This page describes several potential Student projects that could be undertaken to learn about Cloud Computing, engage with the CloudStack community and learn Open Source software development practices. While this is a page meant for Students, anyone is welcome to participate, enter new projects, take them on and mentor. This is specific to the Google Summer of Code program, however any students not sponsored by GSoC could take on a project on its own time.
Add mentor is welcome to enter/describe a projects here. Enter an issue in JIRA and enter a link to it on this page. Listing a project on this page should be seen as a commitment to mentor potential students that show interest.
Apache Cloudstack participate in Google Summer of Code. Google Summer of Code is organized by Google. Below is a list of the projects undertook by students to date.
Project list - Google Summer of Code 2017
Improve GCE and EC2 python bridges to CloudStack
(Student: Darren Brogan Mentor: Sebastien Goasguen)
Create config management recipes to install CloudStack
(Student: Ian Duffy Mentor: Sebastien Goasguen)
Create GUI to add primary storage based on plugins
(Student: Seif Eddine Jemli Mentor: Mike Tutkowski)
Create a bootstrap based GUI for CloudStack
(Student: Shiva Teja Mentor: Kelcey Damage Backup mentor: Sebastien Goasguen )
(Student: Nguyen Anh Tu Mentor: Hugo Trippaers Backup mentor: Sebastien Goasguen)
(Student: Dharmesh Kakadia Mentor: Sebastien Goasguen Backup mentor: Hugo Trippaers)
(Student: Meng Han Mentor: Sebastien Goasguen Backup mentor: Kelcey Damage )
(Student: Ian Duffy Mentor: Abhi Prateek)
Once you are selected: