.2.4.6 Creating a Blog
The process of setting up a blog is primarily one of setting up the correct permissions and then installing and linking the needed screen widget objects together. Blogs usually consist of contributed articles to which viewer responses are attached. These responses can also be responded to, resulting in a hierarchial tree of responses, while the original articles form a list.
. Blog articles
A blog system should have facilities for creating and editing articles, displaying a list of article summaries, and display of the full article. The content module CMS administration screens could be used for this purpose, but generally it is better to have custom screens that do things such as allow entry of summary and article from the same page.
A blog 'main page' will usually be a list of article summaries with the most recent articles at the top of the list. If all entries are to be displayed the same, then a list form widget could be employed to display this list. If a more complex display scheme were desired, then a tree widget could be used which allows for conditional logic for giving different characteristics to the first article, for instance.

Content articles should not be editable after their Content.statusId is set to PUBLISHED, but this is a site issue.

. Responses
Blog responses are, like articles, of DOCUMENT type. They will, however, be connected with contentAssocTypeId values of RESPONSE, not SUB_CONTENT.
Permission schemes could range from allowing any viewer or any logged in viewer to comment to allowing only 'experts' to comment. A 'logged in viewer' permission arrangement could be set up by making an entry in ContentPurposeOperation that allows CREATE (contentOperationId) when the purpose is RESPONSE (contentPurposeId) and roleTypeId is of the special type _USER_.

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