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This documentation refers to version 2.1 which has not been released yet.


All examples on this page assume the following JSP fragment is on the same page as the example.

<%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="sx" uri="/struts-dojo-tags" %>

    <sx:head />

<s:url id="url" value="/MyAction.action" />


Request is triggered by a topic
<s:submit value="Make Request" onclick="dojo.event.topic.publish('/request')" />
<sx:bind listenTopics="/request" href="%{#url}" />
Attached to an event
<s:submit value="Make Request" id="submit" />
<sx:bind sources="submit" events="onclick" href="%{#url}" />
Attached to an event on multiple sources
<s:submit value="Make Request" id="submit0" />
<s:submit value="Make Request" id="submit1" />
<sx:bind sources="submit0,submit1" events="onclick" href="%{#url}" />
Attached to multiple events on multiple sources
<s:textarea id="area0" />
<s:textarea id="area1" />
<sx:bind sources="area0,area1" events="onfocus,onchange" href="%{#url}" />
Update target element with content returned from url
<s:div id="div" />

<!-- With a bind tag -->
<s:submit value="Make Request" id="submit" />
<sx:bind targets="div" sources="submit" events="onclick" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With a submit tag -->
<sx:submit targets="div" value="Make Request" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With an anchor tag -->
<sx:a targets="div" value="Make Request" href="%{#url}" />
Update multiple target elements with content returned from url
<s:div id="div0" />
<s:div id="div1" />

<!-- With a bind tag -->
<s:submit value="Make Request" id="submit" />
<sx:bind targets="div0,div1" sources="submit" events="onclick" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With a submit tag -->
<sx:submit targets="div0,div1" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With an anchor tag -->
<sx:a targets="div0,div1" href="%{#url}" />
Show indicator while request is in progress
<img id="indicator" src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/images/indicator.gif" style="display:none" />

<!-- With a bind tag -->
<s:submit value="Make Request" id="submit" />
<sx:bind indicator="indicator" sources="submit" events="onclick" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With a submit tag -->
<sx:submit indicator="indicator" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With an anchor tag -->
<sx:a indicator="indicator" href="%{#url}" />
Highlight content of target with blue color, for 2 seconds
<s:div id="div" />

<!-- With a bind tag -->
<s:submit value="Make Request" id="submit" />
<sx:bind highlightColor="blue" highlightDuration="2000" targets="div" sources="submit" events="onclick" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With a submit tag -->
<sx:submit highlightColor="blue" highlightDuration="2000" targets="div" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With an anchor tag -->
<sx:a highlightColor="blue" highlightDuration="2000" targets="div" href="%{#url}" />
Execute JavaScript in the returned content
<s:div id="div" />

<!-- With a bind tag -->
<s:submit value="Make Request" id="submit" />
<sx:bind executeScripts="true" targets="div" sources="submit" events="onclick" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With a submit tag -->
<sx:submit executeScripts="true" targets="div" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With an anchor tag -->
<sx:a executeScripts="true" targets="div" href="%{#url}" />
Publish a topic before the request
<script type="text/javascript">
dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/before", function(event, widget){
   alert('inside a topic event. before request');
   //event: event object
   //widget: widget that published the topic

<!-- With a bind tag -->
<s:submit value="Make Request" id="submit" />
<sx:bind beforeNotifyTopics="/before" sources="submit" events="onclick" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With a submit tag -->
<sx:submit beforeNotifyTopics="/before" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With an anchor tag -->
<sx:a beforeNotifyTopics="/before" href="%{#url}" />
Publish a topic after the request
<script type="text/javascript">
dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/after", function(data, request, widget){
   alert('inside a topic event. after request');
   //data : text returned from request
   //request: XMLHttpRequest object
   //widget: widget that published the topic

