From time to time you will need to use the features found in other OFBiz applications in support of some HR App features. This section describes these usage scenarios.

In the Accounting application you can setup agreements to define your employments and write checks to pay your employees.

Although managing the payroll is not a part of HR App the task is so important to the basic HR App requirement to process worker transactions that we will cover it here. You write paychecks to an employees in the OFBiz accounting application. In OFBiz pay checks are paid against an invoice type Payrol, so the first thing to do is create an invoice type Payrol. As you progress through the steps to create a Payrol a payment is created for the invoice. You navigate to the payment then return to the invoice to complete the activity.

To crate a Payrol type invoice:

  1. Log into the Accounting application and select Invoices from the main menu.

  2. In the New Purchase Invoice screenlet Invoice Type drop-down-list select Payrol.

  3. In the From Party ID field enter the party id of the employee to be paid.

  4. Click Create.

    A new invoice is created and header screen is displayed. The status in the Header screenlet is In-Process.

  5. Click Items.

    The Add a new invoice Item screenlet opens and presents three sets to record types related to payroll: Earnings and Hours, Taxes, and Deductions from Gross. Each type has fields Quantity and Amount. Enter positive number in all fields, the applications will process debits and credits accordingly so it is not necessary to enter a negative amount for a payroll deduction.

    Some examples: Hourly Rate Q 40 A 20 (40 hours at 20 per hour), Federal Withholding Q 1 A 120, 401K Emp Q 1 A 250. Fill in these fields as required and click the Add button.



    There are a large number of fields on this screen and it is important to enter the correct information. A discussion of each fields outside the scope of this document. It is recommended that you throughly examine the outcome of each entry in a test environment and review results with your accountant before using this feature.

  6. The records created in the previous step are displayed above in the Items screenlet.

  7. Continue to edit and update in the Items screenlet as necessary. You can return to the Add a new invoice Item screenlet to Add additional items if necessary.

  8. When all of the invoice items are correct click Status To Approved button in the menu above the Items screenlet. The status in the Header screenlet is Approved. The Applied Payments screenlet displays the record for the associated invoice payment.



    Setting Status to approved locks down the invoice header and invoice items so that no changes can be made. Also note the screenlet Applied Payments. A payment record was created that you will use to write the paycheck. The amount of the payment is net of any deductions from the items entered in step 5. Those items are displayed in the Items screenlet. Here you can see deductions shown as negative amounts.

  9. In the Applied Payments screenlet click Payment Id text to navigate to the invoice's Payment record.

  10. Click Print As Check in the status menu bar. A PDF that can be printed onto a blank check is created. Print and deliver the check to the employee.

  11. As an optional step you can click the Update button in the Payment Header screenlet and enter the check number in the Comments section. The comments show in the Search Results, this enables you to search for a check number in the Payments search screen.

  12. In the status menu click the Status To Sent button. This triggers the creation of the accounting transactions, they are displayed in the Transactions screenlet. At this point the transactions can set to void.

  13. In the status menu click the Status to Confirmed. The void option is no longer available. You will now return to the Invoice to complete it's transactions.

  14. In the Payments Applied screenlet click the button Invoice Id. The invoice Overview screen opens.

  15. In the status menu click the button Status to Ready. This completes the process.

Check It Out

After you complete the process if you select Accounting Manager > Invoices filter on Invoice Type = Payrol and click Find you will see your invoice at the top of the list. The status should = Paid and the Outstanding amount = 0.

If you select Accounting Manager > Payments filter on Payment Type = Payroll Payment and click Find you will see your payment at the top of the list. The status should = Sent and the Amount Applied = the Amount.

To Copy a Payrol type invoice:

Once you have processed an invoice for an employee you can use the Copy command to duplicate the invoice the next time you need to pay this person.

  1. Log into the Accounting application and select Invoices from the main menu.

  2. In Search Options enter the party id of the payee in the From Party ID and click Find.

  3. In the Invoice Id field click the button for the invoice you want to copy. The invoice Overview screen for the selected invoice opens.

  4. In the status menu click Copy. The screen is refreshed. The screenlets, where appropriate, have Upstate buttons for modifying the copied information.

  5. Click the Update button in the Header screenlet. The Header screenlet opens. Update the Invoice Date and Due Date fields. Click the Update button.

