
  • Rodric is moderating today

  • Next meeting on 2020-03-04 (Justin moderating) at 10am eastern

  • Attendees: Dave, Olivier, Tyson, Dan, Neeraj, Justin, Rodric, others I cannot remember (Sorry)

  • Meeting video: None, could not record.

  • Presentation: PDF

Scheduled Topics:

  • PR review
    • Enhanced action loop proxy, applied to all python runtimes
    • New Typescript native support
    • Next release should replace runtimes with new action loop versions in terms of using the old names for the new runtimes
    • Java 11 accept it, open issue to update image to open J9
    • Parameter encryption, needs final reviews
    • Other PRs noted are either ready to merge or help is needed to review
  • Release plans
    • Dave gave overview of remaining tasks (main task is replacing node 6 runtime dependence in providers)
  • Containerless functions

    • Motivation for containerless functions, v8 and wasm
    • Goals of early experimentation (quantify benefits)
    • Experimental setup, and results
    • Prototype integration with standalone controller
    • POEM-2 next step

  • No labels