Hibernate support in Wicket-Stuff

As someone who's interested in this, but who's not actually needed to use Hibernate as yet, it all seems a bit disjointed and slightly incomplete if you can't use JDK 5...

There seem to be the following modules involved..

**Name - Min JDK - Desc - Uses *

    • wicket-contrib-data - 4 - Base classes
    • wicket-contrib-data-hibernate-2.1 - 4 - Hibernate 2.1 classes - wicket-contrib-data
    • wicket-contrib-data-hibernate-3.0 - 4 - Hibernate 3.0 classes - wicket-contrib-data
    • wicket-contrib-database - 5 - Base classes
    • wicket-contrib-examples - 4 - CdApp - wicket-contrib-data, wicket-contrib-data-hibernate-3.0
    • wicket-contrib-examples-hibernate-3 - 5 - Spring/Hibernate3/HibernateAnnotations CdApp - ?

If you can use JDK 5, then you've got the full choice, but the wicket-contrib-examples-hibernate-3 module would look to be a good place to start.

If you're restricted to JDK 4, however, then you lose the option of using the wicket-contrib-database base classes and also the wicket-contrib-examples-hibernate-3 example, due to the use of Annotations.


  1. Can anyone summarise what Spring brings to the party, in the context of wicket-contrib-examples-hibernate-3?
  2. How much work would there be in a Wicket-Hibernate example based on wicket-contrib-examples-hibernate-3 to allow use in JDK 4? i.e. With XML rather then Annotations?
    • Would it be worth it?
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