<!-- With a bind tag -->
<s:submit value="Make Request" id="submit" />
<sx:bind afterNotifyTopics="/after" sources="submit" events="onclick" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With a submit tag -->
<sx:submit afterNotifyTopics="/after" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With an anchor tag -->
<sx:a afterNotifyTopics="/after" href="%{#url}" />
Publish a topic on error
<script type="text/javascript">
dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/error", function(error, request, widget){
   alert('inside a topic event. on error');
   //error : error object (error.message has the error message)
   //request: XMLHttpRequest object
   //widget: widget that published the topic

<!-- With a bind tag -->
<s:submit value="Make Request" id="submit" />
<sx:bind errorNotifyTopics="/error" sources="submit" events="onclick" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With a submit tag -->
<sx:submit errorNotifyTopics="/error" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With an anchor tag -->
<sx:a errorNotifyTopics="/error" href="%{#url}" />
Show a fixed error message on error
<div id="div" />

<!-- With a bind tag -->
<s:submit value="Make Request" id="submit" />
<sx:bind errorText="Error Loading" targets="div" sources="submit" events="onclick" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With a submit tag -->
<sx:submit errorText="Error Loading" targets="div" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With an anchor tag -->
<sx:a errorText="Error Loading" targets="div" href="%{#url}" />
Prevent a request
<script type="text/javascript">
dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/before", function(event, widget){
   alert('I will stop this request');
   event.cancel = true;

<!-- With a bind tag -->
<s:submit value="Make Request" id="submit" />
<sx:bind beforeNotifyTopics="/before" sources="submit" events="onclick" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With a submit tag -->
<sx:submit beforeNotifyTopics="/before" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With an anchor tag -->
<sx:a beforeNotifyTopics="/before" href="%{#url}" />
Submit a form (plain form)
<form id="form">
  <input type=textbox name="data">

<!-- With a bind tag -->
<s:submit value="Make Request" id="submit" />
<sx:bind formId="form" sources="submit" events="onclick" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With a submit tag -->
<sx:submit formId="form" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With an anchor tag -->
<sx:a formId="form" href="%{#url}" />
Submit a form (using s:form tag)
<!-- With a submit tag -->
<s:form namespace="/mynamespace" action="MyAction">
  <input type=textbox name="data">
  <sx:submit />

<!-- With an anchor tag -->
<s:form namespace="/mynamespace" action="MyAction">
  <input type=textbox name="data">
  <sx:a />


Loads its content after page is loaded
<sx:div href="%{#url}">
  Initial Content
Reloads content when topic is published
<sx:div href="%{#url}" listenTopics="/refresh">
  Initial Content

<s:submit value="Refresh" onclick="dojo.event.topic.publish('/refresh')" />
Updates its content every 2 seconds, shows indicator while loading content
<img id="indicator" src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/images/indicator.gif" style="display:none"/>
<sx:div href="%{#url}" updateFreq="2000">
  Initial Content
Loads its content after a delay of 2 seconds
<sx:div href="%{#url}" delay="2000">
  Initial Content
Show some text while content is loaded
<sx:div href="%{#url}" loadingText="reloading" showLoadingText="true">
  Initial Content
Fixed error message
<sx:div href="noaction" errorText="Error loading content">
  Initial Content
Execute JavaScript in the returned content
<sx:div href="%{#url}" executeScripts="true">
  Initial Content
Control refresh timer using topics
<sx:div href="%{#url}"
  Initial Content

<s:submit value="Refresh" onclick="dojo.event.topic.publish('/refresh')" />
<s:submit value="Start refresh timer" onclick="dojo.event.topic.publish('/startTimer')" />
<s:submit value="Stop refresh timer" onclick="dojo.event.topic.publish('/stopTimer')" />

