInformation - MemberInformation

  • Pdx - Pdx

  • RebalanceOperation - RebalanceOperation

  • RebalanceRegionResult - RebalanceRegionResult

  • RebalanceResult - RebalanceResult

  • Region - Region

  • RuntimeInfo - RuntimeInfo

  • RuntimeRegionInfo - RuntimeRegionInfo

  • CacheServerInfo - CacheServerInfo Up

    ClassName - ClassName Up

    ClusterManagementGetResult«GatewayReceiver,GatewayReceiverInfo» - ClusterManagementGetResult«GatewayReceiver,GatewayReceiverInfo» Up

    ClusterManagementGetResult«Index,RuntimeInfo» - ClusterManagementGetResult«Index,RuntimeInfo» Up

    ClusterManagementGetResult«Member,MemberInformation» - ClusterManagementGetResult«Member,MemberInformation» Up

    ClusterManagementGetResult«Region,RuntimeRegionInfo» - ClusterManagementGetResult«Region,RuntimeRegionInfo» Up

    ClusterManagementListOperationsResult«RebalanceResult» - ClusterManagementListOperationsResult«RebalanceResult» Up

    ClusterManagementListResult«GatewayReceiver,GatewayReceiverInfo» - ClusterManagementListResult«GatewayReceiver,GatewayReceiverInfo» Up

    ClusterManagementListResult«Index,RuntimeInfo» - ClusterManagementListResult«Index,RuntimeInfo» Up

    ClusterManagementListResult«Member,MemberInformation» - ClusterManagementListResult«Member,MemberInformation» Up

    ClusterManagementListResult«Region,RuntimeRegionInfo» - ClusterManagementListResult«Region,RuntimeRegionInfo» Up

    ClusterManagementOperationResult«RebalanceResult» - ClusterManagementOperationResult«RebalanceResult» Up

    ClusterManagementOperationStatusResult«RebalanceResult» - ClusterManagementOperationStatusResult«RebalanceResult» Up

    ClusterManagementResult - ClusterManagementResult Up

    ConfigurationResult«GatewayReceiver,GatewayReceiverInfo» - ConfigurationResult«GatewayReceiver,GatewayReceiverInfo» Up

    ConfigurationResult«Index,RuntimeInfo» - ConfigurationResult«Index,RuntimeInfo» Up

    ConfigurationResult«Member,MemberInformation» - ConfigurationResult«Member,MemberInformation» Up

    ConfigurationResult«Region,RuntimeRegionInfo» - ConfigurationResult«Region,RuntimeRegionInfo» Up

    Expiration - Expiration Up

    GatewayReceiver - GatewayReceiver Up

    GatewayReceiverInfo - GatewayReceiverInfo Up

    Index - Index Up

    Member - Member Up

    MemberInformation - MemberInformation Up

    Pdx - Pdx Up

    RebalanceOperation - RebalanceOperation Up

    RebalanceRegionResult - RebalanceRegionResult Up

    RebalanceResult - RebalanceResult Up

    Region - Region Up

    RuntimeInfo - RuntimeInfo Up

    RuntimeRegionInfo - RuntimeRegionInfo Up

    • No labels