Current Deployment Strategy and Future Goal of Automatic Deployments

With the exponential growth in the usage of OpenWhisk, there are multiple approaches of deployment one can use in order to use OpenWhisk (most of it being deployed on cloud). Though there are great deployment support and projects available but there is a need to have a one stop solution to have a working copy of OpenWhisk deployed on a cloud provider(be it AWS, Azure or other cloud operators).

In order to cater to this we can have a standalone project or enhance the current INCUBATOR DEVTOOLS PROJECT to provide one stop solution for OpenWhisk deployment on any of  the Cloud Providers. 

Details about the prototype to show capabilities/future prospects of this project is given below:

About Project:


This project uses the the existing capabilities of JENKINS , INCUBATOR DEVTOOLS and AWS SDK to deploy OPENWHISK on AWS.  This prototype has been tested to deploy OpenWhisk on AWS Single Node and AWS managed Kubernetes Cluster.

Some of the key features of this prototype:

  1. Configure AWS as per resources required by the users
  2. Tear down the deployed OpenWhisk cluster when not used/needed

More details in the project README.

The diagram below shows a high level architecture/plan of the deployment strategy:



Advantages and Future Implementations:

Advantages of this deployment strategy:
  1. One stop solution to deploy OpenWhisk on any of the cloud providers
  2. The project can be easily tweaked to individuals needs
Future implementations:
  1. Can be implemented for Azure or other cloud deployments
  2. Can be implemented for Azure and AWS Code Pipelines

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