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Samza today provides various api's like high level (fluent) for chaining complex jobs, low level (task) with configuration like Samza-Yarn, Samza as a library (Samza standalone) and in coming future Samza will support In-memory system for in memory streams that a user can produce/conusme from. Still Samza users have to get their hands dirty with too much configuration details and dependency on external system(like kafka) to write integration tests. In order to alleviate this we intend to provide a fluent test api to users. This will help in setting-up quick tests against their system without depending on underlying incoming stream e.g Kafka Topic. The goal of the proposed SEP we will provide a standardized framework to set-up continuous integration test for High Level Api, Low Level Api in any configuration of Samza with ease. Users won’t have to worry about the underlying Samza config details or even understand low level implementation. This abstraction will increase developer productivity and help them make their Samza system robust.


Addition of this Continuous Integration Test Framework will alleviate:

  1. Lack of a standardized way to set up integration tests for users

  2. Lack of brevity in code and much detailed understanding low level config details of the Samza Api to set up samza systems

  3. Lack of a pluggable Test System with any Samza configuration

  4. Set of robust tests for current Samza api


  1. System depends on In Memory system to spin up in-memory system consumers and producers wherever applicable

  2. Initial system runs on SingleContainerGrouperFactory, that means these test are supposed to be ran on a single container environment

  3. In order to provide a testing api with least config management, basic configs are set up for users, but flexibility to add/override some custom config is also provided

Proposed Changes


The initial source of data stream is always supposed to be bounded since this is a test, and that may originate from various sources

  • In Memory Data Stream
    Users have ability to produce to & consume from in memory system partitions after SEP-8. In Memory Data system alleviates the need of serialization/deserialization of data since it does not persist data. We take advantage of this and provide very succinct Stream classes to serve as input data sources, which are the following:
    • Collection Stream
      Users can plug a collection (either List or Map) to create an in-memory input stream
      e.g:  CollectionStream.of(...,{1,2,3,4})
    • Event Builder Stream
      Event builder helps a user to mimic runtime samza processing environment in its tests, for example adding an exception in the steam, advancing time for window functions
  • File Stream
    Users can create an input stream reading and writing from local file
    e.g:  FileStream.of("/path/to/file")
  • Local Kafka Stream
    Users can also consume bounded streams from a kafka topic which serves as initial input. Samza already provide api's to consume from and produce to kafka. For kafka streams we will need serde configurations


Samza provides complete flexibility in usage of different data types for input steams, this framework will also provide complete flexibility for usage of primitive and derived data types. 


Public Interfaces

public class TestTask {
  private TestTask(String systemName, StreamTask task, HashMap<String, String> config) {...}
  private TestTask(String systemName, AsyncStreamTask task, HashMap<String, String> config) {...}
  // Static Factory to config & create runner for low level api 
  public static TestTask create(String systemName, StreamTask task, HashMap<String, String> config) {...}
  public static TestTask create(String systemName, AsyncStreamTask task, HashMap<String, String> config) {...}
  // Multithreading configs for users
  public TestTask setTaskMaxConcurrency(Integer value) {...}
  public TestTask setTaskCallBackTimeoutMS(Integer value) {...}
  public TestTask setTaskMaxConcurrency(Integer value) {...}
  // Configure an input stream for samza system, that task can consume from
  public TestTask addInputStream(CollectionStream stream) {...}
  // Configures an output stream for samza system, that task can producer to
  public TestTask addOutputStream(CollectionStream stream) {...}
  public void run() {...}


public class FileStream<T> {
  public static <T> FileStream<T> of(String fileUri) {...}
* CollectionStream provides utilities to build a in memory input stream of collections(list, map). It also supports initialization of 
* partitions  
public class CollectionStream<T> {
  private CollectionStream(String systemStream, List<T> collection, Integer partitionCount) {...}
  private CollectionStream(String systemStream) {...}
  public static <T> CollectionStream<T> empty(String systemStream) {
    return new CollectionStream<>(systemStream);
  public static <T> CollectionStream<T> of(String systemStream, List<T> collection){
    return new CollectionStream<>(systemStream, collection, 1);
  public static <T> CollectionStream<T> ofPartitions(String systemStream, List<List<T>> collection){
    return new CollectionStream<>(systemStream, collection, collection.size());
  public static <K, V> CollectionStream<KV<K, V>> of(String systemStream, Map<K, V> elems) {...}



Simple StreamTask Test
* Sample Test case using a collection as an input for a low level application. It demonstrates set up and comparison of a test with 
* minimal(eg. here none) configs and it reads an input stream of integers and multiplies 
* each integer with 10
// Create a StreamTask
StreamTask myTask = new StreamTask() {
  public void process(IncomingMessageEnvelope envelope, MessageCollector collector, TaskCoordinator coordinator) throws Exception {
    Integer obj = (Integer) envelope.getMessage();
    collector.send(new OutgoingMessageEnvelope(new SystemStream("test-samza","output"), obj*10));
// Initialize and run the test framework
    .create(systemName: "test-samza", myTask, config)
    .addInputStream(CollectionStream.of(streamName: "input", {1,2,3,4}))
    .addOutputStream(CollectionStream.empty(streamName: "output"))
// Assertions on the outputs
TaskAssert.that("test-samza", "Output").containsInAnyOrder({10,30,20,40});


Implementation and Test Plan

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan


Rejected Alternatives


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