  6. Click Items in the Feature Menu Screen. The items from the copied invoice are populated in the Items screenlet saving you from duplicating the entry process.

  7. Update Items as needed.

  8. Add new items using the Add a new invoice Item screenlet if new items are needed.

  9. When all of the invoice items are correct click Status To Approved button in the menu above the Items screenlet.

  10. The remainder of the process is the same as from step 9 in To crate a Payrol type invoice above.

The above two process appear complex but after you have done them a few time you will see they can be completed very quickly. Practice using the Employee's DemoEmployee, DemoEmployee1, DemoEmployee2, DemoEmployee3 that are set up by the Ant task load-demo.

Agreements are managed in the Accounting application. Employment agreements spell out the terms of employment between a person and your company. This section discusses creating employment agreements and how they are used in the HR App. Additional information about agreements in the Accounting application can be found at Accounting Screens Reference  Agreements.

To create an Employment agreement:

  1. Log into the Accounting application and select Agreements from the main menu.

  2. Click Create Agreement

  3. Leave the Product Id field empty

  4. In Party Id From enter your company's party id.

  5. In Party Id To enter the party id of the employee.

  6. In Role Type Id From select Internal Organization from the drop-down-list

  7. In Role Type Id To select Employment from the drop-down-list.

  8. In Agreement Type Id select Employment from the drop-down-list.

  9. In the Agreement Date field identify the date when the Agreement was originated, accepted, signed, or amended.

  10. In the From Date field enter the start date of the agreement.

  11. In the Thru Date field enter the end date of the agreement.

  12. In the Description field enter a user defined description of the agreement.

  13. Optionally you can enter the text of the agreement in the Text Data field.

  14. Click Agreement Items in the Agreement Menu bar.

  15. Click Create Agreement Item.

  16. Note the Agreement Id in the refreshed display. You will need to know it when you associate the agreement with your employment in the HR App

  17. Select Exhibit from the Agreement Item Type Id drop-down-list.

  18. Select a currency from the Currency drop-down-list.

  19. In the Agreement Text field type or paste the text description of the agreement.

  20. Click Submit.

  21. Note the Agreement Item Seq Id in the refreshed display. You will need to know it when you associate the agreement with your employment in the HR App.

You can use the party manager to perform a number of useful actions including:

  • Create a Person when you need to track people who are not employees like contract employees.

  • Create a User Login when you need to allow a person to login to OFBiz applications. For example a person applying for a position will need a login.

  • Add security groups when you want to allow a person to login to the HR App.

  • You can use Create Employee Relationship when you have a person who has an id and now needs to become an employee. For example someone who applied for a position and was later hired.

  • User Create Internal Organizations to create an organization that can be added to your organization tree so they can be related to positions.

Persons created following the instructions below can be used as follows:

To create a person record;

  1. Login to the Party application. You will need create or admin permission to create a new person.

  2. Click the button Create New

  3. Click the button Create New Person

  4. Inter the required First and Last names and other information that is needed for your business.

  5. Click Save

  6. A new person is created. The persons profile is open where you can create a login

The following assumes you are starting from step 6 in create person record above.

  1. In the User Name(s) screenlet click Create New

  2. Enter a User Login ID, Current Password and Current Password Verify

  3. Click Save

  4. In the screenlet click Save

A generic user login is created that will allow the person to login to the eCommerce application. To login to the HR App you will need to add a security group.


The following assumes you are starting from step 4 in User Login above. There are three HR App specific security groups see Security

  1. Click the menu item Profile

  2. In User Names(s) click the button Security Groups

  3. In the Group drop-down-list select HUMANRES_EMPLOYEE

  4. Click the Add button.

The user now has login permission for the Human Resource application. At this time the user is not an employee of the Company. The user can preform the following operations.

Internal organizations are the building blocks for your companies organizational structure. They can be linked together to form an organization tree using the GUI tree in the HR App Main Page. Here are some steps for setting this up.

If you are building from ant load-demo you can follow the steps below in Create Org Tree.

If you ran ant load-seed, then first follow Prime Company Tree before doing Create Org Tree .

If you ran the ant load-seed then you must "prime" the Company tree form in the HR Main Page by adding at least one relationship between your company and a child internal organization. You must also enter a record using Web Tools to initialize a preference for a default organization and set a value in the file to use your company name as a default organization in drop-down-list.

Create company seed data

  1. Login to the Party application.

  2. Click the button Create New

  3. Click the button Create New Party Group

  4. In the Group Name field enter the name of an top level internal organization (your company name).

  5. Enter any other information about the internal organization that your company would like to track.

  6. Click Save

  7. Click the Roles menu item to open the Add To Role screenlet.

  8. In the Role Type Id drop-down-list select Internal Organization.

  9. Click the Add button

  10. Return to the main Party screen and click Create New

  11. Repeat steps 3-9 using the name of a child organization in step 4 e.g. My Company Name child organization Accounting

  12. Click the Relationships menu item.

  13. See the screenlet "Add other party relationship"

    In field "in the role of" enter select "Internal Organization"

    In field "is A" enter select "Group Member"

    From Party ID lookup and enter the Party Id of your Company

    In field "in the role of" enter select "Internal Organization"

  14. Click the Submit button

Set PartyAcctgPrefAndGroup

  • In the Application Menu select Web Tools

  • In Web Tools Main Page select Entity Data Maintenance

  • Find PartyAcctgPrefAndGroup and click All

  • After the screen refreshes click Create New

  • In the screenlet Edit Value enter your company Id in the partyId field and it's name in the groupName field

  • Click the Create button

You are done with Web Tools and can close the application.


  • In you OFBiz home directory open the file ofbiz21/framework/common/config/

  • Change the line ORGANIZATION_PARTY=Company to ORGANIZATION_PARTY=PartyId_Of_Your_Company



    If you created your company following the steps above then OFBiz will have generated a party id 10000 so the entry should read ORGANIZATION_PARTY=10000

  • Restart OFBiz and logon to the HR App

You should see your company name and child organization name in the tree widget on the Main HR screen.

Proceed to Create Org Tree to finish creating your company organization tree.

In this section you will add internal organizations in the Party application but unlike the process above you will not create the relationships between your internal organizations. This will be done after in the HR App main screen.

The HR App captures a budget id and party id when you create a position and an internal organization and employee id when you create an employment. As a rule then you will need an internal organization for each part of your companies organization that employs a person or budgets for a position so that those transactions can be reported on correctly.

Create Internal Organizations in the Party application.

  1. Login to the Party application. You will need create or admin permission to create a new internal organization.

  2. Click the button Create New

  3. Click the button Create New Party Group

  4. In the Group Name field enter the name of an internal organization.

  5. Enter any other information about the internal organization that your company would like to track.

  6. Click Save

  7. The party group is created and the party profile window opens.



    The system created a sequential numeric id for your new group. Make note of it, you will need it to add your organization to the tree in the HR App

  8. Click the Roles menu item to open the Add To Role screenlet.

  9. In the Role Type Id drop-down-list select Internal Organization.

  10. Click the Add button

  11. Repeat these steps for each internal organization in your company.

The new party groups is now ready to be added to your organization in the HR App.

The Web Tools application has low level features for the use of experienced administrators. The use of the Entity Data Maintenance feature is described here only because there are times when you will need it to configure your reference data. You should not use Entity Data Maintenance to change any application data that is entered in the HR App features.

Use Entity Data Maintenance to create and update entities that can not be managed in the HR App Global HR Settings.



Primary keys must be entered manually. Generally manual primary keys are all upper case with underscores between words and are a meaningful mnemonic i.e. A_PRIMARY_KEY.


When you have completed your work select HR from the Applications menu to return to the Main screen of the HR App.

To create a new entity:

  1. In the Web Tools Main Page select Entity Data Maintenance.

  2. Locate the entity in Entities - Alphabetical

  3. Click Crt to create a new entity.

  4. In the View Value screenlet click Create New

  5. In the Edit Value screenlet enter values for your new entity.

  6. Click Create

To update an entity:

  1. In the Web Tools Main Page select Entity Data Maintenance.

  2. Locate the entity in Entities - Alphabetical

  3. Click Find.

  4. Enter criteria in Search Options

  5. Click Find.

  6. In Search Result click View in the row that displays your entity.

  7. In View Value click Edit.

  8. In Edit Value make changes as needed.

  9. Click Update


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