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Camel 2.10.0 release (currently in progress)

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New and Noteworthy

Welcome to the 2.10.0 release with approximately XXX issues resolved - including new features, improvements, and bug fixes, such as:

  • Internal code cleanup to reduce warnings reported by Eclipse
  • Moved Spring Testing from camel-test to camel-test-spring component.
  • Camel Property Placeholders are now supported in embedded Expressions within Camel routes.
  • Added missing options in the XML DSL for the XPath language to control and set which XPath Engine to use, etc.
  • Added option logNamespaces to the XPath language to have INFO logging of detected namespaces from message. This can be used to troubleshoot issues where an XPath expression doesn't work as expected (as it's often a namespace conflict).
  • Added replyToCacheLevelName option to the JMS component, allowing configuration of cache levels for persistent reply consumers when doing request/reply over JMS. Some message brokers do not work well with caching, so users may need to set this option to CACHE_NONE.
  • Added antInclude and antExclude options to File and FTP components to make it easier to specify include/exclude filters using ANT syntax.
  • The Camel archetypes for Java and Scala no longer generate projects with Spring dependencies.
  • Improved JdbcMessageIdRepository in the SQL to use custom SQL statements/queries.
  • Added option to Properties to allow silently ignoring property locations not found, such as a .properties file.
  • Added managementNamePattern attribute to <camelContext> to make it very easy to customize and control the JMX naming of the Camel application. See details at Camel JMX. For example, in OSGi environments you can explicitly configure a managementNamePattern in case you do not want the bundleId as part of MBean names.
  • Added streaming update support to Solr as well as support for SolrInputDocuments
  • Added SolrJ DirectXMLRequest support to Solr to support XML based index updates
  • Improved Camel Mail to support the replyTo option
  • Added traceEnabled option to Jetty component so you have control over whether to allow HTTP TRACE calls against your Jetty endpoints.
  • Polished the Camel Maven Archetypes to let the projects be prepared for Testing, and fixed any WARNs from Maven.
  • Added dumpRouteStatsAsXml methods to JMX to make it easier to get the total performance stats as XML, and in one JMX call.
  • Graceful Shutdown is now more aggressive if timeout occurred during shutdown, rejecting continued processing of messages or redeliveries.
  • Add ShutdownPrepared SPI to allow custom Services (also EIPs) in routes to do custom code in preparation for shutdown.
  • The camel-archetype-java Camel Maven Archetypes is now a pure Java DSL based project (no longer Spring)
  • JMS consumer is less verbose when logging uncaught exceptions thrown while processing a message. Added errorHandlerLoggingLevel, and errorHandlerLogStackTrace options to tweak the logging verbosity.
  • Added messageId as an MDC logging key.
  • Improved Camel's Transaction Error Handler logging to better pinpoint and correlate redelivered messages (from, e.g., a JMS broker), making the logs much easier to read.
  • Added a timeout option to Spring Web Services for specifying the read timeout while invoking a webservice.
  • Optimized Type Converter registry for possible concurrency contention when looking up a type converter.
  • Improved Simple language to work better with floating point numbers in Predicates
  • Camel is now less verbose when starting and stopping, with less being logged at INFO level.
  • Add support for keyed data queues to JT400 component.
  • Idempotent Consumer is now enlisted in JMX, which allows monitoring the duplicate message count as well as the operation to reset it.
