I've just delivered changes that improve the internals of the Serializer/Parser APIs.  I've been working on this for about a month.  I plan on introducing these changes in 7.0.2.

The general idea is to standardize on the following design:

  • Context - A thread-safe read-only object (e.g. BeanContext, JsonSerializer).
  • ContextBuilder - A thread-safe builder for contexts (e.g. BeanContextBuilder, JsonSerializerBuilder).
  • Session - A non-thread-safe single-use object with configuration combined from context and runtime args (e.g. BeanSession, JsonSerializerSession).
  • PropertyStore - A thread-safe read-only set of configuration properties.  Each Context contains one PropertyStore.
  • PropertyStoreBuilder - A thread-safe builder for PropertyStore objects.  Each ContextBuilder contains one PropertyStoreBuilder.


Here are the highlights:

  • Caching improvements on serializers and parsers have reduced execution time of the core JUnits by approximately 1/3.
    The 17000+ JUnit tests now execute in less than 10 seconds (down from around 13s) and have a cache-reuse hit rate of 98% (164104 serializers/parsers/bean-contexts retrieved, but only 1801 created from scratch).

  • All the various separate *Context classes (e.g. JsonSerializerContext) have been folded into their respective serializer or parser classes (e.g. JsonSerializer).
    Additionally, these classes are their own bean contexts.
    For example, the class hierarchy of JsonSerializer is now:


  • Session objects also now have a consistent class hierarchy.
    For example, the class hierarchy of JsonSerializerSession is now:


  • Builder objects also now have a consistent class hierarchy.
    For example, the class hierarchy of JsonSerializerBuilder is now:


  • The PropertyStore class has been completely rewritten.
    It is now a read-only configuration store build using the PropertyStoreBuilder class.
    The previous PropertyStore class was overly-complicated with many read/write locks to ensure thread-safety.
    The new design shifts to a builder-based model with read-only PropertyStore 'snapshot-in-time' objects.
    PropertyStores can be used as hash keys to allow caching and reuse of Serializers and Parsers.

  • ContextBuilders are created by Context.create() and Context.builder() methods and Contexts are created by the ContextBuilder.build().
    • JsonSerializer s = JsonSerializer.create().simple().sq().build();  // Create a serializer from scratch.
    • JsonSerializer s = JsonSerializer.DEFAULT.builder().simple().sq().build();  // Clone and modify an existing serializer.



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