Xuefu Zhang, Timo Walther, Fabian Hueske, Piotr Nowojski, Bowen Li
Current state: Under Discussion
Discussion thread: here (<- link to https://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/flink-dev/)
JIRA: here (<- link to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-XXXX)
Released: <Flink Version>
With its wide adoption in streaming processing, Flink has also shown its potentials in batch processing. Improving Flink’s batch processing, especially in terms of SQL, would generate a greater adoption of Flink beyond streaming processing and offer user a complete set of solutions for both their streaming and batch processing needs.
On the other hand, Hive has established its focal point in big data technology and its complete ecosystem. For most of big data users, Hive is not only a SQL engine for big data analytics and ETL, but also a data management platform, on which data are discovered, defined, and evolved. In another words, Hive is a de facto standard for big data on Hadoop.
Therefore, it’s imperative for Flink to integrate with Hive ecosystem to further its reach to batch and SQL users. In doing that, integration with Hive metadata and data is necessary.
There are two aspects of Hive metastore integration: 1. Make Hive’s meta-object such as tables and views available to Flink and Flink is also able to create such meta-objects for and in Hive; 2. Make Flink’s meta-objects (tables, views, and UDFs) persistent using Hive metastore as an persistent storage.
This document is one of the three parts covering Flink and Hive ecosystem integration. It is not only about Hive integration but also reworking the catalog interfaces and unification of the TableEnvironment's catalog and external catalogs, with a long term goal of being able to store both batch and streaming connector information in a catalog (not only Hive but also Kafka, Elasticsearch, etc).
Public Interfaces
Briefly list any new interfaces that will be introduced as part of this proposal or any existing interfaces that will be removed or changed. The purpose of this section is to concisely call out the public contract that will come along with this feature.
A public interface is any change to the following:
- DataStream and DataSet API, including classes related to that, such as StreamExecutionEnvironment
- Classes marked with the @Public annotation
- On-disk binary formats, such as checkpoints/savepoints
- User-facing scripts/command-line tools, i.e. bin/flink, Yarn scripts, Mesos scripts
- Configuration settings
- Exposed monitoring information
Proposed Changes
Describe the new thing you want to do in appropriate detail. This may be fairly extensive and have large subsections of its own. Or it may be a few sentences. Use judgement based on the scope of the change.
Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan
- What impact (if any) will there be on existing users?
- If we are changing behavior how will we phase out the older behavior?
- If we need special migration tools, describe them here.
- When will we remove the existing behavior?
Test Plan
Describe in few sentences how the FLIP will be tested. We are mostly interested in system tests (since unit-tests are specific to implementation details). How will we know that the implementation works as expected? How will we know nothing broke?
Rejected Alternatives
If there are alternative ways of accomplishing the same thing, what were they? The purpose of this section is to motivate why the design is the way it is and not some other way.