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This document provides:

  • Information on adding new Committers/PMC members to Apache Juneau.

The Apache Juneau team does not differentiate between Committers and PMC members.  Any member of the PMC can propose a new member of the PMC.


The general process is as follows:

  1. Discussion
  2. Call a vote
  3. Close the vote
  4. Invite the new committer

If they accept, then do:

  1. Accept the committer
  2. Wait until we see that receipt of iCLA (Individual Contributor License Agreement) is recorded
  3. Request creation of the committer account
  4. Now wait until root says it is done
  5. PMC Chair to enable svn and other access
  6. Add committer to the appropriate groups in JIRA and CWiki
  7. Notify the committer of completion
  8. If committer is also to be a PMC member, PMC Chair sends email to board@ asking for acknowledgement of new PMC member
  9. Announce the new committer


Before approving membership, it's assumed that the person has actively contributed through this process:

Once it's been shown that the member submits good work, the team can invite them to be a full member.

[DISCUSS] Jane Doe PMC membership

I'd like to discuss adding Joe Bob as a PMC member.

State reason why.

Call for vote

If there is consensus that the proposed member is suitable, then there should be a formal vote in the PMC private alias:

[VOTE] Jane Doe PMC membership

I'm pleased to be calling this vote for inviting [Jane Doe] to be a member of the Juneau PMC.

This vote will be open at least until 04-May-2016 1:30pm and passes if a majority of at least three +1 Apache Juneau PMC votes are cast. 
(needs to be at least 72 weekday hours)

[ ] +1 Approve invitation
[ ] 0 I don't feel strongly about it, but don't object 
[ ] -1 Do not approve invitation because...

State reason why.

Close the vote

If the vote is successful, the proposer should send a message to the PMC private alias.

[VOTE][RESULT] Jane Doe PMC membership

Voting for PMC membership for [Jane Doe] is now closed. The vote has passed with the following tally:

John Smith, PMC, +1

Board notification

Adding a new PMC member requires sending an email notification to the Board's mailing list and the PMC's private mailing list and waiting 72 hours. Once the notification appears in the archives, an invitation may be sent out 72 hours later (unless a Director objects to the nomination). The detailed process can be found in the June 2013 board minutes under section "7 G. Amend the Procedure for PMC Membership Changes"

Do NOT send an unconditional invite to the potential member before the 72 hour NOTICE period has expired! It would be very awkward if the invite has to be withdrawn if the board objects.

This notification may be sent by the PMC Chair, or by any other PMC member if they include a link to the formal PMC decision or vote on their private@ list.

Ensure the PMC private list is copied - but do not Cc the potential member. For example:

[NOTICE] Jane Doe for Juneau PMC

Juneau proposes to invite [Jane Doe](janedoe) to join the PMC.

(include if a vote was held)
The vote result is available here:

It should noted that there is a grace period of 72 hours from when the above NOTICE is sent to the Incubator PMC to when the proposed member is formally invited. This is an important part of the overall process. Failure to do this can result in an embarrassing situation for people involved.

PMC Invite

After 72 hours, Joe Bob should be invited to join the PMC, using a sample message like this:

You're invited to join the Juneau PMC!

Hello [Jane Doe],

The Juneau Project Management Committee (PMC)
hereby offers you committer privileges to the project
as well as membership in the PMC. These privileges are
offered on the understanding that you'll use them
reasonably and with common sense. We like to work on trust
rather than unnecessary constraints.

Being a committer enables you to more easily make
changes without needing to go through the patch
submission process. Being a PMC member enables you
to guide the direction of the project.

Being a committer does not require you to
participate any more than you already do. It does
tend to make one even more committed. You will
probably find that you spend more time here.

Of course, you can decline and instead remain as a
contributor, participating as you do now.

A. This personal invitation is a chance for you to
accept or decline in private. Either way, please
let us know in reply to the
address only.

B. If you accept, the next step is to register an iCLA:
1. Details of the iCLA and the forms are found
through this link:

2. Instructions for its completion and return to
the Secretary of the ASF are found at

3. When you transmit the completed iCLA, request
to notify the Apache Juneau and choose a
unique Apache id. Look to see if your preferred
id is already taken at
This will allow the Secretary to notify the PMC
when your iCLA has been recorded.

When recording of your iCLA is noticed, you will
receive a follow-up message with the next steps for
establishing you as a committer.

PMC Accept

This is the followup email after the new committer has accepted the invitation:

Subject: Re: invitation to become Juneau PMC member

Welcome. Here are the next steps. After that we will make
an announcement to the juneau-dev list.

You need to send an Contributor License Agreement to the ASF.
Normally you would send an Individual CLA. If you also make
contributions done in work time or using work resources then
see the Corporate CLA. Ask us if you have any issues.

You need to choose a preferred ASF user name and alternatives.
In order to ensure it is available you can view a list of taken ids at

Please notify us when you have submitted the iCLA and by what means
you did so. This will enable us to monitor its progress.

We will arrange for your Apache user account when the iCLA has
been recorded.

After that is done, please make followup replies to the list.
We generally discuss everything there and keep the list for occasional matters which must be private.

Most important links for developers can be found here:

The developer section of the Apache website describes the roles and provides other

Just as before you became a committer, participation in any ASF community
requires adherence to the ASF Code of Conduct:

Best regards,
The Apache Juneau PMC

PMC Account Creation

Follow the instructions here.

In summary:

If the iCLA identifies the project and a valid Apache id, and the [RESULT][VOTE] message has been posted to the PMC private list, then the account creation request is made by the secretary or assistant who files the iCLA. Otherwise, the new account request should be made by the PMC Chair (or any ASF Member if the chair is unavailable).

The PMC chair needs to use the ASF New Account Request form to send a new account request. Members may use ASF New Account Request page for ASF members to use.  For elections held on public lists, please supply the url. For private lists, you can use the Mail Search tool to locate the appropriate url.

PMC Done 

After the committer account is established.

Account request: Jane Doe

As you know, the ASF Infrastructure has set up your
committer account as the username '[janedoe]'.

Please follow the instructions to set up your SSH,
svn password, svn configuration, mail forwarding, etc.

Please subscribe to the Juneau Project Management
Committee mailing list

You have commit access to specific sections of the
ASF repository, as follows:

Juneau has various resources at:

The general "committers" at:

If you have any questions during this phase, then please

see the following resources:

Apache developer's pages:
Naturally, if you don't understand anything be sure to ask us on the Juneau dev mailing list.

Documentation is maintained by volunteers and hence can be out-of-date and incomplete - of course
you can now help fix that.

A PMC member will announce your election to the dev list soon.

PMC Announce

This is the email to announce to juneau-dev once the account has been created.

New PMC member: Jane Doe

The Project Management Committee (PMC) for Apache Juneau
has invited [Jane Doe] to become a member and we are pleased
to announce that he has accepted.

(add specific details here)

Being a committer enables easier contribution to the
project since there is no need to go via the patch
submission process. This should enable better productivity.
Being a PMC member enables assistance with the management
and to guide the direction of the project.

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