
Apache hosts an instance of the Any23 WebService at or (they both resolve to the latter).

The page provides an administrators guide to the service administration. 

Any comments or suggestions should be reported to


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Any23 Source Code on VM

The source code is located at 

$ cd /usr/local/any23
$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

$ ls service/target/apache-any23-service-2.3-SNAPSHOT.war

You will most likely need to use 'sudo' to execute commands. 

One you build, you need to deploy the WAR artifact to the Tomcat9 server.

Deploying the Webservice

Tomcat9 is located at

$ cd /opt/tomcat9/

You can then deploy to the ROOT directory such that it is the primary application exposed through

$ /opt/tomcat9$ ls webapps/
apache-any23-service-2.3-SNAPSHOT  apache-any23-service-2.3-SNAPSHOT.war  docs  examples  host-manager  manager  ROOT  ROOT.bk

You can essentially copy the contents of the apache-any23-service-2.3-SNAPSHOT to the ROOT directory.


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