  • Thread pools registered in JMX are now unregistered when Camel shuts them down. Note that all MBeans will be unregistered from JMX when Camel shuts itself down. This improvement is to unregister thread pools more eagerly, such as when routes are removed at runtime.
  • Camel will now also copy the message headers for a JmsMessage if you leverage useOriginalMessage in an onException definition.
  • Added mockEndpointsAndSkip to AdviceWith and the Test Kit
  • The File and FTP components now support filtering directories. The isDirectory method on the GenericFile class can be used to skip unwanted directories, accelerating file consumption.
  • SMPP connections can now be tunneled through an HTTP proxy by configuring HTTP proxy settings.
  • Camel now also checks, when starting a route dynamically, whether there would be any violations on multiple consumers from the same Endpoint. Previously this check only occurred during Camel startup - now it always happens.
  • Stopping a ConsumerTemplate or a ProducerTemplate will now stop and shutdown its cache to cleanup any resources which otherwise may not have been reclaimed until shutdown.
  • ScheduledPollConsumer will now shutdown thread pools more eagerly, such as when stopping a ConsumerTemplate.
  • Added option asyncStartListener to JMS to allow starting JMS consumers (e.g. routes) asynchronously. This can be used to avoid blocking in case the JMS consumer takes long time to establish a connection to the JMS broker.
  • Wire Tap now supports Error Handling when sending a tapped message to an Endpoint.
  • Added the autogenColumns, configRef and strategyRef options to the CSV dataformat in XML DSL.
  • Validator component will now fail with a better error message if resource schema refers to element which cannot be resolved.
  • Added support for retrieving generated keys from JDBC component.
  • Added support for Spring 3.1.x.
  • Added retainFirst, and retainLast options to Mock component.
  • Improved Simple language to allow referring to headers using bracket notation.
  • Added support for the scp: protocol via Jsch.
  • Added support to exclude certain fields when marshalling POJO's to JSON. Available with both the Jackson and GSON library.
  • Allow to configure frequency of timeout checker when doing request/reply over JMS
  • Improved the Java DSL to make it easier to use predicates from the build-in DSL, that has commonly used predicates and expressions.
  • Aggregate EIP now supports TimeoutAwareAggregationStrategy aggregation strategies.
  • The default Injector now performs bean post processing to inject @Produce, @Consume, @EndpointInject fields etc.
  • The maven plugin camel-run now supports to run OSGi Blueprint applications.
  • Added utilization statistics to type converter registry which can be access from JMX and is logged when Camel is shutting down.
  • Improved JMX to work better with servers such as WebSphere which alters MBean names when enlisting mbeans into the server (Camel now have an internal mapping table).
  • All EIPs out of the box from Camel now provides JMX utilization statistics.
  • The File and FTP consumers will now let org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler deal with exceptions occurred during acquiring real lock as well. See File page for example of using a custom ExceptionHandler.
  • Reduce the logging level from ERROR to WARN on the default LoggingExceptionHandler.
  • Added option consumer.bridgeErrorHandler to allow consumers such as File and FTP to use the routing engine Error Handler to deal with exceptions occurring in the consumer (outside the routing engine), for example if having trouble picking up a file from a shared network drive etc. See more details at File page. This option applies to all consumers which extends the DefaultConsumer from camel-core.

