Goal / Scope
2.1.0 release with new functionality and bug fixes. 

Release Artifacts
Download the 2.1.0

Date of release: September 2023

JIRAs associated with the 2.1.0 release

Release Notes
MADlib v2.1.0:

Release Date: 2023-September-06

NOTE: Upgrading from MADlib 1.X to MADlib 2.X is not supported.

Bug fixes:
    - Build: Fix PG 15 support
    - Assoc_rules: Fix SERIAL cache issue
    - DL: Remove SERIAL from load_keras_model
    - Build: Add ubuntu flag for PyXB installation
    - Build: Add the actual path of $libdir to dynamic_library_path
    - Build: Remove PyXB as a packaged dependency and replace it with
    external pyxb-x dependency.
    - Build: Use PG15 in Jenkins CI
    - CRF: Fix anyarray -> anycompatiblearray change for PG14

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