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Current state: DRAFT [One of "Under Discussion", "Accepted", "Rejected"]

Discussion thread: here [Change the link from the KIP proposal email archive to your own email thread]


Please keep the discussion on the mailing list rather than commenting on the wiki (wiki discussions get unwieldy fast).


The goal is to add Kafka Rest Server to Kafka Repository. This will allow any language/tool that
can work with HTTP to produce and consume messages, and perform administrative actions with Kafka service.

Why add Kafka Rest Server to Kafka?

There are already some open-source REST proxies are available. Confluent REST Proxy got comprehensive interface.

We want to add Kafka Rest Server to Kafka for the following reasons.

1) Many data Infra tools comes up with Rest Interface. It is useful to have inbuilt Rest API support for Produce,
   Consume messages and admin interface for integrating with external management and provisioning tools.
2) Shipping Kafka Rest Server as part of a normal Kafka release makes it immediately available to every user that downloads Kafka.
3) Helps to maintain the version compatibility between Kafka and Rest Server.

Some of the good practices and ideas will be borrowed from existing tools.

Proposed Changes

Rest Server
The REST server is a separate server, sitting between Kafka cluster and client applications. It is wrapper around existing client libraries. 
Request/Responses supports JSON format with embedded data format (JSON and Base64 encoded strings). Proxy uses vendor specific
content types in Content-Type and Accept headers to make the format of the data explicit. This approach is borrowed from Confluent Rest Proxy.
Supported Content-Types are: application/vnd.kafka.binary.v1+json, application/vnd.kafka.json.v1+json
Rest server can be easily scaled by deploying multiple proxy instances. This way we can spread the load across multiple proxy instance
Producer API

REST server accepts produce requests for specific topics or partitions. It internally uses java producer instance to write messages into Kafka. 

Consumer API

REST server uses the consumer API to consume the messages from the subscribed topic on behalf of the specified consumer group.
When a message is consumed on behalf of a consume group for the first time, then Kafka Consumer instance joins the consumer group
and subscribes to the topic. All Consumer instances that are currently members of that group and subscribed to that topic divide
topic partitions among themselves. If a Consumer instance has not consumed from a particular topic on behalf of a particular
consumer group for configured interval, then it unsubscribes from the topic on behalf of that group. Offset commit can be either
automatic or manual as requested by the user. We can also retrieve the messages for a consumer, from a specific partition,
starting with an offset.

We also want to take community opinion on other ways of implementing consumer group

Admin API and Security Integration:

This will be taken up as future work after the KIP-4 implementation.

Public Interfaces

Producer API

POST /topics/:topic
Description : Produce messages to a given topic

    Topic (String) - topic name

   JSON Object contains array of produce records

    JSON Object contains response objects

Status Codes:
    404 Not Found
         Error Code 40401 - topic Not Found
         Error Code 40402 - Version Not Found
   500 Internal Server Error
        Error Code 50001 - Kafka Error


Example request:


POST /topics/test HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.binary.v1+json

Accept: application/vnd.kafka.v1+json


 "records": [


     "key": "a2V5",

     "value": "dmFsdWU="



     "value": "dmFsdWU=",

     "partition": 1





Example response:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.v1+json


 "offsets": [


     "partition": 2,

     "offset": 1



     "partition": 1,

     "offset": 2





POST /topics/:topicName/partitions/:partition
Description : Produce messages to one partition of the topic

     topicName (String) - topic name
     partition (int) - partition number

    JSON Object contains array of produce records

    JSON Object contains response objects

Status Codes:
      404 Not Found
           Error Code 40401 - topic Not Found
           Error Code 40402 - partition Not Found
     500 Internal Server Error
          Error Code 50001 - Kafka Error

Example request:


POST /topics/test/partitions/1 HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.binary.v1+json

Accept: application/vnd.kafka.v1+json


  "records": [


     "key": "a2V5",

     "value": "dmFsdWU="



     "value": "dmFsdWU="




Example response:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

 Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.v1+json


 "offsets": [


     "partition": 1,

     "offset": 1,



     "partition": 1,

     "offset": 2,




Consumer API

GET /topics/:topic_name/partitions/:partition?offset=(int)
Description : Consume messages from one partition of the topic.


     topic_name (String) - topic name
     partition (int) - partition number
     offset (int) - offset to fetch

    JSON Object contains response objects

Status Codes:
    404 Not Found
        Error Code 40401 - topic Not Found
        Error Code 40402 - partition Not Found
   500 Internal Server Error
       Error Code 50001 - Kafka Error


Example  request:


GET /consume/test/partitions/1?offset=1 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/vnd.kafka.binary.v1+json


Example response:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.binary.v1+json



   "key": "a2V5",

   "value": "dmFsdWU=",

   "partition": 1,

   "offset": 1,



    "key": "a2V5",

   "value": "dmFsdWU=",

   "partition": 1,

   "offset": 2,




GET /topics/:topic/messages?group=<group>
Description : consumes a message from the specified topic on behalf of the specified consumer group

     topic (String) - topic name
     group (String) - consumer group id

     JSON Object contains response objects

Status Codes:
    404 Not Found
         Error Code 40401 - topic Not Found
    500 Internal Server Error
         Error Code 50001 - Kafka Error


Example binary request:


GET /topics/test/messages?group=testgroup HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/vnd.kafka.binary.v1+json


Example response:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.binary.v1+json



   "key": "a2V5",

   "value": "dmFsdWU=",

   "partition": 1,

   "offset": 1,



    "key": "a2V5",

   "value": "dmFsdWU=",

   "partition": 1,

   "offset": 2,




POST /topics/:group/offsets
Description : Commit offsets for the consumer instance associated with group.

    group (String) - consumer group id

    JSON Object contains response objects

Status Codes:
   404 Not Found
       Error Code 40401 - group Not Found
  500 Internal Server Error
     Error Code 50001 - Kafka Error

Example request:


POST /topics/testgroup/offsets HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/vnd.kafka.v1+json


Example response:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.v1+json



   "topic": "topic",

   "partition": 1,

   "committed": 1



   "topic": "topic",

   "partition": 2,

   "committed": 2




Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

  • This KIP only proposes additions. There should be no compatibility issues.

Rejected Alternatives

Make Kafka Rest Server an external third-party tool

Main Reason for this KIP is to add Rest Server to Kafka. Shipping Kafka Rest Server as part of a normal Kafka release
makes it immediately available to every user that downloads Kafka. Also helps to maintain the version compatibility
between Kafka clients and Rest Server.

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