Date and Time picker

Date picker
<sx:datetimepicker name="picker" />
Time picker
<sx:datetimepicker type="time" name="picker" />
Set value from an String
<sx:datetimepicker value="%{'2007-01-01'}" name="picker" />
Set value from stack (value must evaluate to either a Date, Calendar, or an String that can be parsed using the formats defined in SimpleDateFormat, and RFC 3339)
<sx:datetimepicker value="date" name="picker" />
Set/Get value using JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript">
  function setValue() {
     var picker = dojo.widget.byId("picker");
     //string value
     //Date value
     picker.setValue(new Date());
  function showValue() {
     var picker = dojo.widget.byId("picker");
     //string value
     var stringValue = picker.getValue();
     //date value
     var dateValue = picker.getDate();

<sx:datetimepicker id="picker" />
Style the textbox
<sx:datetimepicker id="picker" cssStye="background:red" cssClass="someclass"/>
Publish topic when value changes
<script type="text/javascript">
  dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/value", function(textEntered, date, widget){
      alert('value changed');
      //textEntered: String enetered in the textbox
      //date: JavaScript Date object with the value selected
      //widet: widget that published the topic 

<sx:datetimepicker label="Order Date" valueNotifyTopics="/value"/>
Use other locales. Locales must be specified in the s:x head tag.
<sx:head extraLocales="en-us,nl-nl,de-de" />

<sx:datetimepicker label="In German" name="dddp7" value="%{'2006-06-28'}" language="de-de" />
<sx:datetimepicker label="In Dutch"  name="dddp8" value="%{'2006-06-28'}" language="nl-nl" />

Tabbed Panel

Local Tabs
   <sx:div label="Tab 1" >
       Local Tab 1
   <sx:div label="Tab 2" >
       Local Tab 2
Local and remote tabs
   <sx:div label="Local Tab 1" >
       Tab 1
   <sx:div label="Remote Tab 2" href="%{#url}">
       Remote Tab 2
Fixed size (size does not adjust to current tab)
<sx:tabbedpanel cssStyle="width: 500px; height: 300px;" doLayout="true">
   <sx:div label="Tab 1" >
       Local Tab 1
   <sx:div label="Tab 2" >
       Local Tab 2
Do not load tab 2 when page loads (it will be loaded when selected)
   <sx:div label="Remote Tab 1" href="%{#url}">
       Remote Tab 1
   <sx:div label="Remote Tab 2" href="%{#url}" preload="false">
       Remote Tab 1
Reload tabs content when selected
   <sx:div label="Remote Tab 1" href="%{#url}" refreshOnShow="true">
       Remote Tab 1
   <sx:div label="Remote Tab 2" href="%{#url}" refreshOnShow="true">
       Remote Tab 2
Disabled tabs
   <sx:div label="Tab 1" >
       Local Tab 1
   <sx:div label="Tab 2" disabled="true">
       Local Tab 2
Enable/Disable tabs using JavaScript
<script type="text/javascript">
   function enableTab(id) {
      var tabContainer = dojo.widget.byId('tabContainer');
   function disableTab(index) {
      var tabContainer = dojo.widget.byId('tabContainer');

<sx:tabbedpanel id="tabContainer">
   <sx:div id="tab1" label="Tab 1" >
       Local Tab 1
   <sx:div id="tab2" label="Tab 2" disabled="true">
       Local Tab 2

<!-- By Tab Index -->
<input type="button" onclick="enableTab(1)" value="Enable Tab 2 using Index" />
<input type="button" onclick="disableTab(1)" value="Disable Tab 2 using Index" />
<!-- By Tab Id -->
<input type="button" onclick="enableTab('tab2')" value="Enable Tab 2 using Id" />
<input type="button" onclick="disableTab('tab2')" value="Disable Tab 2 using Id" />
<!-- By Widget -->
<input type="button" onclick="enableTab(dojo.widget.byId('tab2'))" value="Enable Tab 2 using widget" />
<input type="button" onclick="disableTab(dojo.widget.byId('tab2'))" value="Disable Tab 2 using widget" />
Tab labels position (top, right, bottom, left)
<sx:tabbedpanel labelposition="bottom">
   <sx:div label="Tab 1" >
       Local Tab 1
   <sx:div label="Tab 2" >
       Local Tab 2
  • No labels