|[Shale Home|http://struts.apache.org/struts-shale/index.html]|[Wiki Home|Shale]|[User Docs|Shale/UserDocs]|[Index|Shale/SiteMap]|[Guidelines|Shale/WikiGuidelines]|{link-to:@parent}Go Up{link-to}| ---- This wiki page serves both as a guide to help document what can be done with the current Maven 2 build for Shale and also as a way to drive requirements. Please feel free to add or update +Cheat sheet+ | Column | Description | | Command | The Maven 2.x command to run | | Status | The current status of the given command. See the required plugin version list below | | Requires | Special requirements (if any), such as minimum plugin version | | Artifacts | What gets created by running the given Command | +To build all of shale+ (run from the root of your local Subversion checkout of shale) | Command | Status | Requires | Artifacts | | $mvn | success | (MyFaces) | For each project under the root, you'll see \{project\}/target/\{project\}-\{ver\}.jar, | | $mvn -P apps | success | (MyFaces) | In addition to the jars, for each sample app under shale-apps/, \{app\}/target/\{app\}.war | | $mvn -Djsf=ri | success (JSF RI) | | | | $mvn -Pdesigntime | Must have Sun Studio Creator jars installed in your local maven repository, see designtime/pom.xml for details | | | *Note:* The shale-tiger and shale-sql-browser modules will only be built if you are using Java SE 5 (JDK 1.5). The profile is automatically activated by the presence of JDK 1.5, there is nothing extra to add to the command line. *Note:* Profiles may be activated with -P and the profile ID or by -D and a system property with the same name. The following two commands are equivalent: {noformat} mvn -P apps,designtime mvn -Dapps -Ddesigntime {noformat} +To build the Shale web site+ {noformat} mvn site {noformat} +To deploy the Shale web site+ As of 2006-06-19, the site URL is: http://people.apache.org/builds/struts/shale/site {noformat} mvn site site:deploy {noformat} (Repeat for the 'shale-apps' directory) +To build the Shale assembly (distribution)+ {noformat} $ mvn site $ cd shale-dist $ mvn assembly:assembly {noformat} The file(s) will be in target/assembly/out +IDE config files+ To generate IntelliJ IDEA config files for the entire project, use JDK 1.5 (so that shale-tiger and shale-sql-browser will be included) then execute: {noformat} mvn idea:idea -Papps,designtime {noformat}
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