1.  Adding the Configurations.
  2.  Using the Credit Bureau which is mapped to Loan Product.
  3.  Using the Credit Bureau directly. (not-mapped with Loan Product).
  4.  Uploading the CreditReport to ThitsaWorks.

  1. Adding the Configuration:

          The configuration is the Credentials and URL’s which are required to store before fetching or uploading the Credit Reports.


          Go to Admin > System > External Service > Credit Bureau Integration.

          Click on Credit Bureau Configuration(as seen on the upper right side.)


         Select which Credit Bureau’s Configuration to be added:



          Add all the configuration, one by one :




           Add all the configuration including the URL.

  • Tokenurl: will be used to create the tokens.
  • Searchurl: will be used to get the Unique Id from the NRC
  • creditReporturl: will be used to fetch the credit report from the Unique Id.
  • addcreditReporturl: will be used to add credit reports to Thitsaworks.

           Note: While adding the configurations, Do NOT the white-space at the end of the value.

     2. Using the Credit Bureau which will be mapped to Loan Product:

  • Description :
  • Create the Alias of the Credit Bureau.
  • Map it with the Loan Product.
  • When the Client will apply for the loan with the Loan Product which is mapped to the Credit Bureau (and status: Enabled) then Credit Check Button will be seen on the Loan Application of the Client.
  • Since the Credit Bureau is already mapped with that loan product. (So, the system knows to which Credit Bureau page the user should be re-directed to)

           This will make it easier for the User, to fetch the credit Report without Selecting the Credit Bureau.

         Step 1:

         Map the Credit Bureau with the Loan Product :
         Go to > Admin > System > External Services > Credit Bureau Integration.



         Click on: Add Credit Bureau Button > Give the Integrated Credit Bureau an Alias Name.


         List of Alias of the Integrated Credit Bureau will be shown:



           Now, Map it with the Loan Product :
           Click on the “Map Credit Bureau to Loan Product” Button >  Select the Loan Product and Credit Bureau and Add the details as shown below :


             List of Mappings of Credit Bureau with the Loan Product:



              Now Created the Client for the Loan with the Loan Product (Myanmar Loan Product) which was mapped to the Credit Bureau.

              Since it was not enabled after Mapping, the Credit Check Button is still not visible.


                Enabling the Mapping(and status: green):


                 Now, Credit Check Button is enabled, Click on Credit Check Button:



                  Credit Bureau Summary: Details of Mapping.



                  Credit Report Page:

                  Enter the NRC Number to fetch the Credit Report:

                  To fetch the Reports, Enter the Exact NRC. for example: 12/KaMaRa(N)253426




        3.Using the Credit Bureau directly. (not-mapped with Loan Product).

                   Go to Clients >Select any Client > Select Credit Report Tab > Select the Credit Bureau Name > Click on Credit Check Button > Re-direct to Credit Report Page



        4.  Uploading the CreditReport to ThitsaWorks.
                  Go to Clients >Select any Client > Select Credit Report Tab > Select the Credit Bureau Name > Click on Upload Button > Re-direct to Upload Credit-Report Page

                  Select the .csv file which should follow the Credit Bureau's template format and click on the upload button.



  • Invalid Request:


                  HTTP FORBIDDEN:


                   HTTP_FORBIDDEN will occur when the request is getting sent from an IP, which is not whitelisted. Contact THITSAWORKS to make your static IP Whitelisted.

                  Account Inactive:



                  When the Account Inactive occurs, then try using the Configurations of other Accounts.
                  Example: if there is the use of MFI1 credentials, then try using the credentials of other MFI Account which is provided by THITSAWORKS.






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