Fixed issues

  • Fixed memory leak when dynamically adding and removing many routes at runtime. See this FAQ for more information.
  • Fixed potential NPE in FTP consumer when using double slashes as starting directory.
  • Fixed InterceptSendToEndpoint when using skipSendToEndpoint=true with a when predicate to only skip sending if the predicate was true.
  • Fixed an issue with Bean Binding directly in a method name not working properly with method call expressions.
  • Fixed issue with using custom namespaces in XPath expressions when using OSGi Blueprint
  • Fixed Validation to support xs:import in the schema files.
  • Fixed Poll Enrich where the timeout was not explicitly configured to use blocking mode (was wrongly using non-blocking mode).
  • Fixed Threads EIP to handle rejected policies, ensuring the Exchange will finish the UnitOfWork and will be de-registered from the inflight registry.
  • Fixed Delayer not working with a Bean expression to define the delay when using XML DSL
  • Fixed JMS consumer to no longer complain by default if no errorHandler is configured when an uncaught exception was thrown while processing a message.
  • Fixed the String trim issue in Simple expressions.
  • Fixed the issue with Recipient List not triggering Error Handler for endpoints with non existing Components.
  • Fixed Load Balancer to update statistics in JMX
  • Fixed SEDA producer configured with waitForTaskToComplete=Always to not hand over on-completion tasks, which otherwise could be processed prematurely.
  • Fixed a potential issue with configuring custom start and end tokens for the Simple language when using Spring XML.
  • Fixed an issue with Type Converter where NaN values were converted to integers.
  • Fixed HTTP, HTTP4, and Jetty producers to send empty HTTP headers for Exchange headers with an empty value.
  • Fixed an issue with configuring a custom thread pool profile on some EIPs.
  • Fixed an issue with Intercept causing processors to not update their performance statistics in JMX
  • Fixed using <errorHandler> with embedded <redeliveryPolicy> to support Using PropertyPlaceholder
  • Fixed issue with using <redeliveryPolicy>, and <redeliveryPolicyProfile> with OSGi Blueprint.
  • Fixed failover Load Balancer to perform defensive copy of the message before attempting failover, to ensure previous attempts do not propagate back into succeeding attempts.
  • Fixed issue when restarting application using Quartz with a persistent (non clustered) job store, where the app was not shutdown cleanly (such as crashed)
  • Fixed issue when using consumer endpoints with Property placeholders not working with inteceptors such as interceptFrom.
  • Fixed issue with suspend/resume a Timer consumer, not causing timer task to stop firing.
  • Fixed Netty producer to re-use existing connections when sending. This avoid re-creating a new connection for every message being sent.
  • Fixed issue with Simple invoking overloaded methods using OGNL notation, where method name was explicit declare to invoke the no-parameter method
  • Fixed continued and handled Predicate on OnException to be evaluated once per exception, instead of twice.
  • Fixed Throttler and Delayer EIPs when evaluating of max/delay expression fails at runtime, not causing error handling to react.
  • Fixed Mail message with attachments may appear to be lost when Error Handler performs 2+ redelivery attempts.
  • Fixed issue with a failed type conversion using JAXB may cause subsequent attempts to be regarded as failed as well
  • Fixed method call Expression to preserve headers and Exchange properties, which allow to use it for storing state with the Dynamic Router EIP

New Enterprise Integration Patterns

New Components

  • camel-avro
  • camel-aws - AWS-DDB - Amazon DynamoDB
  • camel-beanio - Data Format to map objects to flat structured format
  • camel-cdi
  • camel-core - Stub for stubbing endpoints, for development and testing purposes
  • camel-fop
  • camel-gson - For JSON data format using the Google GSon project
  • camel-jsch - For Secure Copy using Jsch
  • camel-mina2
  • camel-mongodb - for MongoDB integration
  • camel-ssh - For executing commands on a SSH Server
  • camel-test-blueprint - For Blueprint Testing
  • camel-test-spring - For Spring Testing
  • camel-twitter - For integrating with Twitter
  • camel-websocket - For using Websocket

DSL Changes

New Annotations

New Data Formats

  • camel-avro
  • camel-beanio - Data Format to map objects to flat structured format
  • camel-gson - For JSON data format using the Google GSon project

New Languages

New Examples

New Tutorials

API changes/breaking

  • Added shutdownForced and forceShutdown methods to org.apache.camel.spi.ShutdownStrategy
  • Add boolean parameter to prepareShutdown on ShutdownAware
  • The errorHandler method in RouteBuilder now returns void, as it's only used for configuring context-scoped error handlers.
  • Removed the SimpleLanguage constructor that takes custom start and end tokens. Instead use the change methods to set custom tokens.
  • Added onThreadPoolRemove and onErrorHandlerRemove methods to LifecycleStrategy
  • Removed retryWhile(Expression) on OnExceptionDefinition; use retryWhile(Predicate).
  • Removed options corePoolSize and maxPoolSize on Netty endpoint, as we rely on Netty default implementation.
  • The resourceClasses option on CXFRS now longer supports semi colon as class separators. Now only comma is supported (which is the standard in Camel)
  • Added tryConvertTo methods to TypeConverter, which works as the regular convertTo methods, by ignoring any exceptions during conversion.
  • The convertTo methods on TypeConverter now throws TypeConversionException if an exception occurred during type conversion.
  • The getBody(type), and getHeader(name, type methods on Message now throws TypeConversionException if an exception occurred during type conversion.

