Note: Following instructions are applicable for publishing Scala and Java package simultaneously as both bindings are inside the same package and built together.

Publishing Scala Packages to Nexus/Maven

Currently 3 Packages are published to Maven. `mxnet_full_2.11-{platform}` for the following platforms: linux-x86_64-cpu, linux-x86_64-gpu, osx-x86_64-cpu.

Building on OS-X

Setup GPG Keys Make sure to follow to send your key to Apache and onto the public PGP Keyservers. You also need to add your key to both the KEYS file on mxnet github and the KEYS file in the apache committers subversion.

Clone MXNet repo and checkout the release branch

git clone ~/mxnet-$RELEASEVERSION

Install lapack, openblas, opencv packages

#try opencv3 next time you release
brew install lapack openblas opencv

Maven Password Encryption for use in release

Now setup your maven create a master password and paste the encrypted the  more info Password Encryption

touch ~/.m2/settings-security.xml &&
mvn --encrypt-master-password

Paste the encrypted master-password you get from above in `~/.m2/settings-security.xml`


Encrypt your password for `apache` login, note that this is not the passphrase of your gpg-key.

cp /usr/share/maven/conf/settings.xml ~/.m2/ && mvn --encrypt-password

Paste the below with your apache username and encrypted apache password updated under `<servers>`tag, this will used to publish to apache snapshot and staging in `~/.m2/settings.xml`.

    <!-- To publish a snapshot of some part of Maven -->
    <!-- To stage a release of some part of Maven -->

Maven Publish

Edit the file `ci/publish/scala/` and add the flag `-Pstaging` to the mvn deploy command. Make sure to have your GPG key available on the machine. If you have multiple GPG keys, you can add `-Dgpg.keyname=$DESIRED_KEY_EMAIL` to the mvn deploy command to specify the desired key.

Maven Publish Process
#if you don't set this it will fail with the error "gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device"
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
# Set MXNet variant to build
export mxnet_variant=mkl
# Run the build
bash ci/publish/scala/

Once you have finished, you should be able to find the newly added version on the Apache Nexus at It will have repository name orgapachemxnet-$RELEASE_NUMBER. Click on the repository and press the close button at the top to indicate that everything has been uploaded. At this point, Nexus will verify that all of the checksums are correct and the signatures are all valid (including that you have properly uploaded your key and are authorized to sign the package). Then, follow the instructions to build the CPU/GPU packages and close them before continuing to the end.

Once you have tested the staged package, you can promote the package and it will become available on maven central, find details here

Build Linux-CPU and Linux-GPU

To build for linux, we use a Ubuntu 14.04 instance. Install the necessary dependencies by running the install script found in the MXNet repo `ci/docker/install/`.

Export/Import GPG Keys

First you need to export the gpg keys you created on Mac and import to the linux host

Install Maven, gnupg, gnupg2 & gnupg-agent

sudo apt-get install -y maven gnupg gnupg2 gnupg-agent && 
#soft link gnupg2 to gnupg, Update the below when you find a better solution
sudo mv /usr/bin/gpg /usr/bin/gpg1 && 
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gpg2 /usr/bin/gpg

Export and ship gpg keys you created on the Mac

gpg --export-secret-keys -a > ~/Downloads/keys.asc
scp ~/Downloads/keys.asc ubuntu@host:~/keys.asc

Import and verify they look fine

gpg --import ~/keys.asc
#note the key id
gpg --list-keys

Update the gnupg-agent cachettl, it takes a long time to build on linux and linux-gpu instances and will time out during release if you don't baby sit the build

mkdir -p ~/.gnupg && touch ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
#set to 4 hours 
echo "default-cache-ttl 14400" > ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf && 
echo "max-cache-ttl 14400" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
#key id you go when you ran gpg --listkeys. This isn't working, commenting out
#echo "default-key KEYIDFROMABOVE" >> ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf

Start gpg-agent to use the above

eval $(gpg-agent --daemon)

Checkout MXNet

Follow steps to clone the repo and checkout the correct release branch. We recommend using a clean copy of the repo for the CPU and GPU builds

git clone ~/mxnet-$RELEASEVERSION

Maven Publish

Edit the file `ci/publish/scala/` and add the flag `-Pstaging` to the mvn deploy command. Make sure to have your GPG key available on the machine. If you have multiple GPG keys, you can add `-Dgpg.keyname=$DESIRED_KEY_EMAIL` to the mvn deploy command to specify the desired key. Alter the script below to set the mxnet_variant to the desired version to build. We currently use `mkl` for the CPU build and `cu92mkl` for the GPU build.

Maven Publish Process
#if you don't set this it will fail with the error "gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device"
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
# Set MXNet variant to build
export mxnet_variant=$DESIRED_VARIANT
# Run the build
bash ci/publish/scala/

Once you have finished, you should be able to find the newly added version on the Apache Nexus at It will have repository name orgapachemxnet-$RELEASE_NUMBER. Click on the repository and press the close button at the top to indicate that everything has been uploaded. At this point, Nexus will verify that all of the checksums are correct and the signatures are all valid (including that you have properly uploaded your key and are authorized to sign the package). Then, follow the instructions to build the CPU/GPU packages and close them before continuing to the end.

After Publishing

At this point, you should have three packages that are closed on the apache nexus. You should now have other members of the community verify these closed packages. You can find the packages for download in a Maven repository format (which can be included following a process like at a URL similar to$BUILD_NUM/content. The $BUILD_NUM can be found as the name of the staged repository on Nexus. Note that you would have one of these repositories for each of the three builds. These URLs should be shared to help the community members verify the packages and to help build the Clojure release jars.

Following the results of the vote, you should use Nexus to finish the release process. When you go to the staging repository and view the package, you will have a release button and a drop button. Click the release button if the vote passed to finalize the release and make the package available through Maven Central (this can not be reversed). Click the Drop button if the vote failed as the staged package will not be released. If you have to make a release candidate, it will create new staged items with incremented staging numbers instead of changing the old ones. 

Staging Verification Checklist

  • Test Inference examples on macOS
  • Test Inference examples on Ubuntu CPU/GPU not on DL AMI
  • Test Training examples on Ubuntu GPU, not on DL AMI.
  • Test Training and Inference on Centos, not on DL AMI


If you face an issue because of gpg such as  ```Enter passphrase: gpg: gpg-agent is not available in this session```. Without a session, you will need to enter your passphrase for each file that is to be signed. In total, you would need to enter it 6 times.
sudo apt-get install gnupg2
sudo mv /usr/bin/gpg /usr/bin/gpg.1
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gpg2 /usr/bin/gpg
Error during release

If you have an error during the release and it makes it to the Maven part of the build process, you only need to run the mvn deploy command from `ci/publish/scala/` instead of re-running the whole build. However, the GPU build requires copying some environment variables that are created during the build. Those can be found in `tools/staticbuild/` and then `tools/`.

Maven Publish fails with: Return code is: 401, ReasonPhrase: Unauthorized.

Make sure you are using the encrypted password of your apache login and not gpg passphrase

Released Artifacts do not show up in Maven Search after releasing through nexus.

Verify that the released artifacts of the version you are publishing are synced to Apache release repository and Maven Central Repository, It might be that Maven Search is not picking up.

I see two repos in the staging repo for packages(example: OSX)

do a make clean and make scala clean before you build, it might be that the size of the Jar is too big and its splitting across two repos.

Apache Release Repo

Maven Central Repo

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