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This proposed change enables greater usability of Flink on YARN for batch jobs by introducing the option of waiting until a Flink application has completed before returning back to the Flink Client. This would allow us to directly get the result and status of the application rather than just knowing that job submission was successful.

Currently the Flink Client will immediately exit and return a Successful status when the Flink Application hits RUNNING state when running on yarn, indicating successful job submission but not application completion. By having a configurable option for batch jobs to wait on application completion, we can have richer information about the underlying application status for batch jobs. This is necessary when utilizing flow orchestrators like Airflow, Oozie or Azkaban which rely on the exit status of the application launcher process to provide completion status to users.

This feature currently exists in the per-job mode, which is being dropped by the community. Enabling this feature in Application mode prevents feature regression. 

Public Interfaces

In order to facilitate this new feature, while providing controls around it, we will modify an existing parameter execution.attached to be usable YARN Application submission which will allow users to decide whether or not they want to wait on the underlying application to complete before breaking out of the Flink client. 

We will rename the execution.attached configuration to client.attached.after.submission to reflect that it is a client side configuration while following the proper deprecation process.

The configuration will be declared in in the flink-conf.yaml:

  • client.attached.after.submission: when set as true, the client will wait until the underlying Flink application completes before returning back to the client. It will also retrieve the Final Application Master status and return it in the logs. When set to false, it will continue to behave as before - where the Flink client terminates upon successful submission of the Flink application. Additionally, default behavior will be false for this parameter or when it is not explicitly specified.

Proposed Changes

Adding a new configuration to the flink-conf.yaml


Which will replace execution.attached. Configuring the Application Deployment Mode to honor the client.attached.after.submission configuration when starting the Application cluster.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

  • No impact on the existing users
  • client.attached.after.submission. The execution.attached configuration has only been enabled for per Job application submission, which is being deprecated. 
  • We will mark the execution.attached configuration as deprecated, and add in the client.attached.after.submission configuration and use it in other deployment environments. By default, it will be set to false. 
  • Over time we will remove the execution.attached configuration. 
  • No special migration tools required.

Test Plan

We will test the changes manually by adding in the new parameter in the flink-conf.yaml and running a Flink batch job when the client.attached.after.submission is set to true, that the client terminates when the application is completed and we get an accurate yarn application status based on the result of the flink application. We will also set it to false to confirm that when an application successfully submits, regardless of whether the application itself succeeds or fails, we break out after the flink application is in RUNNING state. We will also confirm that the default behavior is unchanged.

Rejected Alternatives

There was a previous push for a similar feature in Unable to render Jira issues macro, execution error. . Our approach is similar but the PR and effort was dropped. Our approach is similar but we will be replacing the configuration execution.attached to client.attached.after.submission to better reflect that it is a client side configuration. One potential approach for achieving a similar result would be to poll the deployed application cluster to find out when the job has terminated and retrieve the status from the cluster. However, in terms of usability, it is preferable to have it as a feature within flink itself to allow for better integration with flow orchestrators.