Internal/Non API refactorings that may affect users

  • Removed method setManagementName from CamelContext as it should not be used by Camel end users
  • Added method isTransactedRedelivered to Exchange
  • Added method isDirectory to GenericFile
  • API changed in the ClientPipelineFactory and ServerPipelineFactory abstract classes in Netty
  • Added getStatistics method to TypeConverterRegistry, and the registry now extends Service as well.

Known Issues

  • The Tracer may not output all details for some situations, such as when using onCompletion or intercept, etc.
  • The project cannot fully build the site using Maven (e.g. running "mvn site"). There is no plan to fix this, as the project does not use maven site.
  • JBoss 7 may log a WARNing when running Camel as a WAR file.

Dependency Upgrades

  • AHC 1.6.5 to 1.7.3
  • AWS 1.2.2 to 1.3.0
  • Commons-codec 1.4 to 1.6
  • Commons-net 2.2 to 3.0.1
  • CXF 2.5.1 to 2.5.2
  • EHCache 2.4.3 to 2.5.1
  • Freemarker 2.3.18 to 2.3.19
  • Groovy 1.8.5 to 1.8.6
  • Hadoop to 1.0.0
  • HTTP4 core 4.1.2 to 4.1.4
  • HTTP4 client 4.1.2 to 4.1.3
  • Hazelcast to 2.0.1
  • Hawtbuf 1.7 to 1.9
  • Jackson 1.9.2 to 1.9.5
  • Jackrabbit 2.2.4 to 2.2.11
  • Jasypt 1.7 to 1.9.0
  • Jersey 1.10 to 1.12
  • JClouds 1.3.1 to 1.4.0
  • Jettison 1.3 to 1.3.1
  • Jetty 7.5.3 to 7.5.4
  • JRuby 1.6.6 to 1.6.7
  • JSCH 0.1.44 to 0.1.46
  • JuEL 2.1.3 to 2.1.4
  • Kratti 0.4.1 to 0.4.4
  • Logback 1.0.0 to 1.0.1
  • Lucene 3.0.3 to 3.5.0
  • MyBatis 3.0.6 to 3.1.0
  • Netty 3.2.6 to 3.3.1
  • OGNL 3.0.2 to 3.0.4
  • Resetlet 2.0.10 to 2.0.11
  • SNMP 1.8.1 to 1.10.1
  • Shiro 1.1.0 to 1.2.0
  • Stringtemplate 3.0 to 3.2.1
  • Spring 3.0.6 to 3.0.7/3.1.1
  • Spring Integration 2.0.5 to 2.1.1
  • Spring Security 3.0.7 to 3.1.0
  • Spymemcached 2.5 to 2.8.0
  • Tagsoup 1.2 to 1.2.1
  • Woodstox 4.1.1 to 4.1.2
  • XStream 1.4.1 to 1.4.2
  • XML Security 1.4.5 to 1.5.1

Important changes to consider when upgrading

  • Moved Spring Testing from camel-test to camel-test-spring component.
  • Combination of skipSendToEndpoint=true and when predicate now triggers conditional skipping (you may have been relying on unconditional skipping up until now)
  • The thread name pattern has changed tokens to avoid clashing with Using PropertyPlaceholder (see Threading Model for more details).
  • Poll Enrich will now block if no messages are available and no explicit timeout has been configured.
  • The option lazyLoadTypeConverter=true has been deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. The best practice is to load type converters while bootstrapping Camel.
  • The Camel Test kit no longer lazily loads type converters.
  • Keys for MDC logging have been prefixed with "camel.".
  • Wire Tap can no longer change destination from JMX
  • Camel now fail faster during type conversion, by throwing TypeConversionException to the caller, from APIs such as TypeConverter and Message. For example getBody(type) on the Message API.


  • If you want to deploy Apache Camel 2.9.0 into Apache Karaf, we highly recommend to use the '' configuration, which is part of Apache Karaf 2.2.5.

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