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JIRA: To be added

Released: 1.15

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An important part of the Flink ML library infrastructure is the APIs to create, set and get parameters of machine learning stages (e.g. Transformer, Estimator). Currently Flink ML library provides this functionality through the public methods of WithParams (an interface), ParamInfo, ParamInfoFactory and Params (three classes). This doc proposes to simplify the Flink ML library infrastructure by reducing the number of classes as well as the number of public methods on those classes, and still delivering the same functionality. The goal is to make Flink ML library easier to maintain and understood by developers.

Analysis of the existing parameter-related interface and classes

public class ParamInfo<V> {
    ParamInfo(String name, String[] alias, String description, boolean isOptional, boolean hasDefaultValue, V defaultValue, ParamValidator<V> validator, Class<V> valueClass) {...}

    public String getName() {...}

    public String[] getAlias() {...}

    public String getDescription() {...}

    public boolean isOptional() {...}

    public boolean hasDefaultValue() {...}

    public V getDefaultValue() {...}

    public ParamValidator<V> getValidator() {...}

    public Class<V> getValueClass() {...}

public interface WithParams<T> {
    Params getParams();

    default <V> T set(ParamInfo<V> info, V value) {
        getParams().set(info, value);
        return (T) this;

    default <V> V get(ParamInfo<V> info) {
        return getParams().get(info);

public class ParamInfoFactory {

    public static <V> ParamInfoBuilder<V> createParamInfo(String name, Class<V> valueClass) {...}

    public static class ParamInfoBuilder<V> {
        ParamInfoBuilder(String name, Class<V> valueClass) {...}

        public ParamInfoBuilder<V> setAlias(String[] alias) {...}

        public ParamInfoBuilder<V> setDescription(String description) {...}

        public ParamInfoBuilder<V> setOptional() {...}

        public ParamInfoBuilder<V> setRequired() {...}

        public ParamInfoBuilder<V> setHasDefaultValue(V defaultValue) {...}

        public ParamInfoBuilder<V> setValidator(ParamValidator<V> validator) {...}

        public ParamInfo<V> build() {...}

public class Params implements Serializable, Cloneable {
    public int size() {...}

    public void clear() {...}

    public boolean isEmpty() {...}

    public <V> V get(ParamInfo<V> info) {...}

    public <V> Params set(ParamInfo<V> info, V value) {...}

    public <V> void remove(ParamInfo<V> info) {...}

    public <V> boolean contains(ParamInfo<V> info) {...}

    public String toJson() {...}

    public void loadJson(String json) {...}

    public static Params fromJson(String json) {...}

    public Params merge(Params otherParams) {...}

    public Params clone() {...}

Public Interfaces

 * Definition of a parameter, including name, class, description, default value and the validator.
 * @param <T> The type of the parameter value
public class Param<T> {
    public final String name;
    public final Class<?> clazz;
    public final String description;
    public final Object defaultValue;
    public final ParamValidator validator;

    public Param(String name, Class<?> clazz, String description, Object defaultValue, ParamValidator validator) {...}

    // Encodes the given object into a json-formatted string
    public String jsonEncode(T value) throws IOException {...}

    // Decodes the json-formatted string into an object of the given type.
    public T jsonDecode(String json) throws IOException {...}

 * Interface for classes that take parameters. It provides APIs to set and get parameters.
 * @param <T> The class type of WithParams implementation itself.
public interface WithParams<T> {
    /** Gets a param by name. */
    default Param<?> getParam(String name) {...}

     * Sets the value of the given parameter in the user-defined map.
     * @param param the parameter
     * @param value the value
     * @return the WithParams instance itself
    default T set(Param<?> param, Object value) {...}

     * Gets the value of the given parameter. Returns the value from the user-defined map if set(...) has been
     * explicitly called to set value for this parameter. Otherwise, returns the default value from the definition of
     * this parameter.
     * @param param the parameter
     * @param <V> the type of the parameter
     * @return the value of the parameter
    default <V> V get(Param<V> param) {...}

     * Returns an immutable map that contains value for every parameter that meets one of the following conditions:
     * 1) set(...) has been called to set value for this parameter.
     * 2) The parameter is a field of this WithParams instance. This includes public, protected and private fields. And
     * this also includes fields inherited from its interfaces and super-classes.
     * @return an immutable map of parameters and values.
    default Map<Param<?>, Object> getParamMap() {...}

     * Returns a mutable map that can be used to set values for parameters. A subclass of this interface should override
     * this method if it wants to support users to set non-default parameter values.
     * @return a mutable map of parameters and value overrides.
    default Map<Param<?>, Object> getUserDefinedParamMap() {
        return null;

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