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Executing statements periodically can be usefull in

  • Pulling informations from external systems
  • Periodically updating column statistics
  • Rebuilding materialized views


  • The metastore maintains the scheduled queries in the metastore database
  • The Hiveserver periodically polls the metastore for a scheduled query to be executed
    • During execution informations about ongoing/finished executions are kept in the metastore to help  

Scheduled queries were added in Hive 4.0 (HIVE-21884)

Hive has it’s scheduled query interface built into the language itself for easy access:

Maintaining scheduled queries

Create Scheduled query syntax

CREATE SCHEDULED QUERY <scheduled_query_name>
     [<executedAsSpec> ]

Alter Scheduled query syntax

ALTER SCHEDULED QUERY <scheduled_query_name>

Drop syntax

DROP SCHEDULED QUERY <scheduled_query_name>;

scheduleSpecification syntax

Schedules can be specified using CRON expressions or for common cases there is a simpler form; in any case the schedule is stored as Quartz cron expression.

CRON based schedule syntax

CRON <quartz_schedule_expression>

where  quartz_schedule_expression is quoted schedule in the Quartz format

For example the CRON '0 */10 * * * ? *'  expression will fire every 10 minutes.

EVERY base schedule syntax

To give a more readable way to declare schedules EVERY can be used.

EVERY [<integer>] (SECOND|MINUTE|HOUR) [(OFFSET BY|AT) <timeOrDate>]

the format makes it possible to declare schedules in a more readable way:

EVERY HOUR AT '0:07:30'
EVERY DAY AT '11:35:30'

Executed AS syntax

EXECUTED AS <user_name>

Scheduled queries are executed as the declaring user by default; but people with admin privileges might be able to change the executing user.

enableSpecification syntax


Can be used to enable/disable a schedule.

Defined AS syntax

[DEFINED] AS <hiveQuery>

The “query” is a single statement expression to be scheduled for execution.

System Tables

Informations about scheduled queries/executions can be obtain by using the information_schema or the sysdb - recommended way is to use the information_schema; sysdb is tables are there to build the information_schema level views - and for debugging.


Suppose we have a scheduled query defined by:

create scheduled query sc1 cron '0 */10 * * * ? *' as select 1;

Let’s take a look at it in the information_schema.scheduled_queries table by using

select * from information_schema.scheduled_queries;

I will transpose the resultset to describe each column



Internally, every scheduled query also has a numeric id



The name of the schedule



True if the schedule is enabled



The namespace thes scheduled query belongs to


0 */10 * * * ? *

The schedule described in QUARTZ cron format



The owner/executor of the query


select 1

The query being scheduled


2020-01-29 16:50:00

Technical column; shows when the next execution should happen

Note: (schedule_name,cluster_namespace) is unique


select * from information_schema.scheduled_executions;



Hive metastore related configuration

    • metastore.scheduled.queries.enabled (default: true)
      Controls the metastore side support for scheduled queries; forces all HMS scheduled query related endpoints to return with an error
    • metastore.scheduled.queries.execution.timeout (default: 2 minutes)
      In case a scheduled execution is not updated for at least this amount of time; it’s state will be changed to TIMED_OUT by the cleaner task

  • metastore.scheduled.queries.execution.maint.task.frequency (default: 1 minute)
    Interval of scheduled query maintenance task. Which removes executions above max age; and marks executions as TIMED_OUT if the condition is met
  • metastore.scheduled.queries.execution.max.age (default: 30 days)
    Maximal age of a scheduled query execution entry before it is removed.

HiveServer2 related configuration

  • hive.scheduled.queries.executor.enabled (default: true)
    Controls whether HS2 will run scheduled query executor.
  • hive.scheduled.queries.namespace (default: "hive")
    Sets the scheduled query namespace to be used. New scheduled queries are created in this namespace; and execution is also bound to the namespace
  • hive.scheduled.queries.executor.idle.sleep.time (default: 1 minute)
    Time to sleep between querying for the presence of a scheduled query.
  • (default: 1 minute)
    While scheduled queries are in flight; a background update happens periodically to report the actual state of the query.
  • (default: true)
    This option sets the default behaviour of newly created scheduled queries.
  • (default: false)
    Enable this if the configured authorizer is able to handle scheduled query related calls.


create table t (a integer);

create scheduled query sc1 cron ‘0 */10 * * * ? *’ as insert into t values (1);

Example 1 - general usage of schedules

create table t (a integer);

-- create scheduled queries

create scheduled query sc1 cron ‘0 */10 * * * ? *’ as insert into t values (1);

-- depending on the query might get create in disabled mode

-- it can be enabled using:

alter scheduled query sc1 enabled;

-- inspect scheduled queries using the information_schema

create scheduled query sc2 cron ‘0 */10 * * * ? *’ as analyze table t compute statistics for columns;

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