The Apache Ozone website contains all formal releases made by the ozone team. These are builds that are tested and known to be stable. The binaries will work on most Linux distributions and on MacOS.

Download the latest Ozone binary from Ozone downloads

Once you have downloaded the binary file (E.g. ozone-1.4.0.tar.gz) to the directory where you would like to install ozone, please run the following command.

Untaring Ozone
tar xvf ozone-1.4.0.tar.gz
cd hadoop-ozone-1.4.0/
cd compose/ozone
docker-compose up -d --scale datanode=3

At this point, we have downloaded a binary release of Ozone from the Apache and ran it via Docker. Since you have already seen how to run and test ozone via last step, the rest of testing and shutdown of the cluster is exactly same.


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