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Camel 2.11.0 release (currently in progress)

Unknown macro: {div}

Unknown macro: {div}

New and Noteworthy

Welcome to the 2.11.0 release with approximately XXX issues resolved - including new features, improvements, and bug fixes, such as:

  • Added support for SOAP 1.2 in SOAP data format.
  • Cache operation for add/update now supports expiry headers to control time to live/idle/eternal.
  • Added allowNullBody option to JMS to configure whether sending messages with no body is allowed.
  • Added connectOnStartup option to HDFS to allow to connect on demand, to avoid having Hadoop block for long time connecting to the HDFS cluster, as it has a hardcoded 15 minute retry mechanism.
  • Added support for daily and weekly trends to Twitter component.
  • The Camel Maven Archetypes now generates projects without any license headers.
  • Added 'rejectOld' option to the Resequencer to prevent out of order messages from being delivered after capacity/timeout events occur
  • Further optimized XPath under concurrent load, and as well ensured resources are cleaned up eagerly
  • Added options allowNullBody and readLockMinLength to the File and FTP components.
  • Made changed read lock strategy on FTP go faster (eg when the FTP server has a lot of files in the directory) if you enable the fastExistsCheck=true option as well. Notice that some FTP server may not support this.
  • HL7 moves the HAPI 2.0 and supports Parser instance into unmarshal and "Terser" language and expression to be able to extract fields from a parsed message. HL7 also upgraded to now use Apache Mina 2.x.
  • Add an option HttpMethodRestrict to restrict HTTP method in Jetty and SERVLET
  • Add support for selection of Direct-VM consumers by using ant-like path expression.
  • The POJO Producing, and POJO Consuming with @Consume, @Produce, @EndpointInject now supports a new {{property} attribute to get the endpoint configuration from a bean property (eg using a getter method); this allows you to configure this on the bean using conventional bean configuration.
  • Testing with camel-test-blueprint on Windows no longer tries to cleanup after testing taking up 5 seconds and logging WARNs.
  • The File, and FTP components now support fileExist=Move option to move any existing files before writing a file.
  • Added option loadStatisticsEnabled on Camel JMX to allow to disable load statistics if not needed (avoids a background thread being in use, to calculate the load stats).

Fixed issues

  • Fixed RoutePolicy used from Spring XML with routePolicyRef may not invoke all callbacks on the policy.
  • Fixed MINA consumer to force disconnect upon timeout when doing request/reply, as late replies may cause side effects otherwise.
  • Fixed Simple language with empty quoted literals in predicates, so you can compare against empty strings.
  • Fixed SOAP data format to set SOAP 1.1 namespace when marhsalling faults.
  • Fixed SEDA producer to send to the right BlockingQueue being attached on the SEDA endpoint so that the sent messages don't get lost.
  • Fixed using sendEmptyMessageWhenIdle=true on a batch consumer such as File now working with Aggregate EIP when using completionFromBatchConsumer
  • Fixed MockEndpoint.expectedBodiesReceivedInAnyOrder to allow asserting on multiple arrival of the same/equal bodies.
  • Fixed MyBatis to demarcate the running transactions properly while reading/writing from/to database.
  • Fixed Jetty, HTTP, HTTP4, and AHC http components not working in bridge mode if content path have spaces
  • Fixed the CXF fallback convertor issue which camel will unregister it when the converter return null.
  • Fixed the issue that File2 endpoints on windows without volume name in the path url.
  • Fixed the issue of unmarshaling pgp messages encrypted with ElGamal.
  • Fixed random Load Balancer to be even spread (before was a little less likely to pick the 1st)
  • Fixed Timer to not fire during starting CamelContext

New Enterprise Integration Patterns

New Camel Karaf Command

New Components

DSL Changes

New Annotations

New Data Formats

New Languages

New Examples

New Tutorials

API changes/breaking

  • HL7 upgraded to now use Apache Mina 2.x.
  • Renamed org.apache.camel.component.hbase.HBaseContats to org.apache.camel.component.hbase.HBaseConstants
  • Added getter/setter methods for loadStatisticsEnabled on org.apache.camel.spi.ManagementStrategy

Internal/Non API refactorings that may affect users

  • The Camel Test Kit provides a default Properties component out of the box; which mean using addComponent("properties", ...) is no longer needed; instead get the component using getComponent("properties") and configure the component instead.

Known Issues

  • The Tracer may not output all details for some situations, such as when using onCompletion or intercept, etc.
  • The project cannot fully build the site using Maven (e.g. running "mvn site"). There is no plan to fix this, as the project does not use maven site.
  • JBoss 7 may log a WARNing when running Camel as a WAR file.

Dependency Upgrades

  • Axiom 1.2.10 to 1.2.12
  • BeanIO 2.0.0 to 2.0.1
  • ConcurrentLinkedHashMap 1.2 to 1.3.1
  • Ehcache bundle 2.5.1_1 to 2.5.2_1
  • HTTP Client 4.1.3 to 4.2.1
  • Jettison 1.3.1 to 1.3.2
  • Lucene 3.6.0 to 3.6.1
  • Netty 3.5.1 to 3.5.5
  • Ognl bundle 3.0.4_1 to 3.0.5_1
  • Saxon to
  • Spring Framework 3.1.1 to 3.1.2
  • Spring Integration 2.1.2 to 2.1.3
  • SSHD 0.6.0 to 0.7.0
  • Woodstox 4.1.2 to 4.1.3

Important changes to consider when upgrading

  • camel-mina2 now uses OrderedThreadPoolExecutor by default. There is a new option orderedThreadPoolExecutor you can configure it to false to revert back to unordered if needed. Mina that using SSL etc. requires ordered.
  • The default value of delay option on Timer has been changed from 0 to 1000


  • Maven 3.0.2 or better is required to build the Source
  • If you want to deploy Apache Camel 2.11.0 into Apache Karaf, we highly recommend to use the '' configuration, which is part of Apache Karaf 2.2.5 onwards. For example camel-cxf, camel-mail, and camel-spring-ws requires this to be installable; as well other features